Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Golden Oldie
Level rating: 8.2

Whew! Or to use the authors own vocabulary: “YAYAYA!!!!!”. Finally some quality.
“Golden Oldie’s Deluxe” is a nice little pack of five beautiful tilesets and five corresponding (example) levels.

“Rocky Greenland” (290 tiles) shows a rocky landscape with hills, clouds, bridges, flowers, stones, water, rain, signs and the like and it uses a kind of very impressing oil painting style (we’ve seen this before from the masterhimself and also from our finnish friend Blade).
“Prison Sewer” (190 tiles) shows the inside of a place, that noone really likes to visit for a longer time. Therefore, it mainly offers walls and stones. Not to forget the wall paintings (“I hate my lawyer”). It also reminds me of a…heh, no, i should better shaddap :-). LOL.
“Alien Homeland” (300 tiles) uses weird looking structures and crazy colours to create the atmosphere of an extraterrestrical place (namely Scotland, as far as i understand :-). Well, all i can say is that it’s fu**ing cool and every talented levelmaker will be able to do a lot with it.
As for “Modern City” (310 tiles), i can understand why Disguise hates cities. If they look like in this tileset, you simply don’t wanna live (or drive :-) there. Well, maybe thats some kind of subtle irony…). Nevertheless, the set includes some nice structures like streets, doors, windows, clouds, stones and steel. The overall look of this set is not too exciting, though.
Last but not least, “Green Matrix” (220 tiles), which shows a lot of green digits (C64 style) plus some other stuff thats hard to describe. It’s not my favourite tileset in this pack as well.
Besides, all tilesets are well-masked in my opinion (i didn’t look too close at it, though).
And indeed, all five sets look quite simple. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t effective (in a sense of good gameplay, having FUN). See? :-)
Apart from all that, the author included five (example) battle levels in his pack. And once again, Disguise sets and stabilizes the standards of modern level making (note: modern level making was always modern :-): the layout is open, the eyecandy is convenient and the weapon and warp placement also fits the needs. Personally, this is still my favourite type of level. I love to play them!
One thing i’m really really missing is the custom music (you know my theory: custom tilesets need custom music). Disguise, you’re one of the gurus when it comes to choosing good music for Jazz2 levels. Don’t bore us with default tunes!
Everything else is just great and it really proves the passion AND the soundness of Disguise’s creations. Besides, i wrote too much…so take my MUST DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON and go playing Jazz!

Review by et

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Queen of B o a r D Macro
Level rating: N/A

I think its good that someone made a demo of how to complete QOB. I suggested that in my review of macros :). If you don’t want to download it, don’t. Its just the level is HUGE and some people might need to know where a trigger is or somthing, its like a tutorial.

Review by BLARGERS

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

That was so hard!!! I had to cheat like all the time! like 7 million times… and the coins …and the god mode…. not the fly tho…

(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by BLARGERS

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

AWESOME!!! I would have giving it “10”… But the example level is too hard! I died a lot…:-(

(TILESET! This is a TILESET. You do not rate the example level! This is also a bad review. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by BLARGERS

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cooperative (Try 2)
Level rating: 8.6

it was AWESOME!!!! so fun! I like back stabbing in it!! it’s great fun to trap the other guy, or just leave them on the ground, while you fly away with the fly carrot!!!

(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by VeggieMan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Battleship
Level rating: 7.7

I was gonna give this a 7.5 but for some reason I got stuck a number of times. I dunno how that happend. But I guess it’s just my luck

Review by Unknown Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Queen of B o a r D Macro
Level rating: N/A

Actually, he/she did not download this. You’re telling someone off for something they did not do.

Personally, I have no wish to “cheat” in this way. As you said, and later got annoyed about, I shall thus not download this file.

Review by Phoneix

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Queen of B o a r D Macro
Level rating: N/A

You didn’t read my notice in the description and also in my text file. It says in caps “If you do not want to cheat do not download/install this file” So in other words if YOU want to cheat, fine. if you want to be honest, fine.

“To Each His Own.”

Review by FireSworD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Queen of B o a r D Macro
Level rating: N/A

Cheating ruins everything but thats my opinion. It’s your choice…

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wind Meister2
Level rating: 7.4

Ninja, I know you’re waiting for me to review and rate this. But i’ll wait for the final release. Anyway this was wayyyyyy too easy!!!

Review by FireSworD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Catz Hotel tileset (v1)
Level rating: 2.8

Why can’t there be more tilesets like Mez or the Heaven tilest by Agama? [This review has been edited by Fire Sword!]

Review by patat

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6


(Removed!!!!!!! ~Violet) [This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Project Cataclysm v1.1 (FINISHED)
Level rating: 9.1

Whee! Eat this 9!(tastes great with ketchup)

Ow, and what is J2HG anyway?:-P

Review by merder

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

cool levels but you can yust play it til the next christmas becouse there was no warp target found.

Review by crystals mr

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Catz Hotel tileset (v1)
Level rating: 2.8

catz this is a good tileset i like the colours.

Review by patar

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Project T
Level rating: 5.8


Projekt T has bugs like Cell said with Hi it right : Hd or Hn. But if chat faster with it the letters are totaly wrong. Nice program but really really many bugy. Just a 4 cause the Bugs.

Review by merder

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cracco Practice & Race
Level rating: N/A

great for niewbies[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Gemz, Volume I: The Beginning
Level rating: 8.4

I think that these levels are excellent! Very innovative and original, a lot of fun to play! Makes you wonder why there are so few TH levels out there. I hope you make more TH packs! Also, very good eye-candy, great-looking levels. I can’t believe someone (who will remain nameless at the moment ;) ) rated so low.

BTW: I like the missing background effect in that one level, it is one occassion where that is cool. Once I made a layer 8 bg transparent… it was semi-blurred, but not very noticible. (That level is not released at the time).

Also, about the belts – there is an event (acc-belt, I think) that works the same as a belt, but I think it should work on corners. Hope that helps.

Another Jazz 2 fan

DOWNLOAD NOW!!![This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]

Review by Sr Jp Cb At

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wind Meister2
Level rating: 7.4

This level was nice and annoying, as all tests should be, But it did have some problems.
One Being that the airboard in level 10 should regenerate faster;
One Being that (as Violet said) there was only one test in the whole thing that included green blocks;
One Being that 15 takes too long to finish ;P
But other than that, The level is quite fun to complete, So the rating goes to about an 8.
Nice work.

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wind Meister2
Level rating: 7.4

Still not all that hard….. However, it’s a good half hour or something of fun, I guess. Unfortunately, I liked Wind Meister better then this. Problems included….

An airboard test.
An obvious lack of green blocks.
An airboard test.
Those huge long tubes that you have to go left in in order to reach the next floor.
An airboard test. (Did I mention I hate airboard tests?)

Note to Sr Jp Cb At:
There is no way to get airboards to generate faster then that that I know of except for the airboard SCE (Super fast spawn!) which only works in single player.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]