Very good level in my eyes, fun but the gameplay is a bit bad and it’s hard to get around.
Download? yes.
In author’s description your supposed to describe the level, newbie.
Terribal level – bad tileset use.
Very laggy – All it is is tons of bombs in small spaces with genoraters with 1 second delays.
This truely is the worst level I ever saw, terribale gameplay, eye candy, weapon and warp placement and hard to move around.
If I were Adam I would re-register using a completely difrent name on J2O. (no offense)
I am the maker of the tileset CS, Aiko.
I rarely don’t use one of my own tilesets for my levels (all the levels I submitted on this board, CX, CF and CY are made by me as well).
Yeah it doesn’t work. Don’t worrie. It’s probably cuz I’m running Win2k Prof. NOTHING WORKS! YAY!
Hey, you snipped this out of my webspace, didn’t you? Not a problem. It’s public domain. ;-P
this is kinda cool, BUT TRULY MAKE A BACKUP ENGLISH.J2s, i almost completely destroyed my jazz jackrabbit screwin around with this prog, and it is VERY screwed up, like exit option says play and it is very confusing. I am kinda disappointed that you cant edit the screen your self, that would be fun[This review has been edited by thumper]
Really? It took me 7 or 8 minutes! :D
Nice obstacles and stuff but I can’t say they’re original. There are 3 different sorts of tests in total, airboard tests, jump tests, helicopter ears tests and helicopter/jump mix test.
Maybe I should post some of my tests…. ;)
My only complain is that the next lvl setting is wrong, you should’ve used some more original ideas and that you should use Castle night instead cause it looks better. ;-P -0.5 for that.
It’s also too easy.
If you’re into tests, this lvl is worth a download.
No argument there…. (Though I think 8.2 is a little high)
(Unsupported rating removal quotation. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Cool! :-)
This file isn’t much itself really but thanks for telling us that you can edit .j2s files to make the menues look more funny. :-)
Hmm, it is an original level. But it get´s boring after a while, because there´s not really much to do except warping. I suggest to create a big exciting level with this idea used, as a part of the level, but as an invidual level it´s OK, but not that great.
Perhaps, a download recommedation, not too sure…
I have seen this level for the first time a long time ago, and I still like it.
I have seen better levels than this, but because it´s a original idea I will give it higher than a 6. The moon simply rocks, the music is nice and the tileset is small, but not bad.
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I agree with Squall and Tidus, it is a level, with a great music and a good futuristic tileset. It´s perfect to try out your skills.
The only thing I don´t like is that waiting room you fall in when you have lost, because it is too small and boring.
(Please do not rate levels higher due to clan affiliations. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I like it, it rules!
1 min point: gets boring after a while.
Ofcourse, download recommedation.
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I must say, this is the second best assault level I have ever seen. Though the tileset and the eyecandy are a bit poor, the fun factor is brilliant!
I have to change this review. I forgot to review some things.
Fun factor: 9, really good
Idea: 7, not too original, not bad either.
Graphics: 5.5, not too good
Construction: 8, well done, GOOD level!
Though I´ve seen many new assault levels, this is certainly the 3d or maybe even 2nd best.
Overall: 7.2
[This review has been edited by Black Energy]
Though it´s not bad at all (it´s nice!!!), I´ve seen better assault levels.
I like the gameplay of it, it is really good, but I don`t like the tileset..
Download recommedation!
one of the better jazz1 songs remixed, and i like it even a lil’ bit better than the original too :)
would ‘ve done the ending differently as ye can easily hear when it replays again – but well, that wont get the rating down ;)
Nice Level,
Only not a Good Level For Battle
Eyecandy was Very Good
But kinda Too much,
and this level was Way Too Crowded,
and that Springs was also a bad idea,
Overall a Nice lvl
Download this now
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.