-Nitro, the n00b critisiZer
Poor looking hotel lookalike battle level. Nuff said.
I must admit that i like this level beter then i liked Assault3 by Syntax. The layout is very good, and the level is also very large. The eyecandy is terific, just terific. This must be one of thje best assault level ever created, if not the best( the reasen i gave assult3 a higher rating is cuz syntax invented assault, not only made the level).Dont read this, download now.
Can you believe the background actually caused the game not to run smoothly on my pc? i’m afraid that’s one of the top ten signs i need to get a new computer:(
But enough of that, the level now: eyecandy was very good, although i generally don’t like those flashing backgrounds, but those are part of the tileset i guess… The size of the level is perfect, good to host games in. It needed a few more weapons though, but mostly this is a good level.
Ah…its a Ok lvl..eyecandy is great also…only this lvl misses something…but i dont know what.
HmMmMmMm…[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
That all what i can say.
Cool 3D Tileset, but it is hard to use.
This Tileset RockzZzZz!!!
It is Awesome…but there are better Tilesets.;)
Cool Tileset.
I build Saiyan City with this Tileset.
That way it RockzZzZz.(only its sometimes not simple to use, but anyway its cool)
This is my favourite Tileset.
I Lo0o0o0o0ove it!!!
(Why do you love it? Why is it so cool? Why is this rating being removed? oh, because you didn’t answer the first two. Right. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
-Blade RuLeZzZz!!!
Hmm…i dont like this lvl so much…srry.
Bad Things:
1] It is yust one lvl.
2] The Tileset is old, and simple to use.
3] The Music is also old.
4] It would be better if it was a only batlle lvl.
5] And it doesnt’s have good eyecandy, only the background.
Wel…its a cool lvl with great eyecandy and the music really fits the lvl. Only to bad you made yust one lvl and its a little bit small.
I dont really like race lvl’s but these are oke…but it would be smarter if it wasnt so long and really really HARD!!!
Strange lvl…the name is Battle Zone, and there is food in the lvl? -This will Cause Sugar Rush i hope you know that,
how you can battle with a sugar rush on yourself…
And why there is snow and diamonds?
A litlle thing more -dont set so much carrots/weapons on one place, its Stupid.
I can’t say much because I’m lazy ;)
U? Deathmatch? O.o spell “U” as “you”.
It’s battle, did you come from UnrealTournament or something? deathmach.. lol..
Me 2 :)
The levels are fun, it’s just like you’re playing in some 3D game with 2D gameplay and characters. The tilesets are, as everyone said, DA
Anyway. I’ll shapddap and give you this FAT 8.0 ;)
Stunts, shut your face. You drat. I don’t like levels only because they are created by famous jazzers. I just like all levels which are original. And this pack is original. I even didn’t read the readme file and “other authors” stuff. I just liked the levs, who are at last freestyled (is that a verb? I dunno). And “Guess friends’ levels are worth much more to u than other people levels” is wrong again. I didn’t saw most ppl from the list ever. So. Shaddap.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.