Great Tileset and CTF level,
but (everything) can be better.
YaY! Finaly some quality:-). This is the first custom level using Agamas “Sirius”(aka dimensions) tileset. The shifted pallete creates a cool efect on ammo, charecters and so-forth. The design is very good, and the music is just….sIgh Download this exelent creation of CoMandeR Dats now!
UgH Why do you guys Keep makin The same progs ..
I dont like the Layout
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hmmm Nice Layout
But Txl Kill already Make a prog like this it Does Exactly the Same
ok This Program Doesnt lagg
btw i had a error
i did Spectactor Mode (005a508c)Writes to Memory when it did that i had a runtime error
i dun remember which …
I got VB6 So i have those Files [This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Hm? Really? I didn’t know that… Was it posted here (on J2O)?
Anyway. It works vewy well. I’m invincible and that’s all, but it’s enough. This prog just does what it promises – not much progs do. I’ll award this with a fine 7.0.
Howly Macral! :)
I mean howly rabit f-curze
Well done dude! I like it bigtime, very worthy do download
=$îlvèr= has spoken :P
Sorry about that Cell and Skulg.
If i could re-upload, I would fix this and release again the Uploaded pack…
but the re-upload option doesnts seem too work.GrRrRrRr
Challenging indeed. Fine music.
I didn’t go through the whole level, but so far it looks good
Refer to my, Windmeister I: Service Pack 2 Rating.
I don’t see any difference between this and the 1.02 Complete? Version. So I deleted that review to put that review here. And I did beat this release too, I also took all paths originally.
Yay, I beat this release too. Thanks for adding me to the Hall of Fame.
Since my older review wasn’t there, i’m updating it now. This level is much better. But still the walls are messed up, and you need to add better eye candy. Finished this release as well. 6.7 is the rating I updated for this level.
Another upload of Wind Meister. :) It has the mystic Level 12, which although for experts only, isn’t that hard….. not to mention a special preview of WM2. The preview isn’t all that good, however.
Also, a winner’s lounge. (Which might have been there before, but I didn’t download all the earlier versions) It just has some powerups, not really useful in a test. If you must have test powerups, use Ice and Electro Blaster. :P
The tests themselves aren’t really changed, except (unless this was already there) level 6, which you’re not allowed to play after winning. Don’t ask me why. (Insert little smiley here)
Well, it’s a pretty good test. I like the bit about how you got permission to create it after it was made. :P
I gave WM1 a 7.7 last time, it’s now risen to an 8.2.
Edit: Hey, that Tublear review wasn’t there when I started typing! ;-)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Well I deleted my review on Windmeister Special Edition. The level was fun, i’m still awaiting Windmeister 2.
Hey, I beat Level 12 but I had to save at least once. I saved twice on accident.[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]
Cool test only that flying spike balls are bad because you die of them :(.
But the lvl rules!
mmm Nice but hard only passed 1 lol
Excellent level Violet! I said to myself I wouldn’t review this level till I conquered it, and I did! This makes my 25th Puzzle Level conquered (i’ve been keeping track).
Well it was fun, annoying at times. And extrememly difficult but it wasn’t impossible! Let’s see the only thing was the background needs improving. But most of this credit goes to because it was a unique idea! So you have earned a 7.5
Hehe, I must be the first winner of this level or something. I do ask you to make a Hall of Fame. And people can e-mail you a screenshot of them falling down the pit in Level 8 to show that they won, if you want me to show you that I won, I will do just that.[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]
kay, the critc has arived!:-D(no realy, its true:-P)
These levels are not (to me) up to the standards. The use of the tileset(on of my favorites though) is very poor, especialy in the swiming level. The levels are very hard too. Dont download this, unless you realy want to see it. Be beter next time.
After a long time playing I got outta the first level!
Well i finished it and wooow it’s just amazing.
Well be happy with your 9.5!
I dunno about you guys, but this lvl rocks! And it’s a very good one for a first. I’ve played this online and it’s really cool. :-) The gameplay is fluent with …well… OK weapons placement. I like those ! and ? warps cause you never know where yer gonna end up and it’s quite fun really. The lvls size is also ok and there’s a lot of stuff to do. Really good.
I definetively recommend download this.
Btw, Klonoa is NOT a newbie. :-P (unless…?)
Amazing tileset Agama!!!
But ehhm why do you call it “Heaven”?
It looks more to sort of temple in a ehhmm…
Well whatever just take this 10!
(Nice job with the question mark and the elipse. Almost makes this review look valid. But the lack of detail, and the “well whatever”… they sort of kill it. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.