The tileset is good for the first one .But in next TIlesets YOu can make them more detailed.I think u made it in paint .SO it must be hard to make it download some other prog (psp)
But the idea of a western set is original also the indians and the saloons .
All in one it is a good lvl for the first set.. hehe
Download this
Ah yes! Team battle. Something I have tried a long time ago in some other way… Lets not bring that up (I…failed a little :))… Never came up with doing it this way though.
Only disadvantage is that you now have 3 hearts instead of 5. That can be a real pain with upgraded weapon (cept for 8 and 9 of course).
But anyway the concept is great and I do like it.
I must say, I can see some improvement here compared to your other levels.
They are still a long way from perfect, Especially the first one, which has absolute pathetic gameplay if you use the flyboard. Just basic flying alone, because there is nothing else than the above part. I recommend smallening your levels to avoid this.
The levels lack good eyecandy. You see you consistently used the same tile for the walls / platforms and the background and that makes the general looks… boring.
Also the hallways you used, they are far too small, you cannot dodge any attack desently.
So as you read, there is plenty of room for improvement.
If it weren’t for the airboard in the first level I would have given this a 5.5, but since it’s there, I fear I have to make that 4.5 and I’m rating this as if you were new which you are. Consider yourself lucky :)
The Black Death has spoken! hehehe always wanted to say that…
Allright, when downloading this level I already had something in mind as to how this would look and I was right. Almost simular to the other upload you placed Executor.
The level lacks good planning I’d say. The ammo is piled up at some places, the buildup itself is… well not good. The gameplay to this level just lacks. Also the start points are not randomly spread throughout the level for equal odds.
Also I can tell by the way you behave that you need to …. I donno …. How do I put this non-offending….. Grow up. Please. I have seen a lot of things you said here and how you reacted to the reviews of others. It is THEIR OPINION. Let them have it. The general idea of uploading things here is to get people’s opinion. If you go bugging people who dont like the level, then dont go uploading things to j2o.
I will not be the first to say this and it will not be the last time I say this either. Go have your war with F!re. It will hurt you more than him.
O, one more thing. I give this level a 3 for the effort. You should try thinking of more of a planning to make the level. Keep in mind what you want the level to have. Keep in mind what you want the players to do and test it with 2 players and with 4 if you can.
Also, let others then clanleaders in desperate need of members try them.
I hope you will make better levels after this…Good luck!
I don’t want to say much, but what you actually want rated (uploaded to j2o) is a text file. Now not judging from that I still say that it is a mighty fine set of levels you have there. I will get back with the rating when im done playing all of them through.
O and one thing to executor: I think you are more new to this then most others and I also think you did not download this, but just read the description and readme. NEVER EVER let any of that stuff cloud your judgement, for it might be your favourite thing you are calling stupid.
And besides that: No I did not hear of the phrase either…
I’d say this is the best level pack I’ve ever played :) My only complaint is the Mines of Moria — I got stuck in the walls about 6 times while playing… other than that, it’s a great level pack!
Wow super set…
The tileset reminds me a lil bit to a ghostcity with good painted and detailed tiles .YOu painted almost all possibilites to the tiles.Maybe a lil bit hard to use it for a lvl.But ome original ideas.
YOu must have this
Just stop it Executor, will ya? You must not get mad little thing like this. It is stupid. Face the fact that the level isn’t so good as Cazz told you. And who Cazz. I’ve never seen her anywhere. And that war declaring. Hehe.[This review has been edited by Blade]
I went to the site, downloaded the first zip, and when I went to unzip it, I got error in archive directory. AARG! Somethings wrong with the file.
How come everybody ELSE has no problems? Should I use winzip instead of powerdesk?[This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]
NOBODY insults Cazz. I, Executor NJ, Viceroy of the NJ clan, declare clan war on F!re and his clanmates (even though he is not actually in a clan.)
(User humiliation. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Okay, it’s nice to be first rewier of this level.
I think eyecandy was..bad,particularly in the “Wacky neichborhood”.
And I think this levelpack was also a bit hard.
But there were also some good ideas.
Great level, but it does need a little work. The level is easily beaten because there is not enough obsitcles in the air. On the other hand, the tileset was used very nicely, and it centainly makes its mark as a fun race level. A must for everyone.
Felinethey are trying to help you, so take the ratings, you dont like it too bad. u probably didnt spend to much time on the levels either. i also think people are overrating this. im sorry here is you 1.2 for your effort in trying to make a good but bad level. now see how other people feel when u underrate their level by a mile. dont make fun of people’s level unless you can do better, and, i can make fun of you. so :P. just make it bigger….and less filesizey, many people have easter music file….
(It’s unfortunate that your entire message was nullified by a single personal attack. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
(Especially seeing as this leaves your rating completely unsupported, causing it to be removed. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
They are rating your levels. Stop attacking the raters.
And actually, we must compare your levels. How can we rate otherwise?
Do you like something just because it has 70 levels and a gimmicky install program? Ever heard of the phrase “keep it simple, stupid?” I long for the good old days before frivolous gimmicks.
Wekk whaddya think I am?! EvilMike?! Do not judge me by looking at Agama’s levels and comparing them to mine. Take my levels at face value.
its a great set! reminds me of a gold mine
cool tileset but there is only 1 animation tile
it is a very nice set except for two things.
1.its poorly masked
2.its kind of stupid to put windows backrounds in it.
other then that, i give it a 6
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.