hey, much better then yer previous levels
good eyecandy! nufin loooks bad! it battles great, good weapons placement, but both sides of the level above water are a little simple, too fast made..
it’s a download recommended!!!!
Hehe, finally some funky new program. It provides a lot of functions to manipulate your in-game chat messages like colorizing them or using weird ASCii characters. You can also preset text lines (for example if you use to say something very often, like your e-mail-address or the iCQ number). Not to mention some funky effects (like turning the text backwards or adding. It even has an option that allows you to save and load text strings (heh, not extremely spectacular, but hey, why not :-).
Well, “Cool Text” (sorry, very dull name, in my opinion) could be a bit more handy (nothing is really explained) but that doesn’t really lower my rating.
Conclusion: i can definitely RECOMMEND you to DOWNLOAD this program RiGHT NOW! It’s not for every day use, but i’m sure everyone will have some fun with it! (8 points, because in my opinion, it’s a tad better than Newspaz’s “Jazz Walkie Talkie”).[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Umm… it has been reviewed, the tileset has hardly anything to use enjoyably, the demo level a wont rate or talk about for resons.
The tileset is just pink, blue and orange stairs and platforms with a few peaces of scenary.
Ty making a tileset in more than 20 minits Gargoyle.
This tileset isn’t recomended for download by moi.
I’ll rate it as soon as I get a screenshot or get to a computer that has Jazz2 on it ;)
I would realy like to fix it, but, i cant…
Love it! I really can’t say much sense the description says it all.[This review has been edited by Inf. Spaz]
This “double submit” thing is really starting to censored me off. FIX IT NOW!!!
Ok.. why did it censor the word
“p i s s”? I’m confused!!! (again.)
[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]
Alright..Alright..Dont get yu`r tails in a knot..I`d make a 1.23 version right now if i could.. But i have 1.23 on CD, and i gave that CD to a friend, and he`s on vacation.. So i`ll be able to compile the set in regular 1.23 by next thursday or so..
When i use it, it easely messes up my text… Like, when i say “hi”, it sometimes turns into “hd” or somethi`n..
I`ll review/rate this only if you remove this bug.
This program can’t spell. I think it’s to bugy to use..
Does ANYONE intend to review this?…
Yes thats true Aiko, I should spent more time on it. But I atually made this lvl for my brother couse he wanted a Dbz lvl, so I had to do the job fast;P believe me I can do better but I just wanted to know what u guys/galls would think of it. Just wait till my next level “SubStation” will come out:)
Thanks for the revieuws all
Actually, i shouldn’t review this: the author forgot to include the custom tileset in the ZiP file and didn’t re-upload until now. But well, the sun is shining on the shores of northern Germany and i’ll give a short review anyways…
Layout and design of “NamekPride” (the actual level name is spelled different, btw) are not really worth mentioning. A tad below the average i’d say. You can run in circles but still it isn’t very open or fluently playable.
I also noticed some approach to create a bit of eyecandy, but, same as above, it isn’t really much (some rain, some objects flying thru’ the screen). Scorpio should just have spent more time on it.
The music is a nice tracked song (Disguise used it for his “Africa” tileset) but it doesn’t fit here at all (“It began in Japan” or a MOD version of the classic “Big In Japan” by german 80s band Alphaville would be more appropiate, i guess :-).
Download or not? I have no idea, it’s very slightly below the average in my opinion. On the other hand, it uses a custom tileset…which is good…just decide for yourself!
Why is that?
This level did start out with way to many unfinished tiles, but he managed to patch a lot of it up (though I did a little more before putting it on the Battle Server). Ammo also was originally too abundant, but that’s been fixed quite well. There are a lot of unexpected ways out of places, but sometimes they can be hard to get to.
Overall, this is a decent level.
Well, because this is pretty much an update of the old “DragonBall Z” tileset by Splash and Payback, i can use parts of my review i made back then.
I still have no clue who or what “DragonBall Z” is but still this is not the right place to give my opinion on japanese TV cr…ehm…comics.
While the “old version” had 540 tiles and already looked good and quite useful, the “new version” comes with 570 tiles and some different themes. Nonetheless, it has a lot of useful tiles like poles, vines, signs, arrows, rain, scenery blocks, platforms and last but not least a whole lot of weird kamikaze style animations (fighting heros of that TV show i guess).
Unfortunately, our two dutch heros didn’t include a nice example (like they did for the old version) so we can only guess from the look of the set how it could be used. I don’t like that fact.
However, i will conclude my review like i did it for the original “Dragon Ball Z” set by the same authors (only slightly changed): this is worth a DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON and for all comic and custom tileset fans it will be a good choice.
P.S.: Actually i wanted to rate this 6.5 but when i saw my older review and the 7 point rating there, i decided not to lower it (that wouldn’t really make sense, would it?).
Nice done lvl, Eyecandy is good and above average. Good gameplay as well. Too bad this level isnt made in a pack, that would be Cool. I also like the music. Anywayz, there’s nothing that really bugs me in this level so there, a 7.5 :)
Sorry guys but somehow i cant reupload this lvl i forgot to put in the music file use the url here to download it
sorry :( : http://www.modarchive.com/cgi-bin/download.cgi/A/ancient.s3m and if that wont work find the file ancient.s3m on the modarchive: http://www.modarchive.com [This review has been edited by F!re]
This is a very good looking level, great eyecandy, and I like this tileset too. Weapon placement is ok I think. But you still have to battle in it, that why I think there could be some more space and not too much warps.
Overall I like this lvl, good job.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.