Good work. I give all of them together 8 and then an extra 0.2 because your in GpW and GpW rulez all. ~VeggieMan
AAH! This program should get the high rating :P
It’s better than BETA 3
Is it just me or does the first one seem harder than this one? oh well, nothing i have to comment about this except the music… It’s very annoying
when your fustrated. I prefer a songs like in Violet CLMs “Copter Tests” that aren’t annoying when fustrated. I think the next “Wind Meister” should have a more “detailed” tileset like “Mez04” or well… You’ll think of something. Not bad Black Ninja.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!This test is far too hard for me, but for the test freaks out there, DOWNLOAD THIS!
White Rabbit.
I love DBZ !! :)
(Don’t rate levels just because you like related TV shows. Sigh. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I downloaded the pack and it is better than I tought ! I will better rate a 10 :)
Wheeeee it works. This Program rocks !And the Instagib modus is Great. Idlea server Rulez and good blocking. I give a 8.5
First try or not, this is bad.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
YAY! It works. :-D Especislly the instagib mode, it rocks! :-D
This program gets an 8 and an download recommendation from me.
White Rabbit.
What Violet said but problem is the hurts, they only effect the local host so they should go.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
tileset is lacking detail, lacking needed tiles like poles, a text sign, vines, destruct senery, and most of all, a background.
Okay, its a first try, so you god a lil’ higher, but still no d/l recomendation
Yay! It doesn’t work! Again, due to Win2k. Thank you Billy Gates! You suck the LEVELARD out of everything! I wish I wish was l33t like j00!
It’s nice (wish i could rate it).
sweet sweet sweet! this is one of the best level packs i have ever played. some of the levels are a bit hard(mines of moria) but still cool with a cool ending. this is ALOT better than Tomb Rabbit(which was boring as crap) 10 POINTS!! DOWNLOAD NOW!!!
When i downloaded the level i saw the example is was cool! when i finally made my own level it turned out 2 be 2 hip 2 b cool(that wasnt the name of my lvl) and i used the file 70’s grove.mod the lvl was cool alltogether
Prison sewer: 4 out of 5 stars. I really like the color scheme. It looks like the set that is the one that Disguise spent most of his time on.
Modern city: 4 out of 5 stars. Good balanced colors, tight drawings.
Rocky Greenland: 3 out of 5 stars. The author tried it’s best, but imho the design is too messy. Bad shading on the rocks and more things like that.
Green Matrix: 2 out of 5 stars.
It doesn’t hurt my eyes, but it’s boring.
Alien homeland: too much colors. They don’t fit together. Shading is bad. 2,5 out of 5 stars.
Well Violet, can you explain the ratings?
Moo! I’m the lowest rater so far, phoo! Anyway. The tilesets are great, especially if they are really drawn by hand (and I don’t think you are lying, Disguise). They have all a bit 3D look (I mean, well… Guess ;). Oh well, nothing more to write. Only one thing, they could be a bit bigger. mOO. I’m weird, goodbye and grab the 7.5.
Rated terribly high by the others, not by me. It’s good, but nothing special. I’ve seen way better. This certainly goes back to Disguise’s earlier drawing style which was not-so-good-and-original in my opinion.
I only liked two of them pretty much, the green one, and I guess the Alien one wasn’t to bad either.
It’s just okay :P But I still don’t get why Disguise didn’t just took all of his free time making one very good set instead of 5 just okay ones.
And btw, the name doesn’t make any sence. —New
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.