Review by Unknown Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrot Crisis
Level rating: 7.2

No next level setting.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Super Mario v 2.0
Level rating: 7

This is TSF only. Next time, please make that clear when you upload something. I have fixed it so it sais it is for TSF.

Review by Link

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Slimeset
Level rating: 8

I really like this tileset. Everything is covered in green slime, and I like how the purple background is falling in the example level. There are those background slime things which are like upside down drips and a few other slimy things like the stalagmites (or is it stalagtites).

I think a few more eye-candy things would be good (one thing I think would be good is bubbling pots of slime, as well as some drips that you can animate).

It would have been nice to make this tileset for 1.23, because I want to use it for a level for 1.23, so that might be something to consider if you make a new version of it.

But overall this is great, and I also got a new music file to add to my jj2 collection.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Slimeset
Level rating: 8

Yay: german style!
“Slimeset” is another great looking tileset creation by Skulg. It offers 200 beautiful, supposedly self-drawn tiles for use in upcoming ace levels. The theme of the set is, you guessed it, green and purple slimyness (check out the “Other authors” info above :-).

The set has all kinds of useful tiles like poles and lots of platforms. Not to forget a stone covered background and some very slimy stalagmites.
On a side note, the masking is well done.

The pack also contains a very playable battle example map (that has a wrong next level setting, though). For the background music, Skulg used the Jazz1Slugion tune, which fits very good.

Well, i honestly admit that i’m a bit biased here, but i think everyone here will agree that “Silmeset” is a very good looking tileset and therefore definitely a MUST DOWNLOAD for all Jazz2 fans and esspecially the level creators. Get it now and make some fresh maps! I was undecided between 7.5 and 8 but i was in a good mood and it’s by a german Jazzer :-)

EvilMike, your complaints get boring by the time.

Review by Unknown Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Christmas Chronicals 2001 *FiXeD*
Level rating: 4.9

How did you make an episode file? :) I’m giving you a + point just for that!

Unfortunately, that’s about all there are + points for. The first level is semi-good, though it’s mostly just jumping. Some fun parts. :)

Level 2 is not all that good, though it’s all right. Level 3 was about the same.

Level 4 is a boss level (Not a very good idea) with a poor lay out. I killed the guy without activating him.

The last level is another boss level, this time for Devan. Generating TNT and Seekers, also a generating carrot. There are full energy carrots all around the start just so you can’t possible lose when he’s a dragon. Ugh!

The battle level is very so-so. Below average.

The CTF level is almost ammoless, and I almost died of boredom from some of the poles. :P

The two race levels were very short, with a few nice ideas. You should have combined them into one.

The music is rather neat. I like.

You’ve got villains that don’t fit in well, as well as all the Float Lizards having copters you can’t use! :(

Either you’re very good at hiding secrets, or there aren’t any. Judging by the rest of the levels, probably the former.

Ugh. Download if you want some cool music.

Review by Hawkin 87

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Chemestry
Level rating: 8.5

I like what I see. Very nice eye candy, and excellent puzzes. Keep it up!

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Treetop Hip Hop
Level rating: 8

I pretty much agree with all previous reviewers: despite the fact it uses boring, old Diamondus, “Treetop Hip Hop” has some fresh race level ideas and interesting obstacle arrangements (trigger scenery and the pinball events are nice, for example). The design is very tight, which i really like. And apart from some minor tile placement flaws, the eyecandy looks great. The difficulty level is pretty high but i really think the level is way too short. 30 seconds for one lap isn’t that much!

But all in all, “Treetop Hip Hop” is definitely a MUST DOWNLOAD, esspecially because there aren’t a lot of (good) race levels these days. I was undecided between 7 and 7.5.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Slimeset
Level rating: 8

Problem fixed. Next time, I sugest not even using TSF jcs to compile a tileset. The tileset seemed fairly small, and it isn’t fair that it does not work in JJ2 1.23

Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Slimeset
Level rating: 8

Ewwwwwwwwwwww…Talk about gross :p

This is a nice set, looks just like one of Agama (only a tad smaller). Like the author said, it’s slimy! Could use some more eye candy, then it would be perfect. Only one downfall: the author said it was 1.23, but it’s TSF! -0.5 point for that, Skulg. The example level looks OK.

- JelZe GoldRabbit

Review by MattW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Christmas Chronicals 2001
Level rating: 8.5

Basically, my only complaints were that Race2 had no BackGround (-1) and that the SP levels didn’t have enough eyecandy. (-.5) I also think that christmas is the time to release it though, But that doesn’t take points away. ;)
I give it an 8.5.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ZA's Good Side
Level rating: 8.2

Great battle levels but they’re little bit empty. The weapons are in good places, but the powerups shouldn’t middle of the path. The mez01 level look by the way pretty nice.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Night World
Level rating: 8.7

The master Agama’s first ten levels are professional’s work. The eye-candy is superb, but little exaggerated at times. The parallax tricks for example in the first level were cool and they were new ideas. The diffuculty level was just fine, but I think there wasn’t foods enough. I got 2 sugar rushes in 10 levels. The music is good mostly, but some of the tracks are little bit annoying.

Now you have proved that you can really use original JJ2 tilesets, You can show the tricks of your own awesome tilesets!

Review by Quo-Avek

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Treetop Hip Hop
Level rating: 8

I thouroughly enjoyed this race level.

For one, I love the diamondus set, so that made my enjoyment of the level even greater.

Newspaz did a great job on the eye candy and the difficulty is just perfect.

It’s kind of small, but race levels shouldn’t go one forever.

Overall I give it 8.7 =)

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Non-Released Stuff
Level rating: 6.3

Mwah. Too lazy to write a review.

Oh yeah, stil:

try to make some normal sentences
and learn good english
because this is a weird review :p

Review by ils

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Chemestry
Level rating: 8.5

yes the levels where hard but they were more annoying than anything. i found that eye candy was overdone in some places which really looked like u didn’t concider the level as a whole. most parts counteract with eachother (thats good).
i liked the bonus level. very intersting as for the rest of the packeage it was a so so average level no new tilesets nothing i never seen or certainly done before. the choice of music i found to be unfitting for a level like that. it was slow and almost put me to sleep. well i think the level deserves 6 at the most just because i passed it and glad to get it over with.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Danger
Level rating: 6.9

If this is you`r first level, i`m impressed!

[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gargoyle's Bored
Level rating: 4

Battle level:
Story: A bit inters=esting
Level: Trash :). Serious, it’s too linear and too little.
Rating: 3.0

Story: NO story
Level: Boring, not enough variation. Also not big enough
Rating: 5.0

Sorry for the little review :)

5.0 + 3.0 = 8.0 / 2.0 = 4.0
Overall rating: 4.0
Conclusion: Again a level from Gargoyle. LISTEN TO ME! Put more time in your levels. At the stats from quarter 3 at JCF (Generall Jazz2 Talk, Topic by Aiko) you can see YOU are the level spammer. That says enough :p

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Treetop Hip Hop
Level rating: 8

Well erm…I`m not realy an expert on race lvls..but good job.

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Treetop Hip Hop
Level rating: 8

Review by Mariek

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Night World
Level rating: 8.7

Are these levels really your first levels? Wow! My first level…I deleted it. The only remark is that I didn’t hear any music. But…You MUST DOWNLOAD THIS!
