i think i was number 27 in downloading this, so that means this is my lucky review! i think the jazz i stuff is well converter (even tho i never owned the jazz 1 full verson)and the original signs are cool. All you need for a 10 is a example level to show me how to use it (having never played letni).
I think that the tileset is pretty good (where did you get those dancing jazz tiles, mirrow?). I think it would be good for crazy party levels as Inf.Spaz had said, but if you dont include iny discoey stuff into the level, it would make a good street battle level.
I give you a 8 (whew! that was long!)
for anyone who wants to know, i make a version that has better basic tiles, but im not putting it here.
Im no artist, so live with it
(sorry foor this sudden outburst, im just in a bad mood for all those people who have tryed)
useful for jdc, right syntax? neato! ;p
Contrary to the others I think that this tileset isn’t that great as others make it seem.It is nice for crazy party levels but nothing more.
Its one of the best tilesets than i seen.
Very cool.
This tileset gets a very high score from me, and it sure deserves it. This tileset is based in evil disco land, and even though I hate that place more than anything in the world, it makes a cool tileset and level. I may actually use this tileset, just because it is so cool.
The only thing wrong with the tileset is that the textured background does not fully work.
Download this now.
Cool!This tileset rocks!First to include jazz1 signs and stuff.[This review has been edited by Inf. Spaz]
Well well…Here`s another succesful tileset by the one, the only Skulg. I cinda like the tileset theme, although it sorta reminds me of the fact that i catch a cold very easely:). One letdown however, is that there are not very much eyecandy posibilities with this itleset. My advice for a 2nd version would bu stuff like a textured background and animated slime-bubles like the lava in the “tileset used in last 2 levels of oficial jazz2 episodes”. But apart from that, it could be allot worse:).[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Normaly i would give this a..erm…7.0. But nO. ThOu ShAlT mAkE a 1.23 VeRsIoN!
MicroBattles are something pretty fresh. The small levels has only few poweups and ammo. The fighting could be rough in a server where is about ten people and level would be some of these. Shame, that MicroBattles aren’t so usable when playing battle. It can turn little bit annoying.
Anyway this is good, fresh idea. Bye JelZe!
great lvls and tile sets.
a fun but not very useful program
w00h00! Another faboules pack by the one and only agamaBlade! oH! And happy birthday!
Actualy, where can i get icewolfs conversion?
Well I must say I am greatly impressed in seeing this again… Although the level buildup is wrong (the minimum amount of tiles is 15 * 20 as that is one 640 * 480 screen).
Also I seem to miss the enemies indeed. And the fire doesnt hurt on most occasions.
I think you should rebuild the entire game. And you could also put the three levels in 1 and add the “… more to go” text that comes at the end.
The three in 1 thing would work much better for that too (warp to the hall of 1 screen wide and then to the next level).
So all in all i’d say this tileset needs a bit more improving.
Messed up palette is all I can say here. Ill await the fixed palette version of this then. Or use my other stonarfix when building…
This conversion has not got much but its the tileset from jazz 1 in full (including the right palette this time..)
You should also take shots of the plants for an update I think.
Really? I checked the memberslist and he’s not there.
And before you’re starting to talk about Shadow: He was Mystic Legends, and he still has the ML way of making them.
The problem I have with j2lc is that they got some names and friends (contacts) and often get overratings and I’m not the only one who thinks that way, as u heared splash also thinx so. No offence to the people, but to the way it happens.
No mate, this Agama-quality and it sure rocks![This review has been edited by $TÛNT$]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.