WHAT?! You really expect me to give an detailed review about all these stuff?!Are you crazy?! Of course I won’t! :P But I have taken I quick check through all the stuff here and I like it. Yeah…I like it :)
If there ever was a great expansion to an perfect battle pack, this is it. Download NOW.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
WHAT?! You really expect me to give an detailed review about all these music files, tilesets and lvls?! Are you crazy?! Of course I won’t! :P But I have taken I quick check through all the lvls and I like it. Yeah…I like it :)
If there ever was a perfect battle pack (volume 2 :-P), this is it. Download NOW.
(Yes, we do expect that. Because reviews like this with nothing but unexplained praise are just not acceptable. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
WHAT?! You really expect me to give an detailed review about all these music files, tilesets and lvls?! Are you crazy?! Of course I won’t! :P But I have taken I quick check through all the lvls and I like it. Yeah…I like it :)
If there ever was a perfect battle pack, this is it. Download NOW.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
man, this is GOOD!
the new forest tileset look, indeed like blade cheated and hired a oil painter to do it :).
and lisiten to that funky music!
For some reson, the style of the forest tileset reminds me of lesmash’s works, except forest is bigger an saner.
great job, blade!
Really good!
It combines the 3-d ish look of astrolumina with the flashy colorfull blocks look of mez1!
(wow! mez1 in 3-d!)
anyway, all it needs is some text signs and destruct blocks for a better raiting
I agree with Zieg here. This is a funny assault level. I dont know for sure, but i think this is the first assault level out there in iwch both teams can attck. Download recomendation? Yes, if you know HOW to play assault:-P.
What whitey said:-D. D/L recomendation? YeS!
edit: Ooops, forgot to rate the D/L:-D.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Once again, WoW! Blade has outdone himself with this brand-new awesome looking tileset! The new levels, the ad-ons for Blades battle pack 2, are also of high quility. I recomend downloading this to every battle, tileset and music freak, and anyone who just likes Police oficiers Jazz2.
I downloaded this a long while ago,
on the old jazz2city. But when i saw it was availeble here, i just HAD to review it :-). Al in al, good level pack.
Me is to lazy to write a nig review here. Nice job wisey.
Nice level pack.I never had so much action since RHG came out. The layout in the levels is very good, although i have come acros some tiles that where`nt proparly used. But, like some people said before me, the pickups are way to many, especialy food. I got at least one suger rush in each level. I
remember of geting even about 6 suger rushes in Backstreet Rabbits. But besides that it is a very good level
pack. Btw, like i said before, this is NOT the bigest level pack for single player. The bigest is Rabbit honer guard(it has 70 levels).
Btw, another jazz2 fan, the first level was Spike beach. :-0
My turn! This level is realy very well built. The ammo placement is vey well balenced. Miky-wiky made very good use of the Diamondus conversion by Toxicbunny. I recomend downloading this to all battle and JJ1 fans!
What do you mean, Disguise is weird? But still, it’s about time you released this. Now I have one more tileset that makes mine look totally awful. YaY.
(By the way, tilesets are hard to review)
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Nah, I’ll just find someone hosting it. Much simpler. :)
(Though just from seeing his other works, I’m tempted to rate this, but that WOULD be dishonest.)
It looks like Skulg`z made another nice tileset for us folk`z! Sunset in town is a very origenal tileset, although i do think itcould have had a few more tiles. D/L recomendation? Yes.
I (sorta) like the idea of this level. I`m not realy a fan of RPG like tilesets, but i must say this is not a bad level at all. Keep up the good work Crack-pot!:-D.
This is realy one of the best level packs out there. With CtF being a not that popular game mode, i`m pleased to see that there are stillsuch good CtF levels out there. Nothing more to ad to the other 1O reviews, cuz all the good things are pretty much taken:-).
Nift-o rific pack `ya got here Blade. These are some of the best battle levels i`ve ever seen on this site, or anywhere else! The design is almost perfect and its got smooth gameplay. There are a few dead ends, but thats not so bad. The music selection is great. Only almost every music file stops playing at one point, and then you dont hear no music at all until you die, or go to the next level, but i guess thats not your fault. Keep up the good work!The only thing that keeps you from geting a 10.0 is that it doesnt have as much feel as real clasic levels like SandStrand O’ Hazes by Spy for example. Yousee, when youm play levels like that, with the music and stuff, you can actuely feel some sort of something, and that..er…feeling is realy great. The levels that had that most where to me the Glacier levels, mainly because of the excelent music selection.
~>CelL<[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Well well..
Graphics: 7.2
Theyre alright, the background is nice and the tileset is O.K.
Music: 7
Not a real special music file…
Gameplay/Fun: 8
It’s actually nice to play in this level, a good place to battle.
Construction: 6,9
lthough it is a small size, the level is good constructed. Nearly any places to get stuck :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.