I think they’re good levels. Good eye candy, gobs of challenge, good level design. It took me a long time to make this pack.
I played this level in coop by myself, and it was really fun. It was chalenging, but i did have to go to JCS to see where i go next. Some of the things in the level are a bit too well hidden, like certian stomps that you need to do. But overall, this level was made very well, and the way each player has to help the other is what makes this level so unique. For example, during the level one of the players has to take a fly carrot, and he must then help his partner get to the top in order to continue moving through the level.
Basicly, if you like a good single-player level, or anything you can do while your offline, then this is a MUST DOWNLOAD!!!
Umm…. There are three carrots.[This review has been edited by EvilMike]
The level is decent, the idea is cool, (Though it wasn’t entirely Mikey’s idea) and there are 3 carrots.
I’ll give it a 7 anyway, carrots or not. I don’t like it QUITE as much as you two.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Unsupported rating removal carrot. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Level is pretty good. I think it works with the concept. No powerups is good for the level. Low detail does suck though and it could be fixed ;p
I won’t make it higher cause of the concept seeing as I did have a lot to do with the concept.
Yep yep, a review from ST. How rare. =/
Uh, no readme and the instructions for Team Battle are nonexistant which kind of renders the level pointless (yes, you give some here but they are hurried and not understandable). At least nothing was missing. Most readmes are a luxury but this was a must so I’m marking ya down for this (you’re just lucky it doesn’t count in the ratings… ;P).
Decent eyecandy. It’s livable but there is no fancy layer work. At least it looks good on Low Detail.
It navigated pretty smooth and had a tolerable “flow” to it but carrots were nonexistant (intentional?).
The weapons were coming through and spades and they were just generally ubiquitous. You’d have to fire your gun until it breaks to stop shooting. Luckily there were no powerups so it was balanced. Still I think there should’ve been at least one regular carrot (maybe two on opposite sides of the level) and the weapons should’ve been toned down.
WEAPONS: 1.4/2
Felt slightly rushed and kind of like the author was feeling melancholy, bland and/or unenthusiastic. Just doesn’t have that flair and that classic feel.
D/L reccommendation. I never actually got to play Team Battle so the concept has gone untested so far. I may update this review after I’ve tested the mode instead of just the level.
A little less options as Overlord’s program. But at least this one can spell.
Great program, i will give a detailed review later. Anyways, as long as it is not TSF-compatible (i just tested and somehow, it didnt work), its complete crap (and i wont rate it :-).
Firstly, this tileset gets the rating it deserves. Maybe a 8,5 could be good.
Wow. I looked the tileset one second and made my decision. This is the best tileset of Mirrow. The discoland looked extra-cool, but the problems with the warpbackground. Mirrow, visit (http://tc101.nagcentral.com). A great site for learning stuff. The Jazzes and Spazes all around the level were funny, and the stuff for layers 5-7 were cool.
Great tileset! You will be remembered as a great tileset artist.
Cool… Its really nifty, and its getting used alot. The only thing is, does it work in full screen, cause you cant see it. oh well… Ill guess ill just use Project T
another great converison by >cell<
Yay :P It works.
Eyecandy: 4.0/5.0
Music: 1.0/1.0
Mode of play: 1.0/1.0
Tileset: 1.7/2.0
It’s 8.7…
Thx for rating guys …
PLz rate the next review higher for this set i wanna get a 8.7 :P hehe
Coolness. Finally, someone does it. :)[This review has been edited by Syntax]
I don’t like this level its a big maze.flashy colors good though.
It’s the best tileset I ever seen!!!!!!!
but I think the name of this tileset doesn’t fit because it isn’t really a heaven
I think a 10 is not to much for this lvl
(First we have praise. Then we have criticism. Then we give it a 10 anyway. Oh wait, the 10 is for the level, not the tileset. Eeh. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I don’t have any problems with opening but i get them form you on disc but there COOL!!!!!!!!!
It’s the best jazz1 tileset there is!
Great tileset and great example levels!
( Need I say more?)
pretty cool. its funkily colored, it almost hurt my eyes! The musics paranoid (but im paranoid, so no loss of score there). confusing and designed umm… originally.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.