Remix? All that’s changed is the Speed of the song and the Breakbeat Boom Boom Boom.
There’s nothing orriginal about it. =p
Do you know what this is? Hyper TubelectricFanolint. =) It’s really high quality, plenty of tiles and eye candy, and lots of other stuffs. DOWNLOAD NOW!!!
This is the best tileset I’ve ever seen, better than Epic’s! Also, it includes 2 cool example levels! What can be better! This is all you need to know to have to click the Download Now! button!
UPDATE! After a little more investigation, I have desided to lower this a little bit, it’s just a little too high.
[This review has been edited by ShanD]
This tileset is AMAZING! All of the graphics look perfect, the moving fire isn’t jerky, unlike some other tilesets, it has some cool concepts, and to top it all off, it has a great example level! But, it’s not completly perfect, so it deserves a 9.7.
I have a weird idea that most reviews on this including mine are completely useless :)
YeAh…..I love you too, agama. This is one of the best tilesets I ever seen.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Tooo weird*a point off for no music*
First off, at the time of this writing this level is seriously overrated but not bad nonetheless.
Installation went smoothly, but the author omitted a readme! Ugh, not again!
Pretty decent eyecandy, although there is no difference between 8 bit/hardware mode and 16 bit with all effects on. The floating gargoyles are weird too, if you’re going to randomly place them places you might as well make them “fly”. The rain was also just a tad overused in the foreground, and the background could’ve used some brushing up.
Okay. The routes (more like lack of routes) were terrible. It was too open in the middle and too closed in on the sides for there to be any variety of routes. Jazz also had a bit more trouble on this level than Spaz, and I’m pretty sure that this level would be “Lori incompatible” (I don’t have TSF to validate that, though).
The carrot placement was a typical “lockbox” placement the majority of the time. Hence the name, they were “locked” inside a box and you had to get to a large horde of them, which I’m really not a fan of that style of “carroting”. The other carrots were a bit too easy to get at, though (the exact opposite).
Weapons? They were overabundant in powerups but a slight lack of regular ammo, but generally okay in placement. Again people, state the balance in the readme!
WEAPONS: 1.2/2
Felt pretty cool and spiffy, but didn’t give off that mystical aura.
Wow, this rating came out a lot less than I thought it would. Sorry, but I can’t make a download reccomendation unless you are a stickler for CTF. There just isn’t enough good stuff to seperate it from the fray, except that it has no fatal flaws. You’re lucky I was generous and upped the 6.1 to 6.2 instead of lowering it to 6.0. ;P
haven’t i seen this before???:p <sarcasm>very original</sarcasm>
Just ae joke skorp!!!!!!!!!! ;)
laster (censored b)[This review has been edited by blaster]
okay u said u want the ratings here so…here it is again (updated;)Hehe Blaster whatch yer language :P quit good lvl and things are looking funny, especially the thingy’s that stand streight and move, sorry too lazy to get a dictionary (lol:) but they can be a bit of annoying sometimes. This lvl is a bit basic but it’s got all that it needs, I think this is yer best lvl now Blaster:)
(ltr RATING REMOVAL. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
WOW bad background but lvl GOOD……
Background isn’t important here it rains so u really dont watch the background
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hehe Blaster whatch yer language :P I think its the best to rate this lvl on “Battleblues” and not on “working battleblues” or we will all have to study maths;) So this one’s for all of u. Okay, the lvl now! quit good lvl and things are looking funny, especially the thingy’s that stand streight and move, sorry too lazy to get a dictionary (lol:) but they can be a bit of annoying sometimes. This lvl is a bit basic but it’s got all that it needs, I think this is yer best lvl now Blaster:)
I meen deputy spaz and sheriff jazz not the real jazz and spaz.
RCheck the WORKING version and rate that one
this one will be terminated in 10 secs… :p
and eh.. fquist, check ya server, it sux![This review has been edited by Blaster]
Hehe youre my favourite tileset maker withouth a boudt..hope my spelling isnt too bad :-( well however, I dont know how u do this every time but its really beautifull. The lvls look really great with this set. yawn hard to figure out any bad things…yes mabye one, i’ve seen this kinda sets several times. Overall…GREAT.
Darn…u should’nt tell that here Flea, now everybody knows how dumb I really am;) Well next subject, the lvl. The thing I like most is the music I think, it fits well. The level itself is good size for a ctf, as I think couse the route isnt hard or too easy. I dont really know why but the lvl can get bored to play after a while, indeed I played long;)But well its fun, nothing really speciall and, yes, a good ctf lvl.
The file’s missing. Re upload.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.