Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: WS JungRock
Level rating: 5.3

I’d agree with everything that Newspaz says except the bad-eye candy… I’d say OKAY eye candy. The reason he put a black background is because there is a bug with the tileset and you see black edges going out of the tiles you place, which is very noticable. So, I’d agree on a 5.7.

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: WS JungRock
Level rating: 5.3

-No enemies
-Bad eye-candy
-Kinda small
-Easy to get stuck in
-The same
-Crates, Crates and Crates

Review by Wacky Spaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cracco Moon
Level rating: 4.8

This has gone down because a 2 was to good im afraid that this lvl is not a good one and if i were you id make it more exciting its kind of boring and the music is kinda boring to sum up this lvl is boring

no hard feelings Wacky Spaz

[This review has been edited by Wacky Spaz]

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamonds in the Rough (Final Release)
Level rating: N/A

Why don’t you just re upload the old Diamonds in the Rough?????

Review by Wacky Spaz WW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Gemz, Volume I: The Beginning
Level rating: 8.4


Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cracco Moon
Level rating: 4.8

Well, “Cracco Moon” seems to be some kind of experimental level: it uses a custom tileset called “CS” (80 tiles, quite original, by an unknown author, please give some info next time!) and it mainly consists of a hotel-like landscape, a boring labyrinth in the ground and the moon, where you don’t have a lot of annoying gravity :-)

The design is confusing enough (this is battle? I didn’t find any weapons!), and i don’t like the tile placement at all. Layer work is non-existant.

On the other hand, the moon idea is somehow original and the custom music by Alberto AS(!) is very cool.
As you may have noticed, my main problem with this is: where is the concept behind it? I didn’t exactly find it…

To sum it up: “Cracco Moon” has some nice and interesting ideas, but for some reason, they weren’t perfectly transformed into a level. Nevertheless, if you like experimental, “different” stuff you might want to download it (i wasn’t sure about my rating, it’s between 4 and 6 points i guess).

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Beach Party
Level rating: 7.3

“Beach Party” is not a bad level at all. Then again, it’s doesn’t have anything new, exciting or special, as the other reviewers mentioned before. It’s just a good battle map: the design is circular and fluently playable and there is some nice eyecandy. The weapon placement is also good, and White Rabbit even used the water and pinball event :-)
Conclusion: “Beach Party” is not a must, but a sound download for everyone.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Evilness2
Level rating: 6.4

Hehe, i agree with the others:-P. This is a very well built tileset. You people may say one color is pretty boring, but i dont realy care `bout those thing:-P. Download recomendation? YeS!


Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Story (Try-Me Competition event 3 entry)
Level rating: 8.7

Alright. I have`nt done this some
time, but here goes :). The overal
design is pretty good. The fact that
there`s no bosses and (almost) no enemies that you can slaughter is
very diferent :). The level in wich the space ship explodes is REALY awesome.
Good job, stripe (and everyone else who worked on this). By the way, this could have been a BIT longer.[delete]


Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Shellion's Extreme Revenge (SXR)
Level rating: 9.3

This is definetly one of my favorite level packs. The idea of Shellion is realy amusing. The Jazz boss is awesome (Its one of the only real good MCE bosses :) ). I especialy like the music in Electric slide. It rulez! This is realy worth it. download it TODAY!
I downloaded it on jazz2city , not here.:-P


Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Christmas Afterthought
Level rating: 6.6

Christmas afterthought is a fairly well-balenced battle level. The gameplay is`nt too bad, and the design is ok too.
My only complaint is that there is no pickup-ammo, only those crates. Download recomendation? Not THAT much, but yes, if you like battle.


Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wind Meister SE - SERVICE PACK 1
Level rating: N/A

actually, i tried re-uploading. it didnt work. sorry =p

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1 Jungrock
Level rating: 7.5

There is something wrong. I can’t download any of his tilesets!

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EvilMike's Giant Tileset/Level Pack
Level rating: 8.1

This is realy a very nift-ular pack by Evilmike. The tilesets are very nice. I especialy liked the tileset of up-side-down Diamondus. I should make a level with it once:-P. The levels are mostly very good two. My favorite was Shine-o-rific land. I`ve gotta stop now, maybe i`ll make my review a litle more detailed later.


Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jumpfun
Level rating: 8.5

Ah yes, another Tip upload! This is realy one of the beter levels out there. Its actuely a litle boring, but thats cuz every JKM member hosts it these days:-P. The weapen placement is very well balenced. The tileset is also nice. Those silly and useless pokemon things have been removed, and some new tiles have been added. I recomend downloading this.


Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: (Tileset) J1pezrock
Level rating: 8.7

Coolness:-P. This is realy one of the beter Jazz1 conversions out there. The masking is very good, so is the background. The graphics are, ofcourse, created by Epic, so i wont rate them. The tileset has pretty much everything from the origenal Jazz1 planet. I recomend downloading this, especialy for Jazz1 tileset freaks(like me:-D).


Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dino Station
Level rating: 8.9

A very cool single playuer level using Alienators pretty cool ‘Space station’ set. This level is very l33t. Its pretty small and short, but needs a big bunch’a strategy and skill to finish. It has multiple routes then can be choosen at several places, wich most single player levels dont have, they just follow one straight path. The way all rooms conect to each other is also pretty good. The use of spikes is also pretty nice, some pf them are used at real iritating places. The enemy placement is also good. At the start, you need to cloect a number of coins from a few places to advance. This is not a new idea, but still, i like that. Scavanging for stuff is fun:P. A big fat 9 points for this super coolish level.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Gemz, Volume I: The Beginning
Level rating: 8.4

Whew! I must say that i was rather impressed by these levels. They use a number of underused tilesets, Dethman’s AWESOME MeZmErIzE tileset to name one.

The design in these levels is splendid, and very easy to get around in. I’m glad to see a treasure pack here, because this game-mode is so darn underused, while it can be great fun having a good treasure game with 4-8 people. The gems in these levels are very well placed too. A good amount in each level, with diferent kinds spread well.

There is a great use of triger efects, like gems coming down out of the sky after stomping a triger crate and such. Eyecandy is also very good, these levels look just totaly terific to me, wich may be partly because of the fact they use a few of my favorite tilesets, but thats allright:P.

Tileset use in most levels is also very origenal in most levels, “Pitch Black” using the castle tileset to name one. This level makes use of the Castle tileset in a way i have no other level ever do before. Another good example is “End of hours” using the MeZmErIzE set. MeZmErIzE is probably my favorite Dethman set, its looks totally awesome, and is very easy to work with. The use of the tileset by BlurredD is just splendid, and has sort of a mythical atmosphere to it. I also liked the looks of the “Dark Awakening” level, using DehMan’s “Cyberspaz 2V” set. This tileset has a very cool industrial, dirty look, and even though it was auto-masked(lazy DethD00d:P), and looks a litle unfinished at some parts, its great to work with, and can result into great eyecandy if used properly, as this level well shows. Its got a great look, all tiles look so complexly put together, and i’m guessing that BlurredD used at least 6 diferent layers to achieve these tile combinations.

The music here is also very cool. It uses a few rocking background modules by elite music trackers. Tunes like “Blade” by Cyberzip and Shutdown left me completely breathless. Another well chosen adition was “The ZARATHUSTRA” by Drax, wich has a good egyptian sound to it, and was origenally chosen by Agama as one of the default music files for his awesome “Egypt” tilesets. These music files all fit the levels perfectly. I only did’nt totally like hearing the “Labrat” tune. I somehow dont like this music file, and would have liked hearing something else in its place, but still, i guess it fits good.

To sum it up, i must say i am very, VERY impressed by this pack, certainly regarding its only BlurredD’s first(!) J2O release. After long hours of thought, i have decided to reward “Lost Gemz, Volume 1” with a very high 8.5(!) points, and a BIG FAT download recomendation to everyone, treasure fans or not.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Enjoy Coke
Level rating: 7.5

Pretty good… the tiles are done very nicely, but I think it looks kinda hard to make a level out of the tiles… but it would make a very comical and fun level! And, like before… small.

So, a 7.2 it is!

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Forest
Level rating: 9.2

Wow! This pack is AWESOME!!

Tileset: 10.0 — Great tileset! I downloaded this mostly for the tileset, because I can’t play JJ2 Multiplayer since I’m behind a stupid annoying mean party pooping annoying stupid mean bad FIRE WALL!!! But, the tileset is very, very good.

Levels: 9.9999 — I decided to give ‘em a shot… and they’re some of the best levels I’ve ever seen! Nice work!

The reason I didn’t give this pack a 10 is because of the music…
ithout the music… a perfect 10.0!!