no fear, this is another tileset. it’s only the same name. please use next time a new name. this is very anoying!
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Without any doubt is a real good level, it’s a very hard one, with traps inside, I fell on it when I played first time =P
At all I think that the difficulty changes so much from Epic Megagames levels. That made me lost of times, but still a good level, the music fits very good, the light of the level is very good too in that radiation thingy, it even changes your bunny’s color.
Well, I don’t think I have anything more to say, just download it =)
Okay editing my other review went wrong so im adding one (sorry about that ill try to delete the other later)>
I like the tileset, I think its the first with a theme like this!
Its easy to use as is said in the description. It also looks cool enough and I didnt check all the files, but I think it has enough variation for a long level.
A good ol’ 6.7 from me!
I have not downloaded it, but I do have a question, concerning this tileset.
Has this been uploaded before by someone else?
I think it has. If so, please only upload your own work, you may review everything though.
There, I think I said it everwhere now, because people you all need to go reviewing more!
It works properly now, I think I have seen this before and with me… I think it worked…. Well I could be wrong, my upload was wrong before too. Bobby fixed it though.
And Tublear, go do some more reviewing okay?
I dont have much time or lust to go and review this so i will keep it short.
This is okay for your first level, you should also go and review other people’s levels (objectively where you can). (that as a side note since no-one seems to get it!)
EHmm as for the level… Evilmike says almost everything there exept that he’s a bit harsh.
The text in fact is the most annoying thing of the level popping up again and again…
Yes thats pretty much all I can think of that hasnt been said.
A 6 for your troubles. naaaaw its your first ill make it 6.2
The master Agama’s another tileset is soooo cool (is it a surprise?) that I almost falled from my chair. The tileset has once again lots of very usable stuff and eye candy. Agama really knows the tricks of the drawing programs. The only two things to complain. 1: The hardness of using. But the two great treasure hunt levels show the tricks quite nicely. 2: The night version is good but little bit too dark. Agama has found almost two nice music tracks. They fit in the levels just fine. Make more levels with your tilesets, Agama!
Agama, you could easily get a job as an artist in epic or anywhere!
I think that we have a new master here. Tileset called Heaven is the third masterpiece of Agama. The tileset is drawed pixel by pixel, and it looks amazing. The background clouds are smashing. But I wonder why Agama didn’t do his own warpbackground, Heaven has Carrottus’ w-background. Otherwise the tileset is so darn cool. Lots of eye candy. Agama has made too a nice single player example level what shows the using of the tileset.
Heaven is made by a professional tileset maker/drawer. It is in the same league where Mez’s tilesets are. And I have to confess that these tilesets are way better than mine.
Megacal and Megasaz have been given low status for cheating the level system more then once.
Sorry guys, try not to open double accounts or tell your friends to sabotage the downloads.
I am impressed. While this level is merely avrage, it is quite rare for a first level to be that good. I was extremely suprised to see that you used the tileset properly for the most part. Keep working on levels, because I believe you are able to improve your skills beond what I have seen. Unfortunately, this level begs for a better layout, and it requires some usage of destruct scenery on the signs, one way events on the branches, and better eyecandy. I also sugest that you put a bit less text in your future levels, as they can get quite annoying.
I found it quite hard to move around in this level. Study the layout of better levels, and see what works. When you finish your level, be sure that you test it extensively to make sure it is easy and fun to play in. I sugest using more platforms.
This level doens’t really have anything totally unique in it, but that is OK because few levels do. You should keep making levels, and try to improve your level making ability.
La La La… waiting for some critics =)
About time i reviewed this…
Sonic the Hegdehog and Jazz Jackrabbit, how many SP packs have been made with those two together? (don’t answer that)
OK, the 5 levels in this demo are well done, except the labyrinth level, too open. The gameplay is quite easy, finding trigger crates in various places, finding your way through the levels…That’s basicly it.
Since this is a demo, i’ll give it a 7 for now.
-JelZe GoldRabbit
Not only do you manage to turn each of your sets into a true work of art, you do it at lightspeed as well. What is it? A new tileset every month, maybe?
As for this particular set…
this IS ancient egypt jazz-style (I love all the bunny murals and statues). I was planning to make an egypt set myself. I’m not so sure anymore…:D
The village is also very cool.
If I would have to think of one thing that could have been better (but this is really nitpicking) you could have made some more of the egyptian gods (not just Anubis lying down and the cat-god statue).
a well deserved 9.5. :)
Not that there’s a chance anyone will read this but I thought I’d review this, since I forgot when downloading.
The file contains two tilesets and only two tilesets, nothing more which is very bad. No readme or example level that is…
The set itself looks like a paint-made one to me. I don’t really like the thing…. They just don’t have what it takes…
So it will get a 6.
One of the best level pakcs I’ve ever seen! I give 9.5 because there are maybe too many weapons.
This is a tileset which I like
Is this the army level you put up like… yesterday or so ???
If it is ill review it in a while.
The idea to put the bases behind springs that need to be frozen is better than most longer game attempts (mainly bonus warps).
I haven’t seen many levels in D.A.M.N. Tileset either so Ill give this a good ol’ 7.2
Hmm this review was a bit on the short side.
I think the weapon placement is okay too.[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
That’s because this one wasn’t finished yet when I uploaded the other, but hey, if I were to add them both the file would have been a bit big.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.