Review by mirrow

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

WOw wow wow never saw something like this…

I think it is real better then tombrabbit even the readme installation and launchfile.. As i open i though it were any 3d i am going to play now

Each lvl got multi eyecandy and playfeeling…
It got everything for a good campaign .

A 10+ from me

A must have for everyone …

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Discofever (come and join the time:)
Level rating: 8.6


Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tube Battle
Level rating: 7.8

I can’t play multiplayer Jazz 2, cuz I’m behind a firewall, but I decided to check out this level and it was a very good level. The eye candy is pretty good, and the layout is great.

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Chemestry
Level rating: 8.5

Yes, this pack is nice. I had a good time testing it, as I was winning a bet while playing it. Nameingly proving to EvilMike that is was possible as Lori. ;) I was right.
Also, being Lori gives you this huge advantage in the bonus level. ;) I got about 700+ coins out of it.
The puzzles are fun, though it wasn’t as hard as some of you say, but I didn’t find the eye candy out of the ordinary. At least there was eye candy, unlike some levels.
Oh, and I found that the Diamondus level was slightly confusing, and I wasn’t quite sure where the line ran. (That’s how I think of SP levels, lines.)

Review by URJazzCC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tube Battle
Level rating: 7.8

Good level, the layout was nice and smooth, altho it got a litte rough at some parts but not too bad. I found a layer bug but it wasn’t real bad. The weapons were placed fairly well, as were the coins, there was just the right amount of carrots in a level that size. Some places u could get stuck in like the destruct scenery, but overall a pretty good level (look at me, I sound like a real level reviewer :-p)

Review by Nitro

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Base in Space
Level rating: N/A

I got a download recomendation for this so I’ll tell you what I think…

Review by Cobra RR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Astrolumina-Early release version
Level rating: 7.7

its a great tileset. the scroling text is a cool idea.

Review by Lark

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

Wow! If you showed that to Epic Megagames when they were making J2: TSF, they woulda took the tileset AND the level! NICE!

(Ignoring the fact it didn’t look like this then, this rating is being removed. Why is it so nice? Why would they have taken it? Please… ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Cobra RR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Executor's Fragfest
Level rating: 2.5

all i have to say about this level is its very overated

Review by Spazzyman

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ChatLogJJ2
Level rating: 8.5

Comdlg32.ocx, eh? hehe, its a control link used in his program Common Dialog 32-bit….eheh Link, include your ocxs in your project, lucky for me i have vb5 and the ocx comes with vb so bleh ;p.

Review by SteelTalon

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: stripe's race pack
Level rating: 7.1

Okay stripe, I will honor your non-numberical request by doing an unconventional non-numerical review.

Heheh, swaddling clothes. ;)

I remember Diamond DASH… First Race level I believe…

Anyway, this pack is great. And I’d say that if I wasn’t biased, too. ;P

Get it already. =P

Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: stripe's race pack
Level rating: 7.1

A pretty cool race pack, with a few complaints. The space level is unique, but very difficult to play and follow the course exactly in order. Recommend adding masks around course border. Also, the level exceeds the tile limit, and sometimes there is some slowdown during play.

The psych level is really cool, even though I generally don’t like psych! The only complaint here is that annoying warp at the top of the long guitar that, when you jump takes you back to the start. (Arrg). When I take it away, there are access violations. [annoyed].

The diamondus level is also pretty cool.

All together this is an excellent race pack, with several split paths and alternate routes, full of amazing eye-candy, it is a must download!

PS: I put a rating so ppl will d/l it. It is silly not to. If you request, I will remove it.

[This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan][This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]

Review by Spazzyman

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cool Text
Level rating: 8

Don’t go there overlord. Dont even think about it. Because U DID learn editing memory from me, and u did in a way copy my idea when i first released cool text, dont even go there, dont even.

Review by Cobra RR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Red Diamond
Level rating: 8.3

a small, but fun level

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Executor's Fragfest
Level rating: 2.5

so your opinion is when 1 player says something it automatically is


cazz may play a long time but aint that good at building lvls and stuff

ok back to my revieuw

you call this good looking
it only has a back ground and u used the tiles wrong so there are tons of eyecandy bugs in a smaal lvl

why the heck did u include the music file and tileset of easter it already comes with the game and like fquist said its only more useless space

you only have tree walkways with little space
and the weopondeplacement really sucks

youll have to learn how to use jcs good next time

Review by MEGASAZ MR

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: stripe's race pack
Level rating: 7.1

I dont like races but this one was quite good

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Executor's Fragfest
Level rating: 2.5

Fine, if you want to keep receiving bad ratings and not listen to good advice, that’s fine with me.

Review by Executor

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Executor's Fragfest
Level rating: 2.5

Cazz gave it an 8.5. She told me it was very good. She’s a veteran Jazz 2 player, who has been playing since early 1999. She’s also my clan leader, which means that this level will become an official NJ battle level. Her opinion is far more important than yours. BTW, I’m making a new set of battle levels. When you see them, you will FAINT. :P

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Discofever (come and join the time:)
Level rating: 8.6

WHAT?! I thought that beaver was a human! Oh well, nm…
What’s important is that this has become my favourite tileset!! I luv the VERY comical eye candies and the disco tiles. You’ve put a Spaz in a tuxedo dancing and Jazz as a secret agent (or something like that).

Also there some discreet eyecandies you can put on the walls e.g “I was here” but in Britain, we say: “I wuz ere” which in my opinion sounds cooler but really, so what?

There’s also other nice eyecandy stuff like transparent lights, the spinning shining white globe and those background hills with buildings. Really nice and neat! :D There’s also “vines” in the tileset although they’re disguised as metal bars. And that’s not it! The tileset’s also got shattered glass (prolly from a brawl by two drunk rabbits ;) which you can use as hurt events. That’s really nice and neat too and most important: originial.

The other stuff are also pretty good and you can make pretty complicated lvls out of this tileset even though it sounds simple, buildings blox, disco animations on the floor, stairs, roads and doors which you can create trigger effects with….and so on! :-D Btw: after making a lvl with this tileset, I’ve discovered it was REALLY easy to use so good news for you rooks out there! ;-P

The whole tileset gives you the feeling that you really are in a disco studio and you can make awesome lvls out of this awesome tileset. This tileset clearly deserves my 10. AARGH!! I wish I could give it an 11!!!! :-D

Oh, and one more thing, that blue Spaz between the two Loris, is that you mirow?


White Rabbit.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

Review by Xtreem

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Electric Ir as Jazz Jackrabbit (clip)
Level rating: 8.4

I saw that on Hazes hideout,
Your insane ;) but its kool and funny ;)