I think all i need to say is download :)
The eyecandy’s good, so is the level design… Need i say more?
heya ssj ik ken je lvl wel :) het is een goed lvl met een goede tileset :) ik download het ook cya all ps
DOWNLOAD THIS LVL ITS VERY DETAILED[This review has been edited by Bod xan dbZ]
Whee. Im the firzt to review thiz. Great.
Anyway, my first comment: WHY CALL IT BLOCKED OUT IN CAPITALS? Maybe you didn’t knew I HATE Capital stuff when it isn’t needed?
It looks like a good level. Design is not bad, some eyecandy. But, how horrible, when I played the level, I saw warps to
“CafĂ©”, “Chatroom”, “Weapon shop”, etcetera. This looks like a hotel! Argh!. It’s great you can also play the level without entering that warps. Ignore them and you’ll have some battle level that’s too little and has got much dead-ends. Not much ammo-variety, not much other events, wrong next level setting, TOO MUCH CAPITAL STUFF.
Conclusion: Nice try. Make the level bigger and without that hotel-like warps and it could be great. A 4.7 for now.
Cool lvl.
I played it this morning on UR’s server.
It’s a good idea to make tubes go different ways relying on the time you enter them.
It greatly shames me to have made this review only now, especially because Shadow sent me this level even before it got uploaded to J20!
This level deserves a 10 in my book because of the very creative use of the tileset, good eyecandy, and good level design. If you are a Battle maniac (or even if you’re not), do yourself a favor, and download this now.
Because no one will see the level.
Cool. :) I like the tileset very much indeed and of course the lvl too. It’s kinda big and unlike most other assualt lvls, you don’t go up or down, you go sideways which I think is funnier cause…eh…well…I really dunno actually.:)
The downpoints of this assualt lvl is that the middle section is a little bit disorientating and very much like a GIANT maze but maybe it’s sposed to be like on??
Anyway, it’s a pretty good assualt lvl. Download this.
Hard as H*LL >:@ (-1.0 for that :-P)but still, good as HEAVEN!!!! :-D
There are many new ideas and puzzles in this pack, some of the no less than revolutionary at the time of Tomb Rabbit’s release. I also like the idea of a more story-lined approach and the huge, unsavable lvls are excellent.
This is a must have for every skilled SP player, but beware: if you’re a newbie you might as well find Tomb Rabbit almost impossible!
EDIT: Raised rating because the only reason I gave this an 8 was because I did not manage to complete it. Now that I have become better, I’ve realized just how amazing Tomb Rabbit it. This does not deserve to have a 9.4 average rating.
Cool, it’s Dangerous Dave! That’s a fun game LoL The level conversions are pretty good!
Where’d all the tiles go? It coulda been better…
Not too many tiles here…. but there aren’t too many in the real Ceramicus either, come to think of it!
This one’s got all the tiles from the original JJ1 conversion by Epic Megagames plus afew new spikes and a logo! Really kewl!
Very nice tileset! All though it’s hard to use, you can make a very good level if you really put a lot of effort into it.
This is a VERY good tileset! It’s easy to use, and the eye candy is pretty good!
Very nice tileset! It has all most ALL the tiles from the original JJ1 Tubelectric levels!
I got this one from Jazz 2 City a long time ago… I think it’s a really good tileset! The graphics are very good. I like the anthill/termite mound thing!
I’m a really big fan of your JJ1 conversions, and I’ve got basically all of ‘em! This one really stood out; it has plenty of tiles, and some new ones, too. However, it’s a hard tileset to use to build levels… ofcourse, a better one would be hard too; Letni’s a tough tileset for anyone!
This is a very good tileset, one of the best. Some of the tiles look so realistic, it’s not funny!
Hehe, finaly someone who uses my tilesets:). The level “WS Jungrock” is, sadly, not 2 well designed. The black background is very anoying too, you could`ve also used the waterfall as a background:-P. Sory, but i dont recomend downloading this. Oh, and i like to be refered too as >CelL<, not as cell:)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.