very nice & funny
Back in 2001, when I was brand new to JCS, I made a little precious level. The tileset was Damn 2 and I think the title was “Turtle Nightmare” or something similar. It was a few rooms on a linear path with all sorts of powerups and ammo; no doubt inspired by the final level in Quake. For my third or fourth level ever created, it was pretty good looking, because there were few tilebugs (I hated tilebugs 10 years ago and I still do now), and the path was varied, with some slopes and bridges and even some eyecandy like arrows or the tree stumps thrown here or there. At the end of the path stood a signpost, with a rather curious text string saying: “Did Devan Shell violate the copyright by cloning himself?”. Considering what’s happening in the world right now, with all sorts of crap like DRM and VeVo and region-locking, I think that joke was a bit ahead of its time.
The punchline, however, was dropping down into the final room and seeing it literally fill with Devan bosses to the brim. I always had a kick out of it when I’d stand on a platform above the (roughly 100+) Devans and try to snipe them with Seekers. It was a bit funny to see the missile flail around after its target like mad. You could also jump into the horde and try to knock them out from the map with TNT, and then when you’d run into the opposite side of the room, some would appear back inside! The best thing, however, was when trying to leave the arena and restock, there would be more bosses appearing at where the powerups are. That might have been the ‘nightmare’ part of it but I’m not sure now. All in all, it was a pretty crap level, but it was original, and most certainly winnable without cheats. I’d probably rate it like 1.8 or 2.
This level isn’t as good though.
(I lol’d, but this still doesn’t defend your score in any significant way, as is required for non-quick reviews. Rating clearance. ~Violet)
i know what to do xd
1) open karrot shire
2) click on New Game or Continue Game
3) click on “Start JJ2 (Offline…)”
4) Find the Jazz2.exe
5) you’re ready to play
Why should someone skipp the boss? It’s killable…
Great level, definitely worth a try especially in bigger games.
Because that’s waste of time to make the queen fall down and you better skip it.
Definitely a good concept-level. I actually had something similar in mind, but gj anyway cel!
This level is most convenient with lots of players indeed. Download and try!
A full review.
Story: Well… there is barely any story. The two levels fit nicely together but well…
Music: Is allright.
Eyecandy: Well, it is nearly the most you could make of this tileset. However, though I dislike tileset rate-downs, this time I will do because you simply can’t go wrong at all with this tileset… you made however a few tilebugs which were easy to avoid because of the simplicity of the tileset.
On the plus side, there was some creativity with the Layer 3 usage at times.
Flow/general gameplay: Allright, sometimes a bit annoying. Well playable with either Jazz and Spazz, but Lori needs to golden jump sometimes. The level is fairly difficult… however, try next time using different difficulty settings.
Sometimes I couldn’t find the required trigger crates / trigger scenery, which was very annoying… especially if a lot is covered with layer 3.
After beating the second level, you start over with the first while you just said “I hope you enjoyed playing”… next time try using “ending” instead of the filename of the first level in the “Next level” string.
However, good things were the amount of secrets which also adds up to the replay value of a level, and that there were NO BUGS with the scenery which is quite rare if someone uses a lot of triggers.
Enemy placement: Allright. Sometimes a bit too few, sometimes a bit too many but they were well placed. There could be a bit more enemies on hard mode… there are no different difficulties right now.
Pickup placement: A lot was hidden in secrets… there could be a bit more ammo and maybe the occasional carrot outside of those secrets though (especially at easy mode).
Replay Value:
It is a level you might replay once after you’ve beaten it.
However, there is no difference between easy and hard here, but this level is despite that harder than most other SP levels.
There are a lot of secrets to find here. However, the tileset used, on the other hand, does not help because it is one of the blandest JJ2 tilesets around.
No different difficulty settings: -0,5
DR: Yes, but you might play this only once, if the blandness of the tileset is annoying you too much. It is a good level (the two levels are essentially one like the author said) worth playing though.
Hey all, I’m still alive. And I’d be pretty immensely grateful to get some feedback on my little nugget. Any feedback is welcome! Thank you!
Happened to play this level with some other from Anniversary bash collection.
Very good level)
A bit strange level, nice background, a pair of campy places(a bit annoying), genius gameplay… Good luck with your next works.
A small review for you.
I liked the eyecandy very much, it was decent and never used before. Only the rain is falling very slow.
The layout is a bit dissapointing. The level hasn’t any kind of plants or something at layer 5, just some cave stuff. Could have placed some more cave/plants and all that other stuff.
The level is the same at both sides. It’s clearly done with Ctrl + F. Isn’t very creative to do actually.. I see some tilebugs too which shouldn’t be there..
The gameplay is not good but not bad aswell.., it might be fun to play but it has some weird things in it. Like the bouncer powerup, it is well placed but it’s campy and hard to make your way to the PU.
The RF’s are only getable by Electro which is spammed at a few places. I think people just want to play the map and don’t want to get ammo first to get other ammo.
The carrot is a bit campy too.
Also the spring overlaunches you to the base and the C, that makes the flow kind of bad. But the flow is good, except those 2 springs.
I don’t like the music choice for this map, it doesn’t fit it.
The lighting and sounds are too much placed or placed at a wrong tile where it shouldn’t be used.
Well! Since it’s fun to play this level I’ll give you a 7.
It still has flaws
EYECANDY:It is good,plenty of stuff in the layers
FLAWS:why is there food in it?
I opened it up in JCS and it said that the event (Chesire2) was illegal in multiplayer maps.
OH and i guess i should mention I played this in a JDC event and I liked it GJ CelL
I completely agree with Jgke,
Even if you did make it work that it would require other player confirmation, I could just make a memory edit that would just ignore the check.
Don’t make a radar-like program, It will most likely be edited to be used as an advantage.
my opinion is no to automatic update, Leaving it N/A
I’ll do a quickie here about this level.
The eyecandy and placement of stuff is good, while the rest (music, flow, gameplay, rushing) is bad. I tested it with a duel against Nerd, and while the level does have a good placement of ammunition and carrots, the gameplay itself unfortunatively is not as good. It is really easy to recap and maybe even rush with the lower team (whichever it was) if the upper team decides to do one single thing other than going the straightest way to the other base. The music also is a bit unfitting, the music could be a bit more techno or ambient based.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.