Well Black Ninja I see the difference between this and the original. This one has triggers when you win. But there is a problem: when you finish the level and the triggers get activated the sign for level 6 gets messed up and shows Level 0. BTW you should add a save point on level 8. I beat this game. I kept dying on level 8 because of the Spiked Bols. Also you put Bo’s Beacons in Layer 5.
That was a good idea. Well keep up the good work can’t wait till you make Wind Meister 2, hey and please make it harder than this! Majority of this was way too easy! I kept resisting the chance to save! And Yes, I resisted, phew!
O yeah the Eye Candy could’ve been better if you added more clouds, and the Sun. But Overal this is a great level.
Difficulty: 4/10 Stars [This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]
Enter a cave, then exit the cave. Quickly re-enter the cave. And the Lighting won’t come on.
Very nice treasure pack, some good chosen music, splendid use of tileset, great eyecandy, especially in the lvl The Abyss and some creative ideas in some lvls making these treasure lvls….really fun to play. The lvls size varies from medium to small and has good navigation making it easy for ppl to run around without obstacles getting in their way.
I recommend download this.
Btw, are you gonna upload yer tileset Odyssey or not BlurredD???[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Wow! Tubes, and lots of them! Except for some minor eyecandy flaws, which really don’t bother while playing, this level is really good. I quite liked the light puzzle at the seeker powerup, this way people won’t get it too fast. pretty big level too, i think it requires a lot of players to play in, it looks like a duel could last for hours in here.
you can onley download this lvl if you have the tileset Top3 from overlord the good version is comming up but it won’t re-upload
Wow, this is an AWESOME battle level! My only complaint is the eye candy in just a few parts, like entering the Underground Warzone or the caves… the tiles at the edge of the ground don’t seem to ‘flow’ into the ones next to it when entering/exiting these… other than that, it’s a great level!
P.S: What lighting problems? I didn’t catch any![This review has been edited by Labratkid]
Wind Rul32 j00.
And the level is great too. It even has wind! If only all battle levels had “ideas” like that…. It might be in need of a spring or two more, though.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Nice lvl really, good music and excellent eyecandy. It’s just that everything is like a BIG GIANT maze and it might take some time to go to the right place. This lvl is best for servers with lots of ppl cause if you’re only a few, chances are that you won’t even see your enemies during the whole game.
Download? Maybe…maybe…
Thats absolutely nonsense, Ninja. This roolz. I like it. The level itself is average, but the concept is great enough to give it an 8.0.
this 5.2 is not for the eye candy, because the eye candy is nothing special. however, the moon is very neat…very, very neat. although it is sort of a clone of my ‘Titanic’ Level, which uses the same effect. ;p
this level is good, just not the best out there. it is still worth playing, tho, so try it!
First, I must say that, (I hope this will not offend the above reviewers, or anyone else for that matter) the above reviews are short and give little explanation to the level.
Second, the review itself:
The level, cracco moon. The basic idea is to face each other on a straight ground. The weapons are all cramped up on several ‘bases’ and going there makes you locked in, so the idea behind that is pretty good. Sadly enough there are some warps in the bases that allow you to escape.
The low gravity idea is very nicely used with a moon-surface somewhere in the level (i’m guessing the bottom, judging by the way it is achieved). The moon is fairly reachable and constructed the same way as the rest of the level, which makes the general idea quite… boring.
Judgement: I’d say there is far too much emptyness in this level and there is not nearly enough variation and ammo lacks on all locations. Gameplay is more hotel-like on some points… (just walking around trying everything out instead of battle)
There is defenitly room for improvement. A lot :)
A 5 for your idea and troubles.
This is a nice litle battle level. Its fun to play in, and well built. A nice level here by white rabbit. Its good, nothing special though.
I like this lvl really it got good eyecandy (maybe some errors) and got a less usen tileset.the weapon placement is also good choosen
Download this …
Btw, White Rabbit.. did you know the Example level isn’t passworded?
Ok, I know I’m a ittle bit late with my review but that’s cause I didn’t even know these CTF lvls even existed since last week .;-P
Now that I see that short reviews is the new fashion on this lvl, I’ve decided to write a short one to. :-)
Two great lvls, one awesome tileset and music that sounds it came from a racing game (I like that).
Need I say more? Download NOW.
Wow! One of the hardest test lvls I’ve ever seen! The tests are so……..AAAAARGH!!!!! I never made it past lvl 4. :-) Instead, I used jjnowall :-P to check the rest of the lvl out and I liked it.
Only download this test lvl if you are good at tests ppl!
Awesome tileset! It has loads of blocks and blocky thingys and also nice background stuff and it really should be called Blocks instead. :-)
It’s really nice and it’s also pretty simple and easy to use. I like it although I don’t see a particular reason to make a lvl out of it. :-P
Download recommendation? Yes.
BTW, you shouldn’t password an example lvl Newspaz. :-P[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
I don’t think this lvl is much really. A couple of crates, a coin warp and that’s it. The eyecandy is really BAD but that’s probably cause of the tileset you’ve chosen, Holiday Hare 98 would fit much better.
Sry folks but I don’t recommend download it.
cool lvl. VERY hard. I have not beeat it yet(which is saying a lot because i am very good a tests)[This review has been edited by Cobra RR]
i have seen this this set before. though i do not see how it is a tribute to mez sets. nice 3D style look.
p.s. disgiuse is not weird[This review has been edited by Cobra RR]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.