I found only two secret levels, but the second one’s tileset was not included and I didn’t have it! Har-rumph.
I had to go back to my saved game 5 or so levels back, which made my points be less. (Same with lives)
Food was amazingly plentiful (I’m really surprised some levels didn’t have too many events), the gem barrels and crates…. well… They didn’t need to be that full. :P
And an invincibility right before Bilsy? I didn’t even have to do a single evasive manuever, I just sat there and he died!
Wow, I really sound like I hate the thing. ;)
Well the tileset itself is ok
I only wouldnt be able to make serious levels with it
I esspeccially like the background
btw I also noticed some masking bugs like the bottom of the pole.
I would not be so sure about the part, “awesome looking”.
Eyecandy: 4/10
The eyecandy is almost nonexistant. The author did put in a few different tiles and some flowers, but there are many rough edges and eyecandy bugs. Also, only layer 4 and 8 are used. Please! put in a background at least. If you can’t design one, learn to or steal it from the official carrottus/easter levels.
Design: 5/10
3 pathways, that’s all the level has. Try to put more roads. Don’t let them all start on one point, but let them intersect, etcetera. Some goodies are not spread but put into big piles. Try not to do that.
Additional notes:
You shouldn’t have put in easter.j2b. It’s one megabyte, and that for only one level using it. That is waste of space and memory. Downloaders have to wait longer, etc etc..
Conclusion: 4.5/10
Next time, put in some more effort.. I may be harsh, but I wish you nothing but luck, as I enjoy seeing (good) levels. Try to improve, so many people may gasp at your levels. :P
[This review has been edited by Fquist]
Design: 6/10
There is some good design. For the rest it is not very challenging. The idea could been used better..
Eyecandy: 5/10
At the start the eyecandy is okay. Especially for a hard set like Inferno. Unfortunately, it gets worse later on.. Don’t rush your levels! Also, use layer 3 more to cover up hidden entrances. When you pass through one you can see the sides of Jazz/Spaz. Put in more tiles around the entrance cover up tiles to avoid that.
Conclusion: 5.5/10
The author could have put somewhat more effort into the eyecandy department, even with a hard set like inferno.
The idea is good. It could have been used better tough, and more challenging.
So.. Good luck. You’ve made a good start.[This review has been edited by Fquist]
It doesnt work, i d/lled the runtime files. still doesnt work, it says it cant locate some kinda ocx file:
how do i fix it?
Layers 3, 2, and 1 can go to heck. Plus, I’m cooking up a set of levels that is 80 times better. And this one will be HARD!
First a note in my huble opinion:
The above reviews judge of lazyness, there needs not be a description in the readme as to what is first, it can be there only for lazyness but otherwise it doesnt have to be there.
Now as for the review…:
I am very disappointed in what I see and am guessing that the creator is new to jcs. There are several bugs where you for example cant reach the exit or can get stuck at the bottom. Layer 3, 2 or 1 were not used in a single level and the view of the levels you see is mainly 1 straigth hall with loads of enemies… Not very challenging or interesting to play. The music however is nice and the way the hall you go through most of the time is nicely decorated, but it just is not interesting enough to give a good rating…
So a 4.0 will be it.
I must admit, this tileset contains more than the usual conversions…
Besides that there is not much to say on this… I mean… Its a conversion and it looks like jazz 1 letni… yap thats it.
I would say more but on my big long review i stupidly got my password wrong.
Awesome tileset!!!! I LOVE THE SMOKING JAZZ’s THE PIMP SPAZZ’s AND THE …..the animal thing…..uhhhh….beaver? yah well I LOVE IT ALL
Whew!! Another tileset masterpiece from my homelands.
The very colourful “Discofever” tileset contains 400 tiles showing situations from the weekend night life on Carrottus (i guess:-)…Spaz as DJ, Jazz dressed mafia style and smoking and, of course, Jazz, Spaz, Lori and a beaver that wants to be John Travolta dancing like crazy (those animations really rock! Good work!). Apart from that, there are a lot of useful level structures and objects like this reflecting disco thing (my english vocabulary really sucks), semi-transparent lights, walls, stone, stairs and so on…too much to list here.
I only miss some girls and/or drinks :-)
mirrow also included a nice little single player example level in the ZiP archive. It’s quite short, has an okay design and good eyecandy but otherwise nothing really spectacular. Still, it gives a good overview of the elements and the capabilities of the tileset (and that was the purpose).
Apart from that i think that the black and white version (which doesn’t look exactly good) of the tileset is pretty useless (like the 8 bit version of the level, too). The masking is well done, as far as i can see it while i’m testing, and the music fits great (i prefer custom music for custom tilesets, though).
Conclusion: very good tileset, esspecially if you like bright colours and 80s disco feeling (it really is a bit like that). I even fear hotel makers will love this set :-) Anyways, “Discofever” is A MUST DOWNLOAD FOR EVERYONE.
P.S.: “JJ2 community. Stay alive!!!” -> i like that wall painting.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
I guess we are used to it already: Finnish Jazzer Blade is not only one of the most talented tileset makers but also an ace level designer.
“Everlasting Fight” contains three levels (two Battle mode and one Treasure Hunt map) using three different tilesets, namely “Heaven”, “Egypt” and “Egypt Night” by Agama. All three are SUPERB tilesets!!!
The design is of the levels is close to perfectness, like an example level “How to design a level”. Weapon and gem placement, platform structures, everything is arranged to make the gameplay as fluent as possible.
Also, the author tried to use as many elements as possible from Agama’s COMPLETELY BREATHTAKiNG tilesets (definitely some of the best i’ve ever seen!) and that worked out great. The result is some really stunning eyecandy.
Nevertheless, we should not forget that Blade only made the levels but not the beautiful looking tileset (not these ones, at least) so i “only” give out eight points here :-)
On a side note: actually i don’t like it when the music is missing in the ZiP archive. But somehow, Blade gave good reasons in his nice readme file…and the pack just rocks…so i don’t care too much this time :-)
To sum it up, this is a great level pack dedication from Finland to the Czech Republic (from one tileset genius to the other) and i’m darn proud that those two artists are with us on Jazz2. Hope they’ll stay for a long time. This is A MUST DOWNLAOD, without any doubt.
P.S.: Blade, would you mind not posting news and advertisements for your upcoming stuff here? You could use the J2O Forum for that purpose.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Very good tileset, at all I think it’s a bit small, but I like it, u did well making the rabbits of the game Dj’s and stuff like that.
Yes, very good work. :)
Do bunnyville.j2l. chamber.j2l is the last level. Do not ask how entrance.j2l got there. It does not belong in the pack. Bunnyville.j2l is the start level.
Sorry about that…I’m making it compatible with TSF right now, so I’ll reupload it as soon as I finish (probably later today)
Ummm…you didn’t include a readme file, so how do I know which level to start with? I tried entrance.j2l, but its next level setting is missing, so I’m assuming it is the last level. I looked through some of the other levels though, and I can’t figure out which one to start with. Did you test the whole pack before uploading it?
Really good… It is easier to use than the other cool texts, because you don’t have to enter in things separately.
And Executor, this program isn’t for colour only; it can do stuff like çþßéñ etc…which you can’t type in chat normally.
It’s really cool, especially the dancing rabbits… i got no time for the rest but ill just give it an 8.7
Good work!
Useless. Anyone can do colored chat messages with or without silly programs.
Most awesome level I ever played. ‘Nuff said.
(TILESET TILESET TILESET TILESET AHHHHHH ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.