Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Power Of One
Level rating: 7.3

Nice, thats all i have too say….

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fat Chicks Episode Preview level
Level rating: 3.6

ok this REALLY smells like a conspiracy. Think im gonna let the admins know this. It get’s a 1 from me, until that 10 changes, this is really evil…

edit: ok the 10 is gone, ill remove my 1 as well…[This review has been edited by SPLASHcc]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Catacombs Duel
Level rating: 7.1

First of all, EvilMike gets what he deserves: -0.5 points for not including a single player level start! :-O
As for the level…indeed, “Catacombs Duel” will be a great choice for all us JDC duelists. The level is quite small (70*30 tiles), full of well-placed ammo and it has a very circular layout. The layer work is pretty good looking (nice arrangements in both, fore- and background).
The music from Jazz1 (song17.s3m) also fits very good for the Medivo tileset.

To sum it up: “Catacombs Duel” is a very nice duel level. You can DOWNLOAD iT, if you like :-) Really! (could have been a 7 as well but i’m not in the generous mood today…bad luck)

P.S.: By the way…including two versions (one with a coinwarp and one without) doesn’t make too much sense in my opinion.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Danger
Level rating: 6.9

Hmmm, seems like i missed something. Or it’s just my different taste: i didn’t find anything creative, original or exciting in this battle level (by the way, the dull level names really start to annoy me). Tube Electric also begins to bore me, the design may be okay (not really “awesome”, ShanD) but the eyecandy isn’t worth mentioning (well, you have to use foreground layers for the tubes…:-). Ammo placement is average or a tad below.
The copter event is totally useless because Lori can not grab it.

Overall, the level is only a small bit above the average in my opinion. Download or not…decide for yourself (battle fanatics or collectors might need it).

Apart from all that, don’t hang your head because of my blabla…if it’s your first level, it’s pretty good i’d say! Keep on JCSing, Matjong!

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DarkShadow's Level Pack
Level rating: 7.3

“DarkShadow’s Level Pack” (very dull name, sorry) consists of three fresh & decent battle maps that make use of the above mentioned tilesets. Even if it’s not my personal favourite, it was a good idea to use the underused Psych tileset!
The layout is very good in all three levels and so is the eyecandy (some very nice arrangements!). Not to forgot the weapon placement. There are some minor problems like one or two dead ends or other things i dislike, but overall its definitely fun to play in these levels. Only problem is: you need a lot of people because the levels are quite large (esspecially in width not so much in height), some people may find them too large (depends on how crowded your server is, i think).
Regarding the music, Darkshadow also did a good job. He included Skaven’s very 133t “Amazonas” which was part of one his first (and only?) musicdisks.
Then again, the size of the readme file horrified me (don’t do that again, please)!

Still, this is really WORTH THE DOWNLOAD! “DarkShadow“s Level Pack” is a MUST for all you battle fans! (I’m very undecided between 7 and 7.5 here, i may change the rating anytime :-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by MEGACAL

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: A Dark Passage
Level rating: 7.5

One: I like this level really I love it

Two:Why don’t you join both your levels insted of making people download them sepratly. Thank You !!! :-D

Review by Xtreem

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Boss Pics for your webpage!
Level rating: 6.1

I like the pictures, but it would be usefull if the were in a seprate .gif file so they could easally be added to a web page

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dungeon Dreams
Level rating: 6.7

Well, “Dungeon Dreams” has a nice alliteration in its name, uses a relatively underused tileset and has a good layout (i like the idea of not having a carrot in the level). Unfortunately, the massive lack of eyecandy is way too obvious. The weapon and powerup placement is appropiate but my overall impression of this level is that it’s a tad too empty in most areas. Pretty dull, if you ask me seriously.

Otherwise, i really don’t have much to say here. It’s a solid above-the-average battle level, no more, no less (a good download for all you fellow battle freaks, i guess!).

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rainy Hell
Level rating: 6.3

What’s with the completely unbalanced reviews here?
It looks as if though half of the people gives this a 6 and the other half a 9. That’s strange.
Really strange.

Now as for the level… The name is fitting and describes the level pretty well :).
It uses the (according to the tips) underused medivo tileset and it looks pretty good.
The gameplay however has it’s drawbacks with jazz, because on some points he is just slower than spaz, which makes the level unfair for jazz players.
I think there’s not much wrong with the flying gargoyles (exept in Aiko’s levels :)).

Enough bull*censored*, on to the rating:
I give this something in between. 7.5
Note: even if a level is multiplayer you should still put a single player starting location somewhere, so you can test it easier. Saves the jjnowall and jjfly typing and such. That influenced my rating too![This review has been edited by BlackDeath]

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 1.23 Registered Patch
Level rating: N/A

What’s with all the reviewing anyhow?
D’oh! I’m doing it too!

Everyone knows what this is, what its purpose is and why it is here (because it wasn’t yet :)).

That’s all.

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Syntax's Battle/CTF Pack
Level rating: 7.2

A very old, cool levelpack. I remember the levels were quite fun to play.

Battle Arena: bad eyecandy..the tiles were variated a lot, but layers were barely used.
Good open design. Is it done on purpose that most of the level is built so that it tries to send you upwards?

Syntax’s Dungeon: Pretty much the same really.. under-average eyecandy, but neat design.

Free for all: one of my favorite syntax levels. The design is awesome. It’s circular, and very fun to play. The eyecandy is good. It still doesn’t use layers, but it looks like it was taken care of better. It doesn’t bother me this time.

Out of This World: Again quite nifty design. Good use of lightning.

Seaside skirmish: A small level with good design. Eyecandy is nothing special.

Sunken Warehouse: some might remember this level from jdc. Very neat circular design, and very fun to play. The eyecandy again isn’t spectacular.. the level has quite some bugs.

Deserted tunnels: design is good. Eyecandy is better. The bg layers are a little full, but the effect is nice

Overall: a pack containing very well designed levels. I don’t care that much for the eyecandy because these levels are designed so well and are so fun to play..

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mysterious Mechanics
Level rating: 8.5

Eyecandy: There is a good amount of eyecandy. There are some places with very repetitive tile placement tough.

Design: The design surely is okay. Not too many enemies, not too little. Bad point: you can sometimes jump over entire areas with enemies. I like the use of the lightning. The design is pretty original at times.

A readme file was included. That is a good thing.

[This review has been edited by Fquist]

Review by Flea DL

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Danger
Level rating: 6.9

I played this level on your server a few days ago and i like it.
Good job Matjong

Review by Bobby aka Dizzy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Egypt
Level rating: 9.5

Wow. This is Cliffy or Noogy quality at least.

Have you ever considered being an a computer artist or animator?

This is so amazing…

Review by ShanD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fire and Ice-Final Release
Level rating: 5.5

Yup, 404.

Review by ShanD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Flaming Flags
Level rating: 6.9

This level is pretty cool. It has a pretty good design, and nice eycandy. I like the idea of how to get into the bases, nice touch. If you like CTF, you should download this. I spotted few errors.

Review by ShanD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Danger
Level rating: 6.9

I like this level! It has a lot going for it, expecially for a first level. It has an awesome design, pretty good weapon/event placement, and also can serve up some very heated battles, as I test battle levels agienst my brother. The only bad point is probably the eye candy, which could have used some work. Keep up the good work!!

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fat Chicks Episode Preview level
Level rating: 3.6

I agree with Fquist here.
Too much enemies too many bugs made this A bit less entertaining then I thought when reading the description…

if you are to finish the episode, let me give you a tip:

If you want to use enemies this way, make them regenerate and make it so that you have to pass an area more often (like with trigger crates).
If you do that, then you made the level fun, a little longer and not too overcrowded.

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 1.23 Registered Patch
Level rating: N/A

“Ps… for anyone who wants to e populair too, upload the list server patch (downloaded from my site:p) with fastend list server(jazz.logicware before”

almost every one already has this
r u a Bit late whith this is Down?
i cant acces it
btw Good idea to upload it jj

Review by Scorpio

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dungeon Dreams
Level rating: 6.7

Nice, not big lvl. The tiles in the lvl seem to be almost all blocked, what is not really wrong but I think it makes it a bit more boring. The music is just about normall, cant say much about it. The background is used well in this lvl, especially for small lvls I like it with walls in the background. Eyecandy isnt great but overall the lvl seems nice to me.