Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 3d video
Level rating: 2.5

BAH! I could do much better than that…

All there is in the short video is an very bad (and round) designed Jazz withpout any colours except green and no face either holding an weird looking gun shooting egg shaped bullets. If I was the author of this I would be ashamed…

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 3d video
Level rating: 2.5

The bullets are the best part…

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cool Text
Level rating: 8

Well I’d give this prog a 2 because I can in some way say that you stole my idea :P Any way it has the same problem as my Project T. It can’t spell on my computer (I wonder why). It writes ? instead of D and similar things… Text is kinda hard to erase. If I compare it to my prog it’s bigger in size, less functions and it needs a dll. file.
But on the end it’s OK.
I give a nice 8.

Bobby! Don’t give Spazzyman any more VB ideas!

Actually I knew how to edit memory BEFORE you gave me the source (told you many times). It just needed to be edited a bit. And about the idea… I was the first one who created a text decoration progrm that works in-game.[This review has been edited by Overlord]

Review by MR MAGOO

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Windy Windup
Level rating: 7.1

Let me get to the point. The gameplay of the level isn’t too bad at all, but float ups aren’t my favourite thing to have. Although thats just my opinion. The eyecandy was ok, it couldv’t been better. The amount of ammo was just about right. The backround was above average. Download recommendation? Sure!

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Windows 95
Level rating: 3.9

Thanks, I always knew my old tilesets were intresting..

This level is crap tho..[This review has been edited by Newspaz]

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 3d video
Level rating: 2.5

lol and thats a ?

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: HotelBunnyTbt
Level rating: 1.6

I know you expected me to give this a 10. The rooms are everywere… Do I have a room in this? Its a mess…if you want any lvl help, ask me!

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Energy Grid
Level rating: 6.3

Ok, people don’t like this style. Thank you for the informative information, everyone. Different style next battle, then. :-D

By the way, it’s supposed to be small. Nine battle rooms, all exactly the size of the screen on the highest resolution. :P

Ok, Ninja, that was rather cruel. Lowering your rating to a 2 just because the Mez tileset only had 9 tiles. What’s the sense of that?

I’m not talking back to you, mister “I’ll lower my rating to a one for no reason”.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fearful Cry
Level rating: 7.7

A very good battle for a first with really neat eyecandy and OK weapons placement.

The lvl’s got loads of tubes and warp stuff and other sciency stuff and it looks well and at the same time provide the player with some faster means of transport.

The eyecandy really differs from some other lvls, what I’m trying to say is that there’s so called 2 in 1 eyecandies so it means that it’s also functioning as an decoration and also as something else which you don’t see in every single lvl these days…

Gameplay’s also pretty good with springs in the right place and there’s also plenty of unpredictable warps and suckertubes around. However, I don’t think you’ve used the bands to their fully cabability Monolith and you could’ve added more of’em to make the lvl better.

Well, overall, this lvl’s got neat eyecandy, good gameplay and OK weapons placement. It’s an 8! :-)


White Rabbit.

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 3 X lvls
Level rating: 2.8

Ok first of all -0.5 off for including Diamondus Secret. -0.5 points off for including Gargoyles Lair. -2 Points off for saying their your levels, when they’re really secret levels included in the game. -3 Points off a possible 10, which drops you to 7.

Ok now the eye candy is pretty bad, you overflowed the level with badguys (I made this mistake once, too!). There are no Powerups, not enough weapons. The walls, ground, and collapsing scenery are sloppily made. Replace these tiles with blocks, or just remove the collapsing scenery.

3 Bosses, are too much to fight! I’m sorry but the only thing I can say positive about the level is that you included toaster ammo, which is useful when killing the Bugs. I’m sorry to have to write my review like this!
And btw don’t ever try taking credit for something that isn’t yours! Gargoyles Lair, and the Diamondus Secret level that you included are not what you made. They are secret levels that came with Jazz Jackrabbit 2, they don’t belong to you.[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Energy Grid
Level rating: 6.3

Okay, the CrItIc has arvived:p.

The springs where VERY anoying, making it hard to move around in this level. The ammo placement is nice(
i guess). The “dancing” blocks are also very iritating. The design is`nt that good also.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Eva Level
Level rating: 5.7

Yep, its 1.2 alright. Note that all you make in 1.24 JCS is only for 1.24. I have spoken.

But now the level:
My first point: Its not CTF:-P. The level is very small. Alomost no ammo. Dont use shields in MP. The Evas are pointless(except for being the levels main theme). So:

Dont download this. Its just not worth it:-].


Review by $p@zt!ç

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Eva Level
Level rating: 5.7

This is a 1.24 version level,
so change that.
It is a nice level, but the gameplay sucks!
Sorry, but you should make your levels bigger nicer and more complicated. This is just run, jump and score.
Graphics: 8
Gameplay: 4
Idea’s: 6
Overall: 6

UR$p@zt!ç aka Razz aka Myst, (no not the spaztic ya all know)


Spaztic: The Site
[This" target="_blank">[This review has been edited by $p@zt!ç][This review has been edited by $p@zt!ç]

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Energy Grid
Level rating: 6.3

Because my whole MSN list is offline (poor me) I’ll review this.
Whargh. I got mad, when I touched one spring I got bumped to another spring which bumped me to another spring… I recommend you to get enough freezers. The ammo came back a bit fast.
As said, every kind of ammo has its own room. Hmmm… The bouncer room was a bit weird. the blocks were moving so I couldn’t get out of there and the blue springs were very annyonning.Overall, there was too much ammo. The music didn’t fit and the tileset was a bit boring (duh, only 9 tiles…). Anyway, I didn’t like it too much. You can get a 5.7 out of this. Grab it.

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Roseta's battlepack1
Level rating: 3.5

All slightly below average levels. Cool Life and the carrotus one looked like they were sort of stopped in the middle, because there’s just this big wall on the right. Bleh. And shields are used.

However, there are a few things I like about these. The stars in the Mez01 level for example. Reminded me of Math Rescue. And there were a few interesting things about Cool Life.

As a closing note, don’t say a all battle pack is multiple. It means multiple types of gameplay, not multiple levels. :P[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: CW, Cracco Winter
Level rating: 8.2

I’m trying to only rate the uncopied tiles here. Sorry.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: CF, Cracco Future
Level rating: 8

After seeing several Cracco tlesets, they all start to look the same.

Download recommendation? Go ask the next reviewer…
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by CraccoBoy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cracco Snowdust (Village)
Level rating: 8.1

What errors? Maybe I can try to help/fix.

Review by MR MAGOO

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Energy Grid
Level rating: 6.3

Indeed, it is a small level, although it’s gameplay and eyecandy that counts. The gameplay was horrible! Violet, enough with the springs already!It really makes hard for people to move! The amount of ammo was pretty good. The eyecandy could have been better. Recommendation? Figure that out for yourself.

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Windows 95
Level rating: 3.9

Hmpf! Very bad lvl indeed, very bad indeed…the music doesn’t fit the lvl nor the tileset at all and the weapons, baddies and events placement is poorly done. To don’t complicate matters, I’m just gonna say seven words: worst SP lvl I have ever seen!

Try to spend more effort and time in yer lvls Miika-Matias, then they may turn out to be of higher quality.

BTW: Interesting tileset, needs more tiles though or else it looks…too blocky. ;-)