hey all kids love haze hackrabbit
well i think this is one of the best jazz remixes ive ever seen euhh i mean heard
great sound and some cool effects its really cool
Judging music is really not one of my qualities, but I can say I don’t like this song. Since I don’t know what to give it I will keep n/a.
It’s as is quoted above an edited version of an existing song and that I don’t really like either. Besides.. I liked the original more anyhow.
I got the songs from J2C and burnt a CD with them :) I blast them on the stereo all the time[This review has been edited by ShadowGPW]
slaps himself Why did I give this a 10?[This review has been edited by labratkid]
How do I listen to it? It’s not a wav, mid, mp3, or anything… and does it have to do with JJ2??
ITs good, But i can do all of these sprites ( and a few more ) with RegEdit.. Not very useful if you know how to use Reg Edit, very good for newbies wanting to change sprite…
hmm…the uploaded version of this pack is mutch better then the old one…i like the design of the levels Specially the music of it.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Hmmm… Sounds interesting, I might download it, but i really dont like single player all to much… Ah well Wat the hay right. I guess ill have to download it and then review again right?
Yeah, this really rocks! Very cool animations, I also think that DJ Spaz is the greatest! Good work!
I can’t play this. I only have CC.
And of course I have the ordinary jazz2(;![This review has been edited by Mariek]
I’m not a big fan of race levels, but this one deserves the rating I gave it. If you want to know why, download it.
My review is nothing compaired to these top reviewers, but anyways…
I think this is a cool tileset, has some nice animated tiles (the mummy) I Suggest you keep making tilesets.. this one is REALLy cool
Very cool, I needed some new music files. Umm… not much to say about it so Ill just say the rating speaks for itself
Great Tileset…. To bad you wont release your other one, o well. I could defidently see making a lvl out of this. Although it could use just a few more tiles, but its better than none =)
Ack… I already had this tileset, o well.. Its very unique i must say, I build lvls with it all the time (none which are released do to my lack of modavation) Umm.. COuld be a bit bigger but it will do. I love the bunny targes =)
There that will boost your rating a little bit… Very Cool tileset, Im defidently going to use this one. Umm.. I just like I dreamed of when i thought of what Rabbit Heaven looked like (though i really never thought about it) =) Well… Keep making tilesets this is the best ive seen in a while
(Rabbit heaven: interesting. Review: undetailed. Rating: removed. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
[EDIT] Content edit, personal attack [/EDIT][This review has been edited by ShadowGPW]
these are nice levels. a lot better then the fragfest one. its no big acomplisment tho
great set! remids me of the 2nd zone in sonic the hedgehog.
remember to put tilesets in the tile set section,ok?
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.