This is definetly below averege.
What can i say? The level is horible, the music does`nt fit and the tileset is`nt included in the zip.
Here, allow me to drink your blood boost your rating a litle bit:-]. This is the most terific battle pack i`ve seen in my days. The tilesets are terific, the level design is superb, the eyecandy is perfect and the weapen placement is outstanding. There are tons of reviews here already, so i`m not gonna add anything to this one, i`m gonna order you to dowmload now, soldier!
A pretty impresive single player pack from my home country, ‘Putrid monkeys revenge’ still one of the top50 packs for JJ2. It had good eyecandy, and some pretty sweet level design, pluss exelent music choices. The one thing i was missing here was a story: ‘Putrid monkeys revenge’ may be a very well designed pack, but i realy could’nt see a story in this. Apart from that, i’d say this is a very high quality level pack, that no one should miss. I only have one more complaint: I was for some reasen unable to find the end of the last level, ‘the lab
down under’. But, people, go download this spiffy li’ll Dutch SP pack now. [This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Egypt is the 3rd tileset masterpiece by finish jazzer Agama. The whole thing resembles the ancient egypt, probably in the time of the new empire(or whatever:P). It has some neat things to create a basic egyptian villege, like buildings, a neat’o drawn brick ground. The buildings can be ‘decorated’ with things like plants hanging on the wall in small pots, old fashioned oil lamps, witch also have a lighted version in the night tileset, carpets before doors, windows where you can stand on the balconys and so on. The sky doesnt come as a textured background, but when i look at the layer 8 stuff Agama made for us instead, i totaly realize that a textured background is’nt necesary at all. The layer 8 stuff consists of a sky that already looks textured in the day version, and a beatutifull night sky filled with stars in the night version. It also has a perfectly drawn river(the Nile, no doubt) with the 3 pyramids in the distance, and palm trees at the sides. To decorate the plain bric ground, there are perfctly chaded brick tiles. There are also palm trees to stand on, big decorated pillars, and a incredile gaint statue of spaz, dressed up as a pharao. The poles where, very origenaly, made like those scepters you see pharaos holding on pictures. There are also tiles to create a ancient Egyptian temple, wich are maybe even more gorgeus looking then the ones i have been describing above. The ground here, constists of beautifully drawn brown bricks. There is all sorts of stuff to decorate walls, like the well known Egyptian heiroglyphics, perfectly drawn wall paintings of a rabbit in a charriot, rabbits with pharao-like hats, a few rabbits in a old-fashioned Egyptian canoe, and storks flying above a small pond. There are plants in small vases, and a statue of a black dog. To sum it up, this is one of the greatest tileset ever. Agama, alow me to worship the space you ocupy. And as for you guys, get this now.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Yeah! Finaly something to change my name and fur withoput hacking the registryeditor! Download recomendation? I dont tell you to download, i order you!
Well, “Battle Zone” (boy…another DULL name!) isn’t my personal level of the week: it’s about 75*37 tiles small, uses good old MEZ01 (easy to use), it isn’t really circular and the whole design is just…boring, sorry. I have to admit that there are a few eyecandy attempts (sucker tubes, background structures), but like ShanD said, the event placement is horrible (way too much weapons, goodies and food). What else? Mhhh, the snow doesn’t really fit. The music choice (order.j2b) is okay, no idea :-)
The typical three-point-level i’d say (i didn’t find any major bugs at least). Download is not recommended. Oh and Ronyboy, don’t take it personally…if you’re new to level making give it some more tries, i’m sure you will get better in a short time![This review has been edited by Aiko]
Yes, Blade is popular. This tileset, an update of Blades first tileset, realy rocks! The battle level included is stata of the art too. Dont keep reading, download this NOW!
All the reviews above are useless. Include the tileset in the ZiP archive, please. For that, use the re-upload function (see above). Thank you!
Nice level, download now.
Thanx guyz, even though i`ve not made a conversion in a long time… I`m working on a level pack using Mystic Legends tilesets. When thats done, i`m planing to maybe make a improved Medivo conversion(beter rain animations, wall tiles, destruct scenenry, etc,etc).
Okay, let’s keep it short: i really, really like the eyecandy and tile placement in “The boneyard”: it’s pretty original and Cell obviously spend some time on it!
As for the playability of the level, i have to (partly) agree with Flea: the poles can definitely get on your nerves! Everything else (weapon and event placement) is of good quality i think, apart from some stupid signs (“go to bed early, brush your teeth”) and one very questionable tile arrangement at the top.
Music is playing fine in the background, must be your fault, Fleaness :-P
Conclusion: if you like the D*a*m*n tileset and Cell’s fresh style of putting the tiles together, you will like this a lot (so go ahead and DOWNLOAD!).[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Great! If these are your first levels, you`re extremely talented(more then me:P). The tracks are awesome, the level design is perfect, the item placement is outstanding, etc, etc, etc…
Another day, another rating…Not much to ad to the other reviews, all the good things have been sed:-D. My only 2 complaints:
-Dont use food in battle levels
-The music file does`nt fit the level 100 percent
Cool! “Chocolate Lamp” is a very decent battle level using fellow german tileset maker Skulg’s great “Lava Lamp” tileset. In the readme file, the author tells us that he used Commander Dats’ little level making tutorial as a reference…all i can say is: very smart idea! :-)
The level has some quite original ideas in it, for example a yellow/black/red cycling background layer, pinball events and hidden warps and sucker tubes. The whole layout is quite fluently playable which is the main requirement for every good battle map. Violet CLM also tried to put some eyecandy in it, the screen is dominated by those large red…errr…bubbles (at least six layers used, i think). Nevertheless, there are some aspects in “Chocolate Lamp” i don’t like that much. There is an obvious lack of weapons in my opinion and there are way too many shootable blocks, for example. Furthermore, DISTORT.MOD by basehead isn’t my favourite song for this level, sorry.
However, “Chocolate Lamp” is a very original and good looking level creation using a great custom tileset. Therefore, i can only STRONGLY RECOMMEND DOWNLOADiNG iT and hosting a battle server or two!!!
Niftyness! This is one of the most origenal singleplayer levels i`ve seen in sometime. The sub idea is cinda cool, so is the enemy sub(Bolly). My only complaint: No background music.(i wonder why)
Cool-o-rific-ness! Saiyens first Jazz2online release rocks da stadium! But, lets get down to the nitty-gritty of my list of complaints:
-some dead ends
-i discovered some enemys in the 2nd level
-Cinda easy to get lost(for me)
-The 100+lighting in
level 2 cinda blinds the eyes(no wonder i have glasses:-P)
-Some places are very linear
-The “tileset by Agama” sign in the 1st level folows you, wich makes it iritating to play
And my list of things that are good:-D:
-Superb level design
-Perfect use of agamas tileset
I liked the “Birds for 15 dinar” slogan, even though it was 10 ]coins dinar:
-The way you used the tileset, is a way i`ve never seen it being used before
-Someone finaly used an underused custom tileset!
To conclude this review, i must admit that these levels are, in some aspects, way beter then my first levels. Dont read this, download now:-D
P.S.: Incase you did`nt know, Skulg is a she(it said he in the readme:-D).
Heh, Shad does it again. This is yet another state-of-the-art battle level by former ML member, ShadowGpW. The level looks very good. It uses the Cyberspaz 2V tileset by Dethman, and it has a very cool, dirty and industrial feeling.
Manouverability is absolutely no problem in this level. All platforms and other structures are very well reachable. The level has a pretty good amount of space to move around in. It does’nt feature small, sorta claustrofobic paths like Spy’s levels, or wide open spaces like Disguise’s levels, but is sorta in-between, creating a good playing envirement. Design is vcery circular, creating good and fluent gameplay.
Tileset use is another very strong part in this level. Like i said before, it uses the “Cyberspaz 2V” tileset by Dethman, wich, even though it looks a tad unfinished, and is automasked(!), is a great tileset to work with, because its so easy to use, and has a lot of posible tile combinations. With this level, Shadow realy demonstrates what can be done with this set. The level looks very good, and makes splendid use of the tileset. Layerwork is perfect, i have’nt a single complaint about it. It looks positively great, with all sorts of pipes and iron bars running through the background, and poles and wires in the foreground, giving it a realy good, construction-site like feel to it.
Item placement is also pretty good. Most weapens where used, and, like in all ML releases, some yummy food. I like it that people still use food in levels. I used to be against it, but now i think it is a pretty good adition to a level, because it makes pretty good extra eyecandy, providing you use a type of food that sorta blends in with the colours of a level, and it can be well used to fill up the level. Carrots where only placed in secret areas, wich i dont like too much. Powerup placement is also good, well in balence with the amount of weapens and other items. Wepanes are well devided over the entire level, so that you never realy have to look far for a few new rounds of ammunition.
And, last, but not least, the music. For this level, Shadow choose a nifty li’ll soundtrack called “Tempest 2000”, wich was composed by a guy called Wessy. I realy must say i like this song. It sounds sorta crazy and weird, but hey, that good, in my opinion. The remixed version was probably beter, ‘cuz this one is a litle bit repeative, but its a very good choice, and fits the levels envirement well.
I must say that i realy, realy like this li’ll battle level by Shad(ow)GpW. Expect me to be servering it a lot once i get back to online JJ2 again. I award Toxic Waste with a high (or low…?) 8.2 points for being so d*mn cool.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
I did`nt do this yet? Then here i am:-].
This is one of the best singleplayer pack i`ve seen in some time. The 3rd level, deserted diamondus, was released earlier. I`m not going to review it again, so look [URL]
~>CelL<[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.