(Rating removal. Please explain why it is nice. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Everyone stop yelling at each other and just review.
Nice level. The design is very nifty. The tubes where used very well. Only, some powerups are a li`l hard to reach.
This is a pretty cool level. The tileset is very coolish, and the level uses it just right. I agree with Ninja Dodo that batling under water is pretty cool. Download this level and tileset now guys![This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Top-notch work by Agama here! This set may look like mixed tiles from Jazz1, but if you look closely, you`ll see that agama drew them him/her/itself:-D.
The level included is also very nicely designed. The tileset has all things necesary to make a nifty level, like tubes, vines, hooks(or somthing), and (ofcourse!)eyecandy. It also has nifty litle elevator thingy. Download this now.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
just like the others great pack
Superb! Clap hands for spy people! This is realy one of the best beach levels ever upped on Jazz2online. The wooden stuff mis very nicely done. The music fits very well aswell. The gameplay and design is just right, and so is the weapen placement. I realy dont have any major complaints about this level, download now:-P
Awesome. BloodBunny’s CTF pack, though it was released in the fall of 1998, still contains some of the best CTF levels ever made. Everything is perfect; base placement and routes, eyecandy, ammo placement and flow. The only level I didn’t really like was Psych Major, but the awesome quality of the other 3 levels largely made up for that. These levels are legendary, and should never be forgotten. A very high 9.0.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Are you too dumb to think about asking FQuist, iCeD or Bobby? This is just wasting webspace and filling the “last 20 downloads” page with CRAP. I’m SICK of all that “complete”, “v0.2” etc. versions!
BTW, Ninja, I am an odlie :). Not that I’m proud of it, but it’s true. I just don’t like al that “v2.0“s etc. So. Why should I shaddap?[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
HuH? Did`nt i review yet….*slaps head*shame
To me, this is mirrows best set yet, apart from his secret tileset. Wonder what i`m talking about? Hehe, i`m sworn to secrecy:-). This tileset can create beautiful eyecndy. I`ve got no major complaints actuely. Only, the black and white tileset also has some pink stuff, wich looks sorta ugly.
I claim myself the first one to review
Blocked Out 2.0:
Cool tileset, cool music.
And nice idea to get rid of
Seekers Powerup.
Much bigger and better than Blocked Out Multi Pack one. Water rules ;) Nice idea with water.
Scizor’s Hangout:
Darn music! :D
A nice level enough.
Down 0.5 for no Warp Target of
Warp under bridge hovering over Air Boards.
But nice idea with Jazz-Spaz Morph brings up
0.2 back.
Hotel warps.. Man! You
can make it other way!
Psych Madness:
Okay, but make it bigger please.. OK?
Scizor in Cyberspace:
Okay. Nice idea with the Fast Track![This review has been edited by Wazz Wackrabbit]
Slieash and Starstephanie, there is no auto-run on J2O. You can turn off caps.
Silly hotel level with semi-bad eye candy. Not at all large for a hotel.
I don’t recomend downloading.
Almost perfect!!!!!!!!! just beef it just a little more with eyecandy and it’s a perfect 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wot!!!!!!!!!!! and this theese levels
beat my level by one measley point!!!!!!!!!!! well, it’s too hard for me but the level isn’t bad it’s just EXTREMLY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not bad, for a test level. ;P
I can’t believe it’s not butter! Err… Anyway, There’s nothing better to say about this pack besides great. Most of the levels I really like. Download this now or be forced to eat butter for ever!! Ahahhahaa… cough
(Absurd personal attack edit. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hey nitro,
u r right, i played UT before.
Battle or Deathmatch, it isn’t weightly, it’s the same. ;-P
I already made MUCH better lvls, i’ll upload it when i have a good maprotation. The Music is old at this maps too, so i’m going to change it. (thx for the Feedback, SSJ)
When i have uploadet them, u can give a REAL feedback, because 2035 BETA was made in 15minutes to show a friend (Black SSJ) how to use JCS.
Thx all, TWEEK[This review has been edited by Tweek]
Bloody au! Why am I always so late with my reviews?! Oh well, nm.
OK…let’s get started:
Cool, at last a battle lvl made by one of Skulg’s tileset. That’ll prolly make her happy. ;) Oh, and this review is prolly gonna make Violet happy too. ;)
Btw Violet, the name doesn’t fit this lvl at all. :-P (well at least I think so!)
Chocolate Lamp is a VERY good lvl and has many kinds of eyecandy. There are those red spikes, large red bubbles floating around, the background changes colour, there are small lavla lamps here and there, some nice transparent stuff and when you go into one of the sucker tubes, the whole screen lights up as if someone turned the lava lamps heat up to max which is very neat and also comfortable for the eyes. :-)
The weapons placement is not very good though, one of the reasons why I didn’t give this an 8 instead. The ammo is simply faaar to sparse and it’s very annoying shooting around with the blaster for ages until you find any weapon that’s of use. The amount of powerups is also too little and it can also be very hard to find them. You should work on this Violet….
Now, this is one of the strong points of Chocolate Lamp. The gameplay is superb and it’s very easy to run around and…ehr…and so on. :-P But…this is when I come to the bad stuff: this lvl has too many destructable blox and it’s very annoying!!!!!!!! You should work on this Violet…
Ok, on to the DARK side of the lvl. ;-)
Chocolate Lamp has very bad placed sucker tubes. They are SOOOO hard to get into cause the —-> tube is right under the <—- tube which makes it difficult to get into the <—- tube. Get it?? ;-P Also, there are more chocolate bars in the lvl than there is weapons!! What is this, an sugar rush battle lvl? Take them away and replace them with weapons. Also the lvl has got one useless thing: why put little Chuck in the lvl?! He’s useless cause he doesn’t help yer shoot other players in MP. You should work on these things Violet…
Ok, this is all, I hope yer all enjoyed my review everyone! :-)
White Rabbit
Oh, one more thing: a comment to >Cell<:
You review too much. :-P[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.