Review by Strato

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Super Mario V2.3
Level rating: N/A

…That was new…

Review by BæÅüMàÑ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cool Text v6.6.3
Level rating: 8.1

pretty much, as u can tell, i love this prog… it’s an easy way to type in kewl stuff. It has all the kewl text stuff, custimizible saved messages, some other kewl progz that do other stuff… it even has Hotkeys, which are really useful, i might add… hmmmmmmm… one thing i think it needs though, is an easier way to switch it from 1.23/1.24 to off. if there was an easier way, then i prolly woulda given it a higher rating… also it kinda lacks in… moveability, or at least IMO, heh. also could use some improvement in the L337 text… he included the numbers… but theres some other stuff in most other L337 texts. anyhow, i didn’t give it anything higher cause everyone woulda thought Spazzyman said to give him a 9 or a 10 :p. Main Point: this is a MUST DOWNLOAD. If u don’t download it, ur not L337, ur just 5700PID :p

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Super Mario V2.3
Level rating: N/A

A request? Well, half the people here are tired of me yelling at people to do this… but

make this tileset 1.23 compatible


falls off his chair

Ow. I’m going to sue whoever did the floor in my house.

Hm. In any case, I made a vow not to rate tsf products. Sorry but this review is pointless. I am just ranting.

Did I ever tell you the story of how I made a weapon out of a pickle? Well it all star——hey—-

gets dragged off by fquist’s goons

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tube Trouble
Level rating: 6.7

I won’t go into much detail here, because I told you in your server. This level is pretty good. It has everything you need for a battle level, and a bit more. There are a few tiling errors though, and I have seen the level used better. The layout is ok, even though there are a few dead ends in some places.

A few suggestions I should give you, are to use trigger zones to close off the tubes so you can’t go in them the wrong way, and to fix some of the springs.

I really don’t think this is a level that deserves a higher score than a 7. The reason why this level didn’t get a 7 from me is because I was a bit dissapointed. I was expecting this level to be better than your previous tube electric level, and it wasn’t.

This still is a quality level though. It just isn’t anything award-winning.

Review by mirrow

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dragonballZ clan level
Level rating: 5

Uhm i real don’t know what u made here
Should it be a Hotel ,Maze ,Battle, hid’n‘Seek lvl OR A Mix of all ??

It isn’t your tileset so Don’t let us rate astileset???
The lvl has a real bad eyecandy, u used only 4 layers the backgrond is one colored.You also made a Hotel part in the lvl which even doesn’t look good [;)] Also the lvl used less tiles from the tileset. The music doesn’t fit very good to the lvl but is ok

and don’t rate your own lvl with a mega rate lol

I think the rate is ok for this upload.

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dragonballZ clan level
Level rating: 5

Xan gets low status for abusing our site. We provide this site to you in generosity, cheaters don’t deserve that.

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dragonballZ clan level
Level rating: 5

heh dont rate your own levels
delete xans revieuw please fquist

Review by Xan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dragonballZ clan level
Level rating: 5

good level for hide and seek[This review has been edited by Fquist]

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JelZe's MicroBattles
Level rating: 7.1

This is a nice idea it looks like my very first battle level :P

this features the nice mez4 tileset (which i didnt even know it excisted)with six HUGE (if you play it on 320×200 mode :P) battle levels they may not be big, they may not be suitable for more than 2/3 players . I like them.

I think these levels are suited for a fair duel: no seekers, no hiding, no lags (i guess) and no carrots.

The tilesets may look the same jelze build it like theyre different.
the levels have great eyecandy too (i mean for such tiny lvls) this give the impression of tottaly different atmospheres. too bad u used standard music you could have made the atmosphere even better with other mods :)

BTW i didnt like the last level it looks to much like the pacman maze (dont rip the ideas out of my most favorite gam :P)

well this may sound weird but i really like these levels even though they were not that big.

good job

download it?

well have a looksee :)

Review by SkaterÅÐ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1: Stonar
Level rating: 7.2


Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JelZe's MicroBattles
Level rating: 7.1

(Woohoo! I just love the readme file!)
Well, while he was preparing for his exciting vacation on some dutch camping place and after months of lazyness and mindless midnight chatting, good old pal Jelle finally found the time to create six fresh new levels using all of MEZ’s released tilesets (i think JelZe made one of the first MEZ04 levels at all). And they’re really worth a look.

The concept behind this level is…tiny little levels providing as much as fun as possible (all levels have the same size: one screen=20*15 tiles as far as i remember). Of course, most battle games in one of those “Microbattles” will turn into massacres. But well, i honestly admit that i always liked the idea of small battle levels (not that small, though).
A small technical problem i always noticed with “one-screen” levels is that somehow, they doesn’t fit on the one screen perfectly: there is some weird “bouncing” effect when you are at the very left or very right side of the map (heh, the expression “map” doesn’t fit too good, here). And that is quite annoying…i first realized it when i was making my own “Microbattle” last year (i never released it because i didn’t think it’s worth it).
However, JelZe tried to put as much design and eyecandy into those small levels as possible. It’s not completely amazing or anything but very decent and definitely above the average in all six levels. The weapon placement is okay and there’s not much too complain about at all (except the bug i mentioned above).
About the music choice, that is a bit disappointing, though. For example, the Carrottus music doesn’t really fit for any MEZ tileset. Song14.s3m from Jazz1 is not a bad track but really becomes boring by the time. Personally, i would have used one or more radical, tiny chiptunes for this. Would fit perfectly :-)

Regarding a rating, i have to say that i’m really a bit biased…i know JelZe for quite a long time and he’s one of the real Jazzers in my opinion. But on the other hand, his “MicroBattles” didn’t take too much effort or a long time to make, as he admits himself. However, this is a MUST DOWNLOAD FOR ALL US BATTLE FANS (7 lucky points because MEZ04 was used and because it’s six levels at least).

Oh, did i say i enjoyed the readme? :-)

Review by Unknown Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JelZe's MicroBattles
Level rating: 7.1

Amazing. A level using Mez04. (That should make you start downloading it)

Review by Kejero

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

the sequel is on its way – a long way tho ;)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ancient Aztec
Level rating: 7.9

The idea of using one of Blade’s incredible tilesets is already worth some points. Very good choice, F

Not to mention the level: it has a very playable design (good enemy and goodie placement) and some layer work that’s worth looking at.
A big disadvantage is that the author didn’t include the music in the ZiP file. Actually, i wouldn’t accept that and rate the level as if it had no music but i had to make an exception here: the background tune “Ancient Mystery” made by finnish tracker RAZOREDGE sounds very cool and fits great into the atmosphere of the level.
Oh, and the underwater boss at the end is not my favourite part of the level, by the way (horribly slow even on my super-fast 1,5 GHz PC).

Anyways, to sum it up, “Ancient Aztec” (hmmm, i could swear i heard this name before somewhere…can’t remember) is a MUST DOWNLOAD for all Jazz2 fans, because it’s one of the few very good single player level using one of Blade’s elite tilesets. Good work, F

As soon as you include the music file, i will increase the rating to 7.5, F!re. So lemme know.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: SubStation
Level rating: 6.6

Well, SubStation is a decent battle i’d say. I really don’t have much too say here because i didn’t find anything special in it: the design is okay (but not perfect, there are some very dull and empty looking places, not to forget a whole lot of annoying dead-ends!) and there even is some discreet eyecandy. As i said, not exactly spectacular. About the weapon placement: well done. The water.j2b music fits fine for this level, too.
On a side note, i find the level quite too large (about 210*110 tiles). And the next level setting is also wrong.

Nevertheless, “SubStation” is above the average and may be worth the download. Battle freaks and fans of water levels could have some fun with it indeed.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ancient Aztec
Level rating: 7.9

Hey, always nice to see levels like this! Ancient Aztec is nice single player level, but little short one. The eye-candy is different, something fresh. I liked it. The music was pretty good, but it was short, too.
Keep out the good work, F

Tell me if you are making a level using my tileset. I’ll rate every single one. Understood?

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: (Tileset) J1pezrock
Level rating: 8.7

YES, I want move Jazz1 stuff!
The JJ1 tilesets in jjtwo are:
This one,

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1 Medivo
Level rating: 6.5

IceWolf’s was even smaller if you ask me. Could still be a bit better.


Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1 Medivo
Level rating: 6.5

Ice wolf’s Medivo conversion was probably a bit better than this one, as it had more tiles and destruct scenery blocks. Otherwise, this isn’t bad for a conversion. I wouldn’t use it though, because like I said, there is a better one out there. 6.5

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1: Stonar
Level rating: 7.2

Can a admin PlEaSe delete this upload? The pallete of this version is wrong, therefore the colors are screwed up.