this is Way better as v2
Only the Help doesnt Work?
i like this prog now
oops forgot too rate
[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
You think its useless and im stupid.
If so then,:
A. Why u always are usin’ my prog
B. Tellin’ every1 about it
Finally, the J2o re-upload Feature ISNT WORKING FOR ME. im not stupid
im not a Hotel Hater Im neutral
but i realy Dont like this lvl
The Design was Quite Bad
its Very Hard too move with hazz trough the lvl
try to make it in a other Style
No Download Recommedation from me Sorry,
I used toh have this, i dont remember it very well though, but i did like it.
(I’m fairly sure you shouldn’t review levels you don’t have, not to mention a 9.5 requires more explanation than “I think I used to like this level”. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Sorry, i cant rate this,
I just fainted in amazment.
THIS RULES!! It is a little hard though.
[Unsupported rating edit. -Mike]
Why wont anyone review this??? =\
its a Nice prog
but Kinda useless
The charmap isnt big
btw j20 Have a Cool function “the Reupload function”
[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Much better than the other, is also easier to type, it has it’s own charmap inside, that makes it useful.
Quite funny, To bad you can’t run them both at on time. Fine programs anyway. Exxcept for the unable to close it bug that ElectroPiZZa just explained :)
Hey I’m back to review. But not for long. But enough about that. This tileset is ripped from Super Mario World, a game for the Super NES. It’s got tons of switches, and some other stuff. It’s worth a 7.
Well, the program doesn’t works very well, I guess it’s also a hard program to make… unlucky it doesn’t works very well.. =(((((((((([This review has been edited by Alberto]
This is going to be a short review. All I can say is that the level is VERY hard, which is something if you want a challenge and has some nice eyecandy. This is a good level overall and I recommend download this.
This tileset is really cool, nothing else needed.
Oh comon unkown rabbit!!
This rules!
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I left an empty review becuase im speechless.
(But i do think it would be nicer with more quote spaces)
I liked it, but generaly, i think it could be better, and those annoying spaz\jazz jumping stuff is EXTREMELY annoying.
But i liked it.
Coolness dude!
*Original idea
*Good graphix
*Good mask
*Easy to use
Basicly, this tileset is definitly worth a few kb on your computer.
-Good Work!
This is a very nice set, with an original concept. Who ever heard of a tileset of a lava lamp :) It has nice hot colors, like yellow, red and black, basic blocks, and lava lamps? Anyway, this is worth of downloading :)
- JelZe GoldRabbit
Thankfully you don’t have to jump out of any windows. This tileset works fine, and has no problems at all. The theme of the tileset is new, and I love the background even though it is simple. Overall this gets a 6.7, which isn’t bad. Keep making tilesets!
(Sorry about the shortness of this review. I don’t have much time)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.