Oh, very nice conversion.
Colors are messy on some events like pinball. (Wishes skies…)
Good but people could get stuck in the sewer part.
One of your first levels? I’m impressed. There are several text events which try to be funny (including “Holy Chickens” +1) and stuffness.
There’s also ok weapon placement, and good use of powerups.
Unfortuntately, there’s no Jazz start, and there are lots of hurt events.
Above average by two points it is.
(Unapproved rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
sweet. 7th lava fall is my fav tileset.
The tileset was great, but the download type sais “battle”, and because of that I will only rate the level.
I don’t think it is too great really, and that is why I gave it a 5. Anything below 5 I consider bad, and anything above it I consider above average. So basicly, this level is average.
I may have given it a 6, but I really really hate how you have to go up with those airboards to get to the level. What is the point of that? The weapon placement in this level is OK, but it could be better. Same goes with the eyecandy.
I can’t say much more about this level. I don’t like the layout much at all, so you can’t get any higher than a 5 from me.
Ok, I have changed my rating to take the tileset into consideration. I am too lazy to edit my review itself though, so blah. The score has been changed from 5 to 6.5. I give the tileset a 7.5 and the level a 5. 6.5 is the average rounded up because I am such a nice person.[This review has been edited by EvilMike]
I like these conversions, and I may even use one if I feel like it. I will not give this a higher score however, because I notice a few problems in the tilesets.
The main problem is the masking. While it is good in the majority of them, some of them have what I call “bumpy walls”. What I mean by that is the masking on the walls is not completly flat. This can hinder the flow of a level because people don’t really like being able to cling to walls when they are trying to fall, and in extreme cases the player may even get stuck. It is usually best to make the masks of your levels as simple as possible by avoiding bumps and whatnot and trying to make every tile have smothe edges.
Another less noticable flaw is that the animated tiles do not quite match up perfectly, but it is hard to make them good, so I will not hold that aganst you too much. I also found that that two or three of the tilesets are a bit lacking in that they are missing a few tiles or don’t have destruct scenery.
Overall though, this tileset pack has some quality jazz1 conversions and it has earned a 7.5 out of 10 from me. I reccomend that you download this.
Very good lvl and an OK tileset and well chosen music. (It rocks, but not more than the pyramids though ;) There isn’t really anything wrong with the tileset, only the lvl. I’ve discovered some bugs ya might wanna fix Cell: the lowest engine of the spacecraft has a gap where ppl can get stuck at. That’s all. Good weapons placement and blablablah and so on :) It’s an 7.7!
White Rabbit.
REPLY TO EVILMIKE: Oops! Sry, I must’ve done a mistake in the uploading. ;-P It’s supposed to be “Mutiple”, not “Battle” so plz review the tileset too Evilmike. (Or else Cell is definetely gonna do something to me…argh!)[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Well, well…now what is this? More tileset conversions by Cell? They’re very good actually but since I dunno what the original tilesets look like, I can’t compare, sry. All I’m gonna say is: Good work Cell, you’ve earnt this 8. :-)
White Rabbit.
As Violet had stated the Mask was bad. Plus the text signs were a bit sloopy and so was the ground and all. Tests were too easy! (But no points will be taken off for that). It was fun and it’s a classic (it’s how I got into CC).
The Level design was very well. The only problem I see is that the weapons are all bunched up together, that’s not quite fun. You should separate the weapons. And the Dock idea was petty good, but annoyingly people might wait there and not come out. Put about 1 or 2 more carrots also.
Good music chosen also!
They look good, and they look like mirror images of the original good job you earned this!
Well, it’s a accurate (not sure HOW accurate) conversion of Jazz 1: Battleships that seems to be only missing one or two tiles I can think of.
The battle level is rather average, with some nice placement of things but hindered by the annoying large outer space area. (Boring)
The music is good.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Just goes to show you…. Old games weren’t as complicated as the games of today. If you mix the two, the old game seems really easy. anyway.. I’ll make the lvls harder When (if?) I make the rest of the game. Plus, with the amount of lvls in the whole game, it won’t seem as easy as the firts 4 alone.
I love this tileset because i love Cracco tournament and others but i hate (bad ratings like mine) !!!!
(Personal attack and rating removal edit. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I think it is an okay attempt, but you really might want to learn it a little more before submitting it.
No backround
Jazz is a green ‘blob’
Bullets are to streched out
Needs to be a baddie ;)
NOTE: CE is an updated version of CC, CC is an updated version of CLC, CLC is an updated version of CL, and CL is an updated version of CBTG (my first tileset ever).
A few nice ideas.
This is a test.
It took me about 20 minutes.
It is weird.
The mask is bad.
A few bad ideas.
The level hurts my eyes.
The tileset is a tiny bit moderated version of CE.
Download if you like.
pretty good, but easy.
wish i could hear the music (my speakers seemed to have stopped working)
, but at least i have gyrphones of the west (from tyrian2000) stuck in my head.
looks like mario.
bla, bla, bla…
Yay, it works. Hooray for working downloads, and everyone who made them happen. ;D
Well, these seem to be reprocuctions of Mario levels. I’ve never seen the game they came from, so I wouldn’t know, but they look and play right.
Bad Mask.
A Mask? :P
Oops, forgot a rating. La la la la.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Don’t make me laugh. :P (LOL…)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.