It’s an effort, but it’s a draft form of Jazz Jackrabbit… or should I say a “cell” form :D
I’m also taking Computer Studio Art (3D Studio Max), too _’
just an update on Wind Meister 2.
the level is coming along nicely! it is a bit more compatible with low detail, but i HIGHLY reccomend you play on High detail…and 16 bit would be a wise choice, too. Expect to see it out before Christmas.
i haven’t heard the music..i’ve only played online. but going by the experience i had then, i’ll write a review.
Eye Candy – 8.8
this is good eye candy, but some of the destruct tiles look a little out of place.
Fun Factor – 9.5
this level is really fun to play!
overall, a really good level. a suggested download by me….but Cracco Mountain is still my fav. ;p
A battle level. (+1)
It uses the superb tileset, “Odyessy”. (+2) (Happy, BlurredD?)
It is a bad use of it. Maybe because the tileset is almost impossible to use. (Except by the creator) (-1)
The design isn’t all that good. (-2)
There is an area that you can not get out of at all.(-2)
The music, while good, is NOT a perfect fit. (+0.5)
There are nice lighting effects. (+1)
Bad Eyecandy. (-0.5)
It has a decent name. (+1)
Totally average. (=5)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
It’s not that it’s bad (except the looks, and the masks, and some other things) it’s just near impossible to find everything! I had to bring in a JCS just to get out of the very first place! (With the long green passageway) How are other people supposed to know what you think of obvious?
Ok, me back again for an edit. URJazzCC and I (using teamwork, paitence and a lot of yelling) managed to beat this entire level. Are we the first? :D Thus, I give this level one more point then I did before. Very nice level you made there, Cracco Boy. Just a little insane. :P[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Jessie….Don’t give reviews when you haven’t even played the level!
And for other people…Don’t review unless you’ve played the whole thing, I noticed that some people just review even if they never used it (Like my Idle program, people said it didn’t work, so they rated it bad, but it’s like rating a level you can’t play!)
Review :
This was a fun but VERY hard level. Me and Violet were working on it for a long time, and cracco boy even showed me where some of them were before. And as Violet mentioned, the eyedany and mask weren’t any good.
Good level, download recemendation?
Ya, especially if you like hard![This review has been edited by URJazzCC]
It’s so stupid. All your levels are stupid. I’m Cazz NJ, Remember?
I really think Jessie is better+I changed my clan name to The New Paradigm.
[Low status for you.][This review has been edited by Fquist]
First of all it’s way too short! But at least it’s 3d like the Author said, doesn’t really look like Jazz Jackrabbit, conclusion 2.7 for trying and making it 3d.
This is an average CTF level, (thankfully not called “Float CTF” or something boring like that) with a lack of ammo.
The design is not the best, but it does have some good points. The Blue Base seems easier to get to.
Overall, this is a 6.7 level.
(Unsupported rating removal CTF. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
ARGH! Super Saiyan, call me WR!
GRRRRRRRR! >:@ >:@
Oh, btw, thanks for ya review, and thanks to Unhit too. :-)
???[This review has been edited by Flea]
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[This review has been edited by Flea][This review has been edited by Flea]
BAH! I could do much better than that…
All there is in the short video is an very bad (and round) designed Jazz withpout any colours except green and no face either holding an weird looking gun shooting egg shaped bullets. If I was the author of this I would be ashamed…
The bullets are the best part…
Well I’d give this prog a 2 because I can in some way say that you stole my idea :P Any way it has the same problem as my Project T. It can’t spell on my computer (I wonder why). It writes ? instead of D and similar things… Text is kinda hard to erase. If I compare it to my prog it’s bigger in size, less functions and it needs a dll. file.
But on the end it’s OK.
I give a nice 8.
Bobby! Don’t give Spazzyman any more VB ideas!
Actually I knew how to edit memory BEFORE you gave me the source (told you many times). It just needed to be edited a bit. And about the idea… I was the first one who created a text decoration progrm that works in-game.[This review has been edited by Overlord]
Let me get to the point. The gameplay of the level isn’t too bad at all, but float ups aren’t my favourite thing to have. Although thats just my opinion. The eyecandy was ok, it couldv’t been better. The amount of ammo was just about right. The backround was above average. Download recommendation? Sure!
Thanks, I always knew my old tilesets were intresting..
This level is crap tho..[This review has been edited by Newspaz]
I know you expected me to give this a 10. The rooms are everywere… Do I have a room in this? Its a mess…if you want any lvl help, ask me!
Ok, people don’t like this style. Thank you for the informative information, everyone. Different style next battle, then. :-D
By the way, it’s supposed to be small. Nine battle rooms, all exactly the size of the screen on the highest resolution. :P
Ok, Ninja, that was rather cruel. Lowering your rating to a 2 just because the Mez tileset only had 9 tiles. What’s the sense of that?
I’m not talking back to you, mister “I’ll lower my rating to a one for no reason”.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.