Review by Elrick

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Saiyan City
Level rating: 8.3

Cool pack :=D.Hmm,im just wondering why you deleaed Egypt 2 in first place,you could only corect it :-) But these is your pack……..Master :) I think next lvls gona be mutch better

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cheese is green on tuesday
Level rating: 7.9

I ate cheese once on Tuesday, it was rather yellow. :-P

Well, back to the review:

WOW! This is the best race lvl I’ve ever seen! It’s got lotsa original obstacles and I like that the lvl changes for every lap you make. :-D
You have to jump, dodge and do lotsa other stuff to get to the exit. You have to be really careful and precise when you race in this lvl cause if you don’t watch out, a spring will send you all the way back to Carrotous. :-P

The eyecandy is also pretty nice with flashing lights and other stuff. But I think the pulse lights could flash a liiitle bit slower??

Well, anyway, Cheese is Green on Tuseday is a must download whether you like race or not. :-P
Download NOW.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JelZe's Pinball Race
Level rating: 8.2

Cool race lvl.:-D I like it a lot. The lvl is very original and some of the pinball obstacles are AAAAAARGHHH!!!!!!!
But with a little training you should be able to get up there e-z-p-z ;-)
Also, I’ve noticed that Spaz has a special advantage cause he can double jump and skip some pinball stuff which otherwise would be hard to pass. I think that’s a little bit unfair for ppl who use Jazz and if you can’t change the obstacles, at least place a morph or a message huh?

Otherwise this race lvl is GREAT and anyone who likes race should download this.

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crystalis
Level rating: 6.2

This lvl is quite nice, lotsa enemies, some puzzles to solve (but they’re a little bit too easy aren’t they??)
and an end boss. Download? Yes.

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Under Ground
Level rating: 5.7

Not a very good lvl I can tell you. The lvl lacks both ammo and eyecandy, there are too many dead ends and it can be hard to navigate in this giant maze to lvl. Sry, no download recommendation ppl.

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unhit's Allround-Test
Level rating: 7.6

Pretty good test, VERY hard, took me hours to finish. :-) Nice obstacles and stuff but I can’t say they’re original. There are 3 different sorts of tests in total, airboard tests, jump tests, helicopter ears tests and helicopter/jump mix test. My only complain is that the next lvl setting is wrong, you should’ve used some more original ideas and that you should use Castle night instead cause it looks better. ;-P -0.5 for that.

If you’re into tests, this lvl is worth a download.

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

The music fills my eyes with tears…it’s so sad…

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

I guess it’s good. But I don’t think this should be rated. Because it will mess up j2o no matter how good it is.

Review by Strato

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Memorial
Level rating: N/A

Have you ever had one of those days, when you wake up, and know something bad is going to happen, and find out that the twin towers are gone?I sure did. This really isn’t a lvl… So I won’t rate.[This review has been edited by Inf. Spaz]

Review by Hawkin 87

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: WS JungRock
Level rating: 5.3

This is a good first try. PRACTICE!!!!

Oh, and MOOOOOO. (don’t ask. just needed to take up space. ;-P )

Review by UJPspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Saiyan City
Level rating: 8.3

nice lvl with nice tileset we want more

Review by Unhit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lava Lamp (The real one)
Level rating: 7.2

OK, Skulg…this is a nice tile, but i think there are too few decoration.objects…add some(but I don’t knoe what!) and I’ll give better rating!
But- to all visitors: You really should DOWNLOAD this tile NOW!

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Unhit's Allround-Test
Level rating: 7.6

If your going to make a test and your using a 1.23 Tileset. Then change this to JJ2 1.23 then I will play and conquer the test. I’m one of the greatest masters at Puzzle Levels.
Now I have JJ2 1.24…

This test was great. No original ideas though. And it was easy!!! Really, only the first level gave me trouble, hahaha.[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamonds in the Rough (Final Release)
Level rating: N/A

LoL How many final releases CAN there be??! You should through ‘em all onto a webpage on Geocities or Homestead or something :-D

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

Am i late?:-D
This is by far my second favorite ML tileset.(My 1st favorite was mezmerize:-P)I dont have much to ad to the other, say, 28 reviews:-D. Go download this righ away, even though ML does`nt live anymore:-(.


Review by Unhit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Xmas evening (updated)
Level rating: 8

OK, WR! I know this lvl very well, and it’s really fun in the internet! The new version is well cause there are nearly no bugs and graphical ‘errors’ left…nice lvl…I’d give a 7,8 or 7,9, but there is no such rating…so let’s go up to the 8 cause your foreground is very nice!

So, i wouldn’t wait til Christmas with downloading it…hurry up!

And, for all that think he’d have made me to write this cause he has given an eight for ‘Battle in the City’: HE DIDN’T LIKE I DIDN’T!

[This review has been edited by Unhit]

Review by Ramborabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: WS JungRock
Level rating: 5.3

Well, he tried. Good effort on his part.
I like the whole tube idea, though. :^)

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Battle in the City
Level rating: 7.5

I thought Turt made this?? Well, overall, nice battle lvl, good weapons placement and GREAT eyecandy! :-D
It’s an 8. I would give this a higher rating but I cut down 0.5 cause of bad spring and pole placement, they get in yer way all the time. Sry.

Well, that doesn’t mean the lvls bad ppl. Download NOW.



Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Saiyan City
Level rating: 8.3

Excellent!! You have at last taken sanity and reduced the amount of ammo in these two lvls Supersaiyan, cause the older versions had weapons placement that looked like it was put there by a lunatic escaped from an mental asylum. ;-D This time, both of the lvls has splendid weapons placement (not better than mine though :-P)and also food which can let you get a sugar rush which I not so long ago discovered works in MP.

The first lvl is quite big (or is it?) and has both inside and outside areas. Plenty of eyecandies and lotsa lotsa background stuff. Also, some nice use of platforms and other stuff. In fact, it’s the use of the tileset rather than the structure of the lvl that impresses me. Great lvl.

The second lvl is faaaaaar better. :D It’s my favourite actually. It’s in the night and there are BIG buildings, plenty of stuff and much much more background eyecandy than the first one. AS I can see , you’ve added some inside areas in this lvl too which is pretty good but still not of as high quality as the outside area. The lvls got pillars, palm trees, bugs and other annoying flying things ;), some statues, nicely decorated houses and HUGE pyramids. The pyramid, is the BEST part of this lvl and they are just great!!! You go up, up, up, up and furhter up and then yer climb up, up, up and further up again till yer warp inside one of them and gets all dDiiIZZzzyyyy…
Too make everything short: the pyramid rocks!!! :-D Also, probably cause the pyramid was so popular, Super Saiyan has decided to make an even bigger one with more dizziness which lasts longer. You have to collect 20 coins for it (sooner or later ppl will start queing for the pyramid :-D) but it’s totally worth it. You go up and down and left and right and gets all dDiiIZZzzyyyy…
Too make everything short: the big pyramid rocks even more!!! :-D
Excellent lvl.

Unfortunately, no lvls can be perfect and it looks like it’s just the same for these two. My complaints are: (don’t worry, ;-) they’re not much)the lvl lacks one way events and ppl have to go around them to go up, not so good, the places that lacks most one ways are some of the palm trees, the houses, the roofs and some other stuff. Also, Egypt Night is faar toooo dark. You can’t see a fr*ggin d*mn thing!!!Sry, but -0.3 for that.

Well, what more can I say??? It’s an very high 8.7. Download NOW, and I mean NOW!! (Not later :-P)[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Saiyan City
Level rating: 8.3

Wow. Great pack. I was some of the final beta testers, so yahoo. Anyway, my first comment is to Bod Xan Dbz. Don’t use dutch language here. Much ppl will understand it, but also much ppl won’t.

The review:

The first level is great. It has the look-and-feel of a real village, and the ammo is very nice. The tileset (Agama’s Egypt Day) is used very well. At some points there could be some more variety, but it looks good at all. The other event placement is also great, but maybe some more springs would be fine.
First level rating: 8.0

The second level is also great. It uses the “night” version of Agama’s Egypt tileset and has aslo got that look and feel of a village. One bad point is that there’s only one start point. The ammo and event placement is good but could be better. There are some nice “doomed piramids” or something wich makes you very diizzy. There’s also some secret piramid. If you enter it, you’re in some maze where you can find a bird morph. I like this level, but not as much as the first lev.
Second level rating: 7.0

Eat my review, please :D