This is copoljgnfjmngcfjnxfgngcfngfvnxsgdghgfjnghmnghmhmnvbnvcbxcflvjdfhodcvhsdfoutg;df
Please, use the re-upload option. If i`m not mistaking, this is the 5th time this has been uploaded…`Nuff said.
I`ll review later…
(You know, a high percentage of the times people say this, they don’t. This is one of those times. Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
It wasn’t exactly a bombing, Ninja.
There’s finnish style in this level! Mariek has created a long and enjoyable level with Carrottus tileset. The event placement is good, not too much weapons or foods. But there’s anyway few things what are not so good. Firstly, the tileset use is different than the other Carrottus levels, but way too buggy. Secondly, you Mariek shouldn’t use events what you can’t handle.
But anyway if you right there wan’t good time with Jazz2, and if you don’t care about little bugs in the level, download this.
P.S. Mariek! Use One Way event!!
Ever heard of the re-upload function? This is to all. There are now numerous “updated versions with new stuff” which make the older versions wasting webspace. Just use the Re-ipload function. Thanx.
No, i did not snip this out of your webspace, derbu. I saw Mr. Magoo post a screen-shot of it and figured out how to do it.
Can you please stop reuploading your level, unless it has changes?.
I agree with most of what Supersaiyan has said here. The lvl is OK with good weapons placement and great eyecandy. It rocks! Not more than the pyramids of course. ;-)
The bad points in this that the gameplay isn’t good enough so you have to stop and jump and stop and shoot and stop and buttstomp and so on. Try to work more on the lvls gameplay Flash, cause right now this lvl only gets a 7.5 out of a possible 8.5 from me.
But it’s still a good lvl. Keep up the good work Flash and the rest of you: download this.
!? F!re, did you bribe MattW and Xan to give your lvls a super high rating??
Cause, simply, although ya lvl’s pretty nice it doesn’t deserve that much?!
Oh well, let’s get started with the review. This is a very nice lvl for a first one and it has excellent eyecandy. I luv the background stuff and the Nile and with some few major changes in the lvl, you could put water there to make it more realistic. Also, there are also stuff like diamonds, pillars, statues and other nicey pyramidy stuff. :-)
The weapon placement is OK but is a little bit too scattered around for a lvl in this size. The powup placement is also OK and it’s not so hard to get them although I wish you had changed the freezer powup to bouncer powup.
The gameplay and lvl design is better than the weapons placement. I discovered no dead ends whatsovever and there’s not too many obstacles but however, the gameplay can be rather…eh…jumpy ;-) cause there are some obstacles that spoils the otherwise good gameplay.
The fastpaced Egyptian style music also fits this lvl well.
I haven’t got anymore to say, this is a good medium sized lvl. Download NOW.
DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS PPL. It is a TOTAL waste of time and (at least for me) precious disc space. Every single lvl I have reviewed would deserve* an 10 in comparison with this one.
Worst lvl I’ve ever reviewed…
*Just kidding. ;-P
BTW, administrators?? Plz delete adamadam10s review!! He gave his own lvl a 10!!!
Shame, shame…
this review wil be the first review of this lvl…
Now the review…Its Kinda boring if you play over and over the same lvl…i would say if you had made a few lvl’s more i would give this [pack] a higher rating but…you didnt do that…so i wont give a higher rating then 8:).The EyeCandy is OK Also the weapon Placement.The Music is also cool its really fit to the lvl…One Bad Point when you make a lvl even a multiplayer lvl make always a jazz/spaz start position in a lvl, its a little bit faster to open a lvl otherwise you must go to jazz and go to server and fill bla bla in and then host it…and then again bla bla bla…(You forget to set a jazz/spaz start(for single)in your lvl). And Farther the Tileset is OKE, Also the lvl…Great Work! [This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
this lvlpack is great i think….. :-)
I have some vague memory that I found this level ok. There were some interesting bomb thingies which you could move on..[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
this lvl is no fun.
You really should spend more time on your lvls[This review has been edited by Cobra RR]
This level r0x0rz! (I love Town ;)
- Funny strings. Especially one in the
Blue Base :)
- Eyecandy is c00l, very cool.
- Neat placement of bases.
- HARD way to bases. (Con? No, pro. :)
- Gameplay is very cool, at all… :)
- You hadn’t overused powerups. Nice idea.
- Hmm… Stay tuned ;) Can’t find them :D
This 2 lvl’s are really really really Great, it have’s a really really really Great EyeCandy And a Cool Play Feeling.
Good Job!I Luuuuuv
The Tileset, Also the lvl’s ;-)
Very Very Bad One thing to say
This isn’t a caht forum, were pointing out what we think of the level.
Nitro would you please stop everyone calling a Newbie?
Try too Spend More time on your levels,
Look at the Standart and Someone else levels,
Why did u put The bomb is?
the only thing i liked was the Background
Check those links,
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.