Did someone say this is short….
…you should try with Spaz…
Nice levelpack.
I particularly liked the Jazz1:Diamondus tileset and the car level.
But in the last level you get stuck in the wall,because the warp target is too near the wall….
just another fine program recommended
by your friendly neighborhood super saiyan:goten
This is a huge improvement from your first tileset, Ultimate World :). I’m glad to see that you still kept the ‘wide range of different tiles’ stype in this tileset. I can’t beleave you reduced that to 161 colours, I’m amazed, I wouldn’t mind using that palette program to fix up ETs Planet3, I’ve managed to somehow use up 1029 colours when all I have done is the submarine, which is blue…. we all live in a blllllue submarine :) Anyway I’m glad to see a wellmade quallity tileset. I luv the way you’ve made the whole tileset have extra red and blue tiles, it makes it good for making CTF levels and shows you where the base is. Well, I can’t really think of much more to say…….oh, also, did you use a plug in called Blade pro for some of the tiles?
These levels are alright. I like them. Though the music, the eyecandy and the tileset are poor, the gameplay is good. Let’s take a look at these levels..
UR Legend: 7
This one seems to be the oldest, and the construction and gameplay are OK.
UR the legend continues: 7,3
This level is quite interesting. It’s big and the puzzles are cool (I like the area in the mountain the most).
UR World: 7,5
This one is definately an improvement of the other two, but it lost it’s originality.
total score: 7,2
Though the idea is stolen from me, URjazzCC made good use of the idea :)[This review has been edited by CraccoBoy]
Jazz is just a bunch of polygons stuck together no effort to make him even look like Jazz (organic modeling). All he does is shoot bullets for no absolute reason. Not a turtle in sight. Jazz dosen’t even move he just sits there. I was expecting a movie where Jazz would move around and shoot turtles. I am terribly dissapointed.
The Level is WheeFun to play and get through but its really not very hard.
I have yet to beat 12, but I havent played it in a while. =P
The hardest one, I thought was lvl 3 ;P
Dont Ask why.
So All in all I give it a 7.5
Yea, this is a great lvl!! maybe the graphics aren’t the best we’ve ever seen, But Cracco himself said that it uses an old tileset, so don’t expect eye popping graphics (not an actual quote, but he did say that, only worded differanty) I, personally like this lvl. it’s challengeing, and good for 1 player play, or net play, where you can work on a team with other clients to find the coins.
Great gamepaly.
Well I agree with you JJ. Some are tooooo hard. The first 2 levels were made a looong time ago, and the 2nd one is probably the hardest. But If you guys want something good…Try UR Worlds, it’s the best of the bunch. UR Legend is O.K. but UR The Legend Continues is too hard.
P.S. I’m sorry too JJ.
Sorry URJazzCC but I had to say this, are the Time and Rainbow Coins available as 1 player. And did you fix the Thunder coin, yet? I’ll edit my review with a rating after I win :). And the Dragon, and World Coin?
There’s something wrong with the level, Cracco test the level out, and see for yourself.[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]
Well this was quite good. I beat the whole pack several months ago. This was one of the first puzzle levels I ever conquered. They were fun exciting, everything! Excellent use of triggers. My only complain was that some puzzle seemed virtually impossible to figure out.
PS: Hey URJazzCC sorry about fighting wiht you that day, btw you were right the black t.v. is messed up. I can’t submit HT6 to J2O until I get your update. Apology accepted, now please tell me when you make the bug fix to the tv and you can give me the new tileset. BTW, I fixed all the t.v.‘s in every room, except for the black ones.
[This review hassjfdjfsl;fjdssdajl; been edited by JJ Tublear][This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]
I disagree with the 6.7… This is a fine CTF level Disguise made. The size of the level is good, the use of float ups is also nice, the powerup and weapen placement is fine..BlahBlahBlahBlah…
“cell” form? Thats an insult!(to me:-D)
(But there is too much pickups)
The tileset is really interesting…
Eyecandy in this level is…bad.
And you should never use enemies in battle level.
I guess you’re new jcs user.
Hey,this time I understood the text in the level… =P
SSJ, be nice. It’s his first try on 3D stuff.
Anyway. The “Jazz” is like a pumped up green rabbit, while holding a blue pipe and shooting eggs :). I don’t like it too much, but it’s not too bad at all. You can get a 4.0 for this.
This is a GREAT level, and it took years before it became like this!
it’s really hard, and even I, I’m not THAT good in jj2 but i helped making the level, even I couldn’t complete the level without using MW!
A long, long time ago, we also decided to make a whole Cracco World, and it was in the same period as LoC was made, this project never finished ;)
[You shouldn’t rate levels you helped with -Fquist][This review has been edited by Fquist]
Hmm…yes…i agree with Violet…
She already Write evrything…
Whan can i say?
Its Ok?
NO! But it isnt that BAD! isnt it?
Whatta censored is THAT!!!
This Single Lvl StinkzZzZz…
Maybe 3 bosses are little bit to much!!!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.