I am not going to rate this because there is no reason to
I say, nice work here from Blade and Wille! This is some of the most superB level design and gameplay i`ve seen around here for a while. The weapen and enemy placement is very well balenced. I highly recomend downloading this for the holiday seasen! `Nuff said.
~>CelL<[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Wait a minut, refresh my leaky memory here will ya`z… Ad still exists? I thought it died a while ago.
What must i say about this tileset
it’s good but…(you hearth it before)
it’s not to big
that’s the onley weak point
Does J2O have a re-upload function? Does it work? sigh
In Hide and Heat Seek, you mite find sum belt glitches (when you step on a belt but you don’t move). That, I can’t help. And about that missing background in Dark Awakening… I left it out cuz I couldn’t get the desired effects otherwise (I added little stars, too). Also, I’ll upload that Odyssey tileset when I put it in my battle pack :P (Sheesh, i would EXPECT a little more reviews especially since this is my 1st upload)
you’re GOOD, no better you’re GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i’d really should learn to make tilesets maybe one day I’m just so good as you!
you’re one of the best conversion builders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will make it a better lvl with the ammo not on 1 place, space not as big as it was.
with tileset :)
so wait for the next one but there’s comming up soon (I hope)
Cool lvl. I’m too lazy to say anything about it so just read the other reviews.
Download this lvl. It’s worth it.
Well, here goes:-P. The level space port by Skater is a fairly nice level. Somehow i cant imagine its your best level, i have seen somewhat beter work out`a you. Tileset not included: -0.3 points. Download recomendation? Sory, no.
Good lvl pack, weapons placement, eyecandy and navigation, they’re all ok but I don’t like that all the lvls follow the same design except using different tilesets. It would be much better if all the lvls would be different.
Anyway, download this, it’s still pretty good.
Nice battle lvl, I played this a lot on Battle Server, it has good eyecandy and navigation. Also, I really like the weapons placement. The only thing I want to complain about is that it lacks powerups, the only two is Bouncer and Toaster powerup. Of course, too many is bad but also too little.
Download this.
A couple of great CTF lvls, download NOW.
I’ve seen worse lvls though…[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Ok, here we have three excellent tilesets by mirrow. The town tileset is my favourite and all the tilesets include good animations and eyecandy. Download this.
These lvls is very BAD! A couple of tests and a weird battle arena and that’s all.
A warning for everyone:
Yes, I got the same lighting problems with Xmas evening. I think you can’t fix it, it just is like that. This is a very nice lvl really and it has got some excellent eyecandy e.g. that BIG waterfall and diamonds everywhere. It has also got good navigation and you won’t run into things all the time. My only complaints are that you haven’t used any foreground layers at all and the weapons placement isn’t very good, the weapons are too scattered and there are far too many carrots.
Conclusion: it’s a 7.5. Download? Yes.
This lvl is not much, bad weapons placement and navigation. Lack of eyecandy and the space area is too big.
No download recommendation ppl.
I dont have top3, but one question:
of what tipe is the level???
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.