I agree with VeggieMan, this lvl IS easy to move around in. Probably because of the small size of the lvl.
What I like in this lvl is the size of the lvl combined with the red and blue bases entries. You have to warp to get inside them and fall or go through a tube to get out which makes guarding the flag easier. But because of the size of the lvl, once you get out it’s gonna be easy to score a point.
Quite good for a first lvl. I recommend downloading this for quick and small ctf games.
WOW! Cool race lvl, actually, very cool. :-) The space ship in the beginning transporting yer up is awesome. Very original. Good job. Also, there are plenty of shortcuts and alternative routes past the hard ones which I haven’t seen in any other race lvls. Very original. Good job. Also, the background spaceships is also quite cool and follow ya around wherever yer go. Very original. Good job. The use of tileset is also quite good, right tiles in the right place. Not original. But still good job.
But…unfortunately everything that is good ends here. The lvl lacks obstacles and it’s a piece of cake finishing it with Jazz cause you just hover over all the ground obstacles. And that windy section, I think you have put a liiiitle bit too much wind and the sound from them is TERRIBLE which ruins my speakers. :-( Also, the music doesn’t really fit. In the beginning, the music is fast and very good but then after a couple of minutes it slows down and sinks the tempo of the race. Not good, not good.
If ya just fix these small problems Another Jazz2 Fan, this could be a very good AND very cool race lvl.
Downloading is recommended.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
The hotel isn’t finished yet. The maths stuff, the tests and the rooms arent’t finished yet. But still, this hotel is quite good in comparison with the other hotels I’ve seen. (not that I’ve seen many :-)
The pool is quite fun, I especially like the water slide but I just don’t get it: what ARE hotels good for? They’re not a battle arena, they’re not some kind of giant chatroom, ppl just run around inside them visiting rooms and stuff. Is that really fun?
But anyway, I’ll give this a 6.7 for now until you finish it. Then I maybe will raise the score.
Oh, btw, , can I have room plz? :
). A public one would do fine and make it as white as possible. ;)
I don’t really understand you Cracco, how does it all work? I downloaded the lvl and all but just don’t get it.
Hmmmmm……this is one of the smallest tilesets I’ve seen. The example lvl gives you an idea how an lvl made of such a small set can look like. Even though I never liked coke I still think it’s worth downloading.
Good job mirrow, just add a little more stuff to make it bigger next time huh?
Nice only a bit too small add More Stuff in it Too get a Higher Rating[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
heya mirrow u remember me well i like coca cola becease i am a huge fan of it and so i give it 7.7 kinda high i think but i can make the best level with that tileset succes with making new tilesets
ps.better so that 7.7 here ya go[This review has been edited by Bod xan dbZ]
The music fits the level very well. Good Job with music choice. It has ok eyecandy. The main problem I found was the upper warps. if your Jazz have fun doing the super jump to get to them all the time it gets annoying fast. Try to make levels that all the characters can move around in as easy as others. That’s the biggest problem I found with the level. Other then that. Word up I guess ;)
The level is easy to move around in. I love that keep up the good work with the easy movement in your levels. You may want to add in different light affects. It looks cool sometimes. The tileset was a good choice. I have that one.. I should use it one of these days. You may also wanna add some music too.. I didn’t hear any.
Every time he reviews, it posts the review twice. Average up the reviews yourself and see if they count his second review or not, if you’ve got some time.
Ack…. Cell, dont review twice and have both rated…. that boosts it. o well nice tileset ummm… like cobra said its not very big… but i like it
Shouldnt this be under lvls???
anyways most hotels arent that fun, so im not even going to download this
great set.I really like the logo
p.s. you should include an example level every once in a while[This review has been edited by Cobra RR]
nice tileset. not very big though
sings coke slogan life tastes good coca cola :-)[This review has been edited by Cobra RR]
Yay! Finally a Jungrock tileset! You should make a Fanolint one… or a Scraparap one!
This level is way too small. It is also very disorganised, and you didn’t make use of all the layers enough. By the way, if you only care about Cazz’ rating, then why do you submit the level here?
:-O, :-O and once more :-O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the BEST singe player pack I’ve ever seen! (And from this point, also the only one I need ;-). Fantastic eye candy, superb game play, well-placed secrets and mind teasing puzzles. Still not convinced? Need more reasons to download this immediately? Well continue reading then…..
Ok, eh…..really, I’m out of ideas here so I dunno how to continue.eh…well, Overlord, didn’t you said take that if ppl were gonna rate this take some time? Does that mean the review or the lvls? I’ll go with lvls. And by doing this I guess I’ll need to explain them in more details.
Ok, here goes: The lvls are all put together in one GIANT campaign (dunno any other description for it). The campaign itself is divided into 5 episodes (one secret) It’s almost like the official single player game with the same tilesets and same amount of lvls excluding the secret episode but I’m still not sure if I’m right. The episodes are: Escape, Through the history, Undiscovered worlds, Devan encounter and the secret one’s Devastating grounds. Now when you download this pack you can read all these stuff in the RHG readme so I’m gonna continue with the actual description of the lvls instead.
Also there’s the not so big but still very good expansion pack: RHG: The Fortress using Overlords so called “advanced tilesets” .;-P Because there are two “campaigns”, I have decided to divide my review into two parts. One about RHG and one about The Fortress. Alrighty everyone, brace yerself for MY review:
Unfortunately, because of my bad memory, my brain can only hold roughly 10 lvls out of the 70 so don’t be surprised when you download this pack and play one of the lvls and say: “Hey! White Rabbit was wrong about this and that!” ;) The lvls have all got plenty of trigger stuff and special effects. Two good examples are the lvls made of beach and labrat tilesets. (I forgot their names). The beach lvls have trigger effects that I have NEVER seen before (not that I’ve seen many). By standing on something or stomping a metal crate the water level goes higher or lower or baddies pops out from nowhere. (Actually, I think it’s above and not behind as Overlord said in the readme ;-P) In the labrat lvls, there are tubes or thin…long…openings…on the ground or…whatever and out of it comes electro blaster fire, seekers and something that looks like the beam from the laser shield. I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how you did it (but would really like to know) and it just keeps me wondering and wondering but only when I have time because I spend my time mostly on looking at the beam. (I’m still doing it 8) which makes my eyes go large as big dinner plates)
The game play of the lvls are as I said superb and mostly (or all the time) affects the difficulty of it too. One good example is the lvl Colapsing? (you spelled collapsing wrong Overlord :-P) Although the design is (simple?) and it isn’t very hard to play, the lvl is STILL (in my opinion) one of the most frustrating and time taking lvls in the whole pack. If you don’t get what I say, download this pack and find out for yourself.
The use and the placement of ammo is also great. In the castle lvls, you really have to use and take advantage of the pepper sprays long range cause without it, you’re dead cause the baddie placement is very professionally done so it’s gonna be real hard killing them with bouncers or the good old blaster. Excellent. Also, there is also very good use of electro blasters, especially in the first lvls where you will find it much easier to kill baddies if you have got some electro blasters ready. But be warned though, I recommend you put them on rationing and only use them if ABSOLUTE necessary cause if you use’em up like a maniac, you will sooner or later find yourself in life and death situations (but you can always restart ;-) where the electro blaster could have saved ya. Also, I like the amount of weapons in the later harder lvls. The ammo is VERY sparse and you almost only get freezers and toasters which can be useful but isn’t very destructive which is parts of the reasons why I died a unforgivable two times when I played the Devan encounter episode. The only thing I can add now is that Overlord has obviously spent a great amount of time working on all these ammo stuff and he has done a marvellous job. Marvellous.
The baddies however is the main part of how hard the lvl is. Sometimes they attack yer in a mass all together and a good example is the eye generating machine in the lvl The First Try. Although it can be hard to survive them without the full health carrot, you’re gonna get some fun before you die. I dunno about Spaz but with Jazz, yer can jump around until you get all the eyes above you and then you super jump. The result is that you cut through the eyes like butter :-) and hopefully you’ll get all 16. Also, they can attack you hidden in holes or above ya like those banana throwing monkeys in the jungle lvls. They hide themselves in trees and use it like a bunker to throw their bananas at ya. And it is VERY hard to not get him by the bananas. Also, some baddies are positioned PERFECTLY as some kind of special attack target. Just trick some flying stuff that normally annoys you and super jump. And…. :-O!!!!!!!! This is the first complain on this pack ever!! (Or maybe not, cause I didn’t really bother to read the other reviews :-P)
Some baddies are badly placed and they’re all in a row just waiting for Spaz to use his sidekick on them. And there’s no air defence either e.g. crows or flying bugs on some places guarding the ground baddies. Not good, not good cause the baddies shouldn’t be placed so that one character is better of killing them than the other. They should only be like that if you can’t prevent it.
Also, there is plenty ingenious use of hurt events in some lvls e.g. the jungle ones where big tree stumps with sharp bottoms go up and down like those knifes in Tomb Rabbit. Only they go a little bit faster and it’s really tricky going past them if you don’t have good timing. Also, in the secret episode there are…oh wait a minute, it’s supposed to be secret…so I’m not gonna write anything about it, discover it for yourself, but be warned: they are tricky to get past. Hehe :-)
Also, to spice up everything, Overlord has used his 4 of his own tilesets (no, make that 5) to build the lvls in the secret episode Devastating grounds. The tilesets are: Top Secret 1, Top Secret 2, Plastic, Space Prison and X-COM apocalypse. Top Secret 1 and 2 are almost the same except from a few tiles hear and there. It’s very original and includes lots of animations and eye candy but still have the tiles to build a complex and big lvl. Great tileset, that’s all I can say. The tileset Space prison is also one of the best tilesets in this pack. It includes lotsa lotsa stuff and as yer all know, stuff is good.:-) Also, Overlord has decided to share some of the MCE stuff with ppl who’s not really good at lvl editing (e.g. me :-P) and thanks to them, we may lvls with better eye candy in the future. Unfortunately, it looks like the tileset Plastic and X-COM apocalypse isn’t as good as the other three tiles. Plastic includes funny letters and weird laser stuff and X-COM apocalypse has plenty of background eye candy and cool lightsaber stuff (or something like that) but except from that, in my opinion they’re not much really.
Now, none of these lvls would be anything at all without good use of the tilesets being used. And I tell ya ppl, Overlord has NOT made good use of the tilesets, he has made SPLENDID use of the tilesets. Almost every tile in every set is used in all the lvls and in the secret episode Devastating Grounds, Overlord has showed what his own custom tilesets can do. Trigger effects, hurt events, lasers, eye candy, they’re all there so if you can’t get to the secret episode at the first try, try again, and again cause I tell ya it’s worth it.
But wait! I’m forgetting something here. Oh yes, the multiplayer lvls. Overlord has included 3 battle, 3 ctf and 3 treasure lvls in this pack. But by taking a look at them, you can quickly see that they’re not as good in quality compared with the singe player lvls. They are, actually quite disappointing…… :( The battle lvls has poor weapons placement, you can’t really…battle in them, one of them are using the heavily overused Carrotus tileset and the treasure lvls are confusing and one even too small. Although the ctf lvls include some original ideas with very fun stuff like “spring frenzy” :) and much better weapons placement than the battle lvls with some cool eye candy, the rest of the bunch is not much really.
OK, here’s the not so long awaited expansion pack of the fabulous Rabbit Honour Guard: Rabbit Honour Guard: The Fortress. This pack consists of 8 very well done lvls. The first and last of them is not playable though and all you need to do is sit back, read the text and enjoy the eye candy. :) The rest of the bunch however is hard as h*ll and it’s gonna take a lot of skill and determination (and savings ;) to complete them. All the lvls has got excellent design and has got some VERY demanding puzzles too. You have to destroy computers, solve trigger and warp combinations, press a keyboard here and also you’ll need to fly through an invisible warp maze. Also there’s plenty of secrets to find. But don’t be happy just cause there are many secrets, they are the most well hidden I have ever seen and it’s very tough to find them. Also, there’s some VERY nice eye candy and sometimes you catch yourself looking at all sorts of eye candy stuff whilst the baddies make rabbit stew out of ya. Also, just like RHG, there’s ingenious use of trigger effects and destroying a computer or pressing a keyboard often activates triggers. When they are activated, you will find either:
1. Being sent to a bonus area.
2. A secret door opens (or a normal door)
3. You’ll get sent into what looks like an abyss. 3.
4. Things will either improve or get really bad for you in the future. ;-)
So, in short: the lvls are simply as near perfect as they can be. Move on to the next section plz.
Well, this about everything I remember and if yer still require more reasons, consult someone else cause I’m out of them. :-) And for ppl who’s not as stupid as those who need more reasons I’ve got a message:
Here’s a note to lil’ Overlord ;P here: now that you have made RHG, I’m gonna warn you, we all expect quite a lot of you now, so don’t you DARE disappoint us. ;)
Here’s a note to everyone else here: screw the official SP lvls*, dump Tomb Rabbit* and all the other SP lvls* cause the only SP lvls you need is Rabbit Honour Guard!!
Oh, and btw, by writing this review I’ve gone from New reviewer to Occasional reviewer. YAY!!!!!
:-D :-D Let this day, be remembered for ever!!! :-D :-D
*In my opinion. :-)[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
I cinda like this tileset. Its got all sort`sa colay stuff in it. The design and stuff is nice. Only -0.5 points c`z mirrow did`nt make the cola stuff himself. Otherwise, i recomend downoading this tileset for every cola fan out there:-D.
I am going to re-upload everything once I find out how to add the tileset and such.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.