a small tileset
but a good one
ps assassin, I thought u were goin to put john droger in the tileset? i guess not.
I will make it bigger but at the moment I couldnt get farther in the game so I couldnt get much tiles.
I will add the enemies later too.
Cool erm i used to play this game on my old pc
its small but ok
maybe a little too small u could use the enemy`s Assasin[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
This is new….
Uhhhhhh small but…
Yes, one of my favrote jj1 lvls.
Very origional!
Yes i also have Problems with it it cannot open the File
Download it again/
I had trouble opening the zip file. There’s something wrong with it, plz reupload your lvls Cell.
This is a much better set than Ceramicus. Based on the basic Stonar set from the Tiles folder, it has some minor things added (mountains, and a decent sky even). The only thing i can complain about is that the masking can be MUCH better (we all prefer SMOOTH lines for masks) -.5 points, Cell ;)
- JelZe GoldRabbit
Good job, Cell. This is the set that was missing from the standard Jazz 1 Cd sets. It has everything the planet has (which isn’t much, but enough to make a decent level with it)…but you might like to know that the pallete is messed up (wrong colors and such). -1 point for that, Cell.
- JelZe GoldRabbit
I give it 9.7 for being tough (sometimes beyond funness, though) but not unbeatable _
Thinks Was a TR2 ever made…?
~Talec LP
Crap. We want gameplay and eye candy. Look at the levels rated 8 or higher to see what we want in a level because I am to lazy to name it all.
eh plz reupload not Upload again
Yes and look at Some Official lvl`s
We Dont need lvl`s Like this[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Someone probably made a review and then deleted it. Funfull.
YIKES, you’re right! Oh man, i knew i had done SOMETHING wrong. i’d better re-upload this right away.
I can’t get it re-uploaded, so i just switched the titles of the downloads. Unfortunately, this means you’ll have to download the easter level to get the music of THIS level. Sorry, sorry, sorry…[This review has been edited by Enigma]
By the way, this all means that Newspaz’s review is for the easter level. Don’t look at it when you rate this jungle level.[This review has been edited by Enigma]
This one was in the zip of Rabbit Roast Rainforest. Anyway. Loads of eye candy. But it’s small and has to much weapons.
Ok I understand it now hehe. Nice ‘n pretty usefull prog I think. Finnaly no problems anymore with names that are too long:) The text is funny too, but I would more do it for the name. Too bad the long names can only be done in the normall jj2.
Well its sure worth a download,very nice done.
yes i agree with F!re i also Dont see much Eyecandy for a better Rating make some Eyecandy in it
and The water was ok
above the water that part is a little Bit too empty
oh Well he asked me 2 rate this Soo. 1+ cuz of the Tileset
Download Recomedation
if you add lil bit more eyecandy and add some things in the Empty Partz
then il rate this Higher[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
U rated this lvl the same as they gave me the rating for “NamekPride”. I worked 2 hours on NamekPride, and lets see…5 full days on SubStation.
Finally a battle level with the beach tileset lets see.
blaster i dont know how but I like see nearly no eyecandy so how can it be good
the water is really annoying
if you wnated to make a water level give it more space so you can manouvre around .
weapon deplecement is below average.
the part above the water is like CRAP!(sorry scorp :S)
The idea was good but if you paid more attention to the gameplay it might have been better.
Dont think I understand anything of it.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.