The music is excellent,
the idea is good,
but i just can’t rewiew this…
Nice litle tileset. Clap hands for wisey!:-D
4 words:
Gosh!? Why anyone hates hotels?
Chatroom, Battle Arena and
Weapon Shop are good ideas!
1. People like to chat and not be shot
by others. It’s annoying, you being
aimed at when writing a reply.
2. People like battles. I won’t put
ammo here, only some podiums, an warp in
and warp out.
3. People want to have their weapons better. You can anyways put up high prices ;) Highest shall go to Seeker powerup…
Someone say what you think about these lvls!
Very good level, cool name:). But let us cut to the chase. “Where wariors fall” is one of the beter levels out there. Only complaint is lack of powerups(only 2). But, apart from all these harsh coments:), download this now all you battle maniaks:-D.
Yay Martin. Another amazing level. Fright Night CTF is really one of my top 50 CTF maps for JJ2. Its got great eyecandy, great gameplay, and well.. just everything you look for in an elite CTF level.
Design is awesome. The level is huge, and has many ways to go from base to base. Layout is nice and open, and plays very fluent. I’m not totaly sure about the start positions, but they are not at all badly done, though.
Eyecandy is amazing as well. The l33t TSF Haunted House set is used, and in a great way. The level consits of 2 houses on either side of the level, and some smaller ones in between. The rest is all spikey thorny ground, and looks really great. The only con in my opinion was, that there is no textured background. With one, this level would have probaly looked beter.
Weapen and powerup placement is also pretty good, although a bit sparse, but still nicely devided across the level. One bug though, is that the fastfires in the bonus warp don’t regenerate. Fix that, Martin..
Well, to sum it up, Fright Night CTF is a MuSt DoWnLoAd for all (TSF owning) CTF fans out there. Martin is, in my opinion, surely one of the top 20 level designers in jazz2 history! Only one other bug, the next level seing is frightnight.j2l, while it should have been fright night ctf.j2l. [This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Nifty race level Dats has for us
here:-P. The level is very well designed, and it pleases me to see a race level9almost nobody makes/hosts/uploads race levels these days). The music rocks too. Race fans, ownload this now!
Nift-o-rific tileset here, your comanderness:-D. Not much to ad to the other reviews. Download this right away!
A very good tileset. It can be used very well in levels with networks of tunnels. I dont have anything more to ad to the toehr reviews, download now.:D
This is a pretty good level pack. The design in each level is very good, and, sadly, its also almost the same in each level:-). Aiko also used a very spiffy tileset, that looks like the good o`l mez01 tileset. This is`nt a perfect battle pack, but it could be alot worse.
“Deserted Diamondus” is a very well balenced singleplayer level. There are some pretty neat event tricks, and the overall design is very good. I award this level witha very high 8.2 points. Good work!
Well, this one is defenitly nicer then your last uploaded level. The powerup placement is nice, only there is (almost) no normal ammo, thus making the level look very empty when playing, also due to the lack of eyecandy. Also, your last level ws rather small, this one is too large. Unless if you have a photographic memory, it`l be almost imposible to normaly navigate through the underground tunnels of this level. It took me less then 1.7 minuts to get lost:-D. Keep on JCSing, i know you can do it!
Here`s another great level pack by Martin. The level design in each level is outstadning, and so is the enemy, weapen, food and so on placement. The levels themself are huge, and good enought to rival with Overlords RHG:TF levels. Btw, i also know how to do the episode thingie. If you`re all nice, i me tell it someday:-).
~>CelL<[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
The CTF level is very nice, I think.
I took 1.5 off for food.
Mind you! Someone gets a Sugar RUSH
and kills everything and everyone…
Actually, where is FC UNDERGROUND?
I need it to play with my server, coz
it’s my level’s Next…
-0.3 for dead Next Level in CTF.
Overall, a 8.2. (Chatroom is da idea!
Weapon Shop and Battle Arena too, but erase Cafe and all the food around the level.)
BTW, music and tileset are very k00l.[This review has been edited by Wazz Wackrabbit]
The level couldn’t be any more true. Although, if you really want to submit something like this I suggest you work harder on it.[This review has been edited by MR MAGOO]
The eyecandy in my opinion was pretty good, for an overused tileset. One thing I do not like is the powerups beside eachother in the spring room. Not very professional. Shields aren’t a very good idea either. No one likes them. :P Hurt events are also a mistake in battle, because they only affect the server which is pretty pointless. I recommend that you put a bridge or something over the spikes so you don’t touch them. I recommend that you download this if you want a small, fun level to play.
Tip: instead of 8 bad tilesets spend your time on one tileset that is really good.
you were pointing out all of my “mistakes” i call that insulting
[Official Admin Reply: Pointing out level mistakes is NOT insulting. It is what people do in order to help you improve the level. What are they supposed to do? Only say good things about the level? That defeats the purpose of reviewing the level. These people are taking their time to help you improve the level – not insulting you. -Trafton][This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Ok, I will have a look and try to improve them.
These are my first tilesets…So what should be expected?
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.