Sorry but you made this test a bit too hard. Not that I am a bad agility bunny but this was a bit too hard.
Still a 6.5.
(Rating removal. This edit is also a good thing, as it saves this review from being entirely in upper case. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
YaY! Another great release by Spy(from Holland!). These are among the best levels i`ve ever seen. The design is totaly “Newage” like Spy wisely stated in the name of the pack. The music is very wisely chosen. This has got all it needs. Spy is elite. Shame hes gone:-(. Download NOW!
Is it just me, or am I horrible at makin BATTLE levs???
WheW! This definetly one of the best CTF packs ever asembled, if not the very best! Once again, Stripe has outdone himself in leveldesign, ideas, eyecandy nad gameplay. Almost every one of these level has its own special touch. Download this now, or something will happen… Beware… For evil watches over you…
I’ll review this… When I like 2 :)
Anyway, SSJ. Don’t give less points because it isn’t a pack.
My opinion is that you did put efort into this, but the levels are a bit pathetic, and kinda boring. The music choice was ok, and the meza level was pretty good, so thats what im giving you rating for.
Official reply post:
In response to Fire Sword!:
I forgot to mention I got the music from URJazzCC. All bow down before him. :P
Also, it’s really the sort of test that would just be inhibited by eyecandy. Tries to get out of fact he put none in
JJ Tublear:
I never make a hall of fame unless it’s ______ 2 or higher. Sorry.
Trafton: They work, but only in moderation. Sometimes they do, sometimes not, and they don’t really work in this level.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I soppose this is a “test your skills level” it uses a graphical yet simple easy-to-use tileset. It’s very hard and not something you’ll finish in 30 minutes.
it will sharpen your skills for flying into small narrow spaces filled with spikes (ouch!). The eyecandy needs some
more work (in the background) the music
is great. very well deserving of this rating.
“a great tileset”
“i just love the tileset”
Ha. You guys must be blind :P
Funny how after all this time, I finally see a level using this set and I find an obvious bug. Ah well. No one complained :p
Anyhoo.. the level isn’t amazing or anything, but I like it. For some reason (most likely the tileset), it’s making me feel all nostalgic, and since that’d probably severely effect my review, I won’t bother making one..
Great Race level but a bit too hard. ;)
These levels are COOOOOOOOL ive played on nearly every single one make more levels cause i know theyll be great too
(Rating removal. Generally, you should see all of the levels before rating them. Not to mention that a 10 is excessive anyway. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hey thanks for the cool review Wacky Spaz, and yes I like Jazz (of course).
I wasn’t thinking that I would get such a high rank (I tought a 4 or something) but thank ya all.
Maybe I will make the level bigger ;).[This review has been edited by Klonoa]
Awesome. Once again Shadow of former ML has been able to create two absolutely stunning battle levels. For creating these, Shadow choose the “Town House” tileset by epic, wich is really a cool tileset, and one of the only epic sets i really was’nt able to find any major masking or tile errors in. Even though this tileset is pretty hard to use, i must admit Shadow did a great job with it. The levels have great eyecandy, and perfect layer use.
The levels are maybe a bit large, but thats not that much of a problem. They are full of secret areas and shortcuts, wich are all very well hidden. The level design is fresh and new, with buildings rising up anywhere you look, giving a good city-like atmosphere to the levels, as probably was intendid.
The music used is “Streetwise” by Alexander Brandon, the default music file for this tileset. It indeed fits the levels well, but i guess that that choice was origenaly done by epic, and just followed up by Shadow:P. Movement is very good, with almost no dead ends i could discover, wich makes gameplay very fluent, and the levels easy to get around in. In both levels a 50 coin bonus was added, giving you a full energy, and one or two powerups.
Coins where well devided, with mostly silver coins spread around the map, and one or two hidden gold coins. Powerup placement is good too, well devided across the level. Carrots where well placed, but to me, not enough, i was only able top find one carrot in each levels, apart from the full energy located in the bonus room. This i dont like, especialy because each level held about 3 powerups wich where just out in the open, wich is totaly unbalenced with the amount of carrots.
Weapen placement is good too. Well divided in each level, in blocks of 2 or more, making it easy to colect ammo, so you wont be walking around with nothing but your blaster to defend yourself.
To sum it up, i must say these are probably two of the best levels using the “Town House” tileset ever created. I award “Street Wars” with a high (or low?) 8.5 points, and a good sound download recomendation.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Wacky Has Reviewed this lvl cooooooollllllllllllllllll
[This Review Was not edited and might be]
I love this lvl its only got a few weapons and i just love the tileset
Catz :]
[This review has been edited by Catz]
1. Level Space
Is this lvl ment for battling on because i dont think it is becuse there is totaly no room to fight in and not much weapons.
For a new person (newbie for short) this lvl is good you used a great tileset and the tileset is always used for making test levels or battles or maybe races or CTF. I dont think treasure would go with it ok (that was just my point of view ok so dont get worried if you use this tileset to make a treasure).
3. Secret Places
I dunno if theres any so tell me if there is
4. Baddies
Coz this is battle i cant review this bit
5. You
For you this is a cool lvl never change it just add more or make the size bigger OK !!!!!!! ——————->
6. Do you like jazz
This is kind of personel and i shouldn’t
say this in a review so i wanna say do you like jazz do you.
7. Did you like my review
Well Did you ?????????
[Guess What This review has been edited by me the cool bunny Wacky Spaz did you like my cool long review][This review has been edited by Wacky Spaz] Lolz. Arrogance is yours (sorry, bad joke)
Anyway. I will start with Blocked Out 2.0.
The tileset always provides great design. An average level, some stuff like a “battle room”. Sometimes a bit too empty. A 6.5.
Psycho Madness
WAY too small, dead end, just a bad level. i don’t like it. It only has some platforms. A 3.5.
Then, a wrong next level setting? Wha?K. FC Underground
Hotel? Oh no! Ammo and events placement is bad, a 1up pu don’t add something in MP. Dead ends and 3 pu’s in one room. Dumb level, sorry. 3.5
Scizors Hangout
I got blind (almost) al that tiles blinkin… argh. Some hotel-like rastaurant, weird ammo stuff. i dont like it. 5.0
Scizor in cyberspace.
I won’t say this is sucky, but it looks like if it’s your fist level ;)
Music: Always good, but not with Psycho Madness
k. 6.5+3.5+4.0+5.0+3.0=19
22:5=4,4. I’ll give you a 4.5 for this.
Of coooouuuurrrrrrrrsssshhhheeee I’m wEiRd! :)
HIC Hecks, I’m so weird I made a tileset of a F**** (that is not what it seems, i just censored the word cuz that would give away what the tileset is). Anyways, review time:
This is a brilliant tileset. I spent ages just looking at it trying to find mistakes, but there are none. It’s just plain awesome, and I am still weird :)
…Ok I’m back. The review was short because the bell went for maths, but the teacher wasn’t there so I’m back to elaborate a bit on the review.
If you are a Mez01 fan (or your name is Syntax where you live and die by Mez01) you should definitley download this. It’s the same as those stinking little pokemon, ya gotta get them all! The tiles (in my view) are drawn better than the ones in Mez01. They are more ‘shiny’ and that extra level of colour depth was added to make it look more colourful than Mez01. Of course some people might like that ‘same consistent feel’ and ‘sorta dull and dark’ that you get in Quake 1 & 2 (of course Mez01 isn’t THAT bad) better than this, but that is their opinion.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a top-class tileset from a top-class guy! As a matter of fact, let me thank him again for all his help and effort he put into Spacey Universe. If it wasn’t for Newspazzy here that tileset wouldn’t have had a textured background.
(NOTE: The above statement does not make me biased and it will in no way affect the original rating that I had planned for this tileset)
Good job Newspaz! you deserve it.[This review has been edited by Disguise]
Hey Wacky Spaz, just some advice, don’t rate levels you have made/helped to make. It’s just bad form. ;)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.