I kinda like this, now i can Chat without someone can kick my but.
Well…it works OK…
I dont see any negative points one it…(To bad i cant kill others with it, not
that i am a rookie.:))
It works fine. I cant be harmed. And if its on, you cant harm anyone else too, wich makes it imposible for rookies to abuse it. I strongly recomed iCeD and Monolith to download the 1.23 version:-D
NOTE: There is some bug in here. If using this in a CTF game, the user can still capture the flag and score a point.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
yeah, I can’t play it either, Magoo uploaded it wrong the 2nd time :p
The solution is to download the tileset from Blades Battle Pack ( I hope its in there) because other people seem to have the tileset ( they must have got it from somewhere)
A very great proggie!
Great part with launching levels
in both JJ2 and JCS!
NOTE: Jazz2’s folders can’t have spaces.
Otherwise, launcher options wouldn’t work. Why? – JC uses DOS to start JCS and JJ2. (Many people don’t use spaces, so there’s no points down.)
I thought the level was cool, it was creative and fun. Some little bugs here and there though. And I ran out of Bouncers in the middle of the maze. So before I read the readme I found the TNT and used it on the Bouncer only enemies. I cheated once to find the secret under #4 area. Cool level, Cracco!
WOW! Absolutely fabulous! Great eyecandy! I’ll just give this tile a brief review:
There’s loads of metallic 3D blox around, background stuff like mountains and acid rain, blox for destroying, vines, caves stuff, weird looking hooky thingys (or warp thingys), bridges and stuff, good looking texts and all sorts of spacey stuff. And…of course everythings neatly toned. ;-)
I’ll give this an MEGA-BIG rating of 9.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Cause I felt like so ;-P)
White Rabit.
Btw, the pass won’t work et, I can’t open the lvl. Work on that… :-P
Excellent! It really works! Great job!! :-D
BUT! I’ve detected a major bug! In CTF, you can capture the flag and score a point whilst having the program on! That makes yoy invulnerable to enemy attacks and if the opponens got yer flag all ya have to do is wait at the base until the opponent is killed. NOT good. -1 for that. You should fix that bug as soon as possible Bean so rooks don’t use it to their advantage.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Works Perfectly
BunnyElmer this sux,
You don’t include the tileset voor “hotel bunny.j2l”, “cool.j2l” and “feijnoord.j2l”. And the dragonball level isn’t so great too.
You just ruined my day!
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Yeah that is against the policy…
by FcBunnyElmerTbtCC
What The Heck are you doing?
Rating jour Own lvl? change it back to n/a
Enigma if you Hate hotels Dont rate them then[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
I like this hotel but its a mess
Catz :]
(Rating removal. :] -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
hoi SCIZOR FC je megapack = wel goed maar het kan altijd beter
kort sammegevat
(Rate it once, not twice. Rating removed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
this = an great PACk
the fantastic
join Tbt/DB/Jol/FC [those clans are all togeter)[This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
mmmm… seen better
kinda cute… the name i mean the lvl is COOL!
Well, I have a theory, Myst. He didn’t include the tileset. It’s already been said it used a Blade tileset, but the included tileset was certainly NOT made by Blade. In my opinion, he uploaded the wrong tileset. Metal Mania, instead of Beton or whatever the level actually used. Basically, I can not review the level without the tileset, which I do not have.
Edit: Ok, I downloaded Blade’s thing. Now I can review:
Rather nice. The tileset and the design don’t quite go together, but that’s a rare occurance. As someone said, there are warps for places you get stuck. There is also some interesting use of Layer 3. :-) Unfortunately, the tileset is not used to its full advantage. The name gets a plus though. ;)
Overall, a 7.5 seems about right. The author seems to have placed quite a bit of time in this level, after all. (Correct me if I’m wrong)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
i really don’t get how it works
[You call that reason for rating something a 1? -Fquist][This review has been edited by Fquist]
HEY! i now remember! those tiles
are actually screen shots of the snes game named:
Dragon ball Z – legend of the supersayan
and its a RPG game and its COOOOOOOL!!!
so ill give it a 10!!!
(This is a tileset. This is not an RPG game. Rate a tileset. Not an RPG game. Rating removed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
awakes and put his PC on
why can’t Jazz2 find the file Metal Detector.j2l at me?
I wanna play the level but this sux:
“Application error”
“Can’t find level or tileset for Metal Detector.j2l”
Anyone know how to solve the problem?
I hope so.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.