Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Coca Cola Xan
Level rating: 3.6

Hmmm, pardon me Xan, was I too hard on you?

No, I really mean it, was I too hard?

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Coca Cola Xan
Level rating: 3.6

mirrows lvl was nice and with some good eye candy and weapons placement. The game play is also pretty fluent with no dead ends and stuff like that. Your lvl Xan, though, wasn’t as good. Pretty bad weapons placement (very few ammo except some power ups) and everything regenrerates far too fast. Also, my God!! 5 carrots, all in one place?!!! Are you out of your mind Xan!! And there’s another carrot on another place too!! Also, some of the powerups are placed so that only Spaz can get 50x out of them or even get them at all which is very unfair. Also, what is this, a test lvl or a battle lvl? You’ve made a small test for ppl to do but then it’s not much fun and can be quite frustating. :-P Also, plz don’t write swear words in the lvl and if you really have to, censor it at least a bit. And at the end of the whole “f*cking test”, you can fall down and not be able to get up again cause you’re stuck at the bottom at the lvl. This is one of the worst lvls I’ve ever seen and the only reason why I am giving this an 4 is because of mirrows lvl, the good tileset and the excellent music.

There is absolutely no point to download this ppl. So DON’T.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

Review by thumper

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: memorial3
Level rating: N/A

bitter sweet is yours ninja??

Review by thumper

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: memorial3
Level rating: N/A

and ninja, thanks for the incuraging reviews, i never knew that you can get critisized for a memorial for people that died

Review by thumper

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: memorial3
Level rating: N/A

i know that it was because of planes but they call it the trade center bombing, yes i got the idea from urjazz
and i stole his music too :). but thanks

Review by zoey

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: memorial3
Level rating: N/A

its not the best level but i like it because it is bigger, and he took more time then the other memorials[This review has been edited by Fquist]

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Streetstuff tileset
Level rating: 6.2

Im not really that fond of hotels and this hotel isn’t really that interesting. It’s got the usual stuff and nothing special.

The tileset I already have and since that is good for its purpose the rating will be 6.5.

But if you are not a fan of hotels or that kind of tilesets, I see no good reason to d/l this.

Review by Catz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mediev(i)al battle
Level rating: 6.7

I like this lvl becouse its medivo tileset here are some points of why like it 1.great i candy weapons 3.Good music

Catz :]

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

JJ tublear, NinjaUR, personal attacks are not a good subject to post about so soon after this attack.

You have my compassion too, Americans. But, however nice a gesture this is, levels should be rated for their quality and not for their goal, as it would mess up the site forever.(like.. memorial levels would make up the top of the charts..)

Review by Catz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: WS JungRock
Level rating: 5.3

Ill give u a 4 becouse i under stand why u have the black background and so theres ur 4

Catz :]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Battle in the City
Level rating: 7.5

Despite the fact, this level is from a german author, i’m quite suspicious here. Mainly because the “Town House” tileset is very hard to use and i never heard from Unhit as a level author before. Furthermore, we also had one or two levels with the same exact name…i hope the author didn’t copy or steal anything.

However, the quality of the actual level is quite good: the layout is circular (one or two dead ends, though) and the event placement (ammo and goodies) makes sense (except that one full energy carrot!). Unfortunately the eyecandy isn’t too great (the background looks a bit messy and there isn’t a lot of layer work at all).

But all over all, i think this is definitely WORTH A DOWNLOAD. There aren’t too many “Town House” levels around.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial 2
Level rating: N/A

Okay, because this is a horribly cheap copy of URJazzCC’s level i will just copy my review from there:

“I really don’t know if a Jazz2 level using the Carrottus tileset is too appropiate in this case (terrorist attack, about 5000 people dead).
However, this is the place to review and rate levels: there is no design and no eyecandy, just some gems and text events showing the compassion of the author (of course, our “nice friend” JJTublear also talks about justice there…sigh). Well, at least i didn’t find any major bugs in the level. The music obviously fits, it’s an ImpulseTracker version of The Verve’s “Bittersweet Symphony” and quite sad.
Personally, i think there was no need for this level and/or at least no need to upload it at Jazz 2 Online. Waste of bytes.”

I actually have a lot to say about this, but i should better shut up. Flame wars don’t help anyone (like J2 levels don’t help anyone…).

[Changed rating to N/A -Fquist][This review has been edited by Fquist]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

I usually NEVER post N/A posts, but i have to say something here:

We do care about what happened. At least a lot more than any American ever cared about any wars or terrorist attacks in Europe or the Middle East(!) in the last fifty years. Ever heard about ETA in Spain, iRA in Ireland, RAF in Germany (in the seventies)? Ever heard about serbian massacres in Srebrenica in 1995? Did you pray for the Iraquis who died in the US bombings the past years? Well, think about it.
I can only tell you that you have my compassion because of those horrible attacks on Tuesday. Apart from that, this level posted here is a bad level.

And JJ Tublear, i guess you’re about to be kicked from Jazz2Online forever. Sometime it’s just enough with all those personal attacks. And NinjaUR, i requested a serious warning for you. Watch your language.

Review by Wacky Spaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blocked Out 2.0
Level rating: 7.5


HAPPY NOW SCIZOR[This review has been edited by Wacky Spaz]

Review by scizorfc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blocked Out 2.0
Level rating: N/A

Download other, i cant re-upload the lvl

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

URJazzCC I think you’ll teach some people a lesson. It seems the Europeans don’t care about what happened on Tuesday. Everyone who gave this level a 1/2.0 are European. Hmm…

Review by URJazzCC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

HEY…Ninja don’t be insulting people..I didn’t make this level for good review or anything like that.If you don’t know around 5,000 people died, and I felt that I should do something for them…Sheeesshhh…I’m a Canadian and I still care.And I take offense for people out there calling this ‘crap’ because this isn’t for your personal pleasure or anything..It’s a show of respect..So show some respect!

Review by URJazzCC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial 2
Level rating: N/A

Well it’s good to see that you people are showing respect to those who lost their lives in that disaster. And I don’t mind about you using the Idea (I doubt I was the first to think of it) make lots, that way people can see that we REALLY care for them.

Review by Bod XAN dbZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

good of you to think also on others not onley on jazz :)

Violet CLM: This rating has been removed. It probably would be on any upload, for that matter. I mean, what about the level?[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

One word. Crap

Violet CLM: One word: Removed.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]