Very good battle levels. All three have a good layout and the only complaint I have is that the diamondus level had annoying trees. Everything is very well done in this pack, and I reccomend for you to download this.
Scorpio, You’re probably trying to play this level in Single player mode :)
Ther is no single player start position so try playing it in Multiplayer mode :)[This review has been edited by Flea DL]
This is a pretty good level. It is well balanced, and is easy to navagate which is important for a CTF level. I liked pretty much everything in the level, but I found the floating gargoyles a bit strange. Most people usually tend to put them sitting on something. I have never been a big fan of foreground rain, but it wasn’t too annoying. The level could probably use a few more springs though.
Overall I think this level is worth a download. There is nothing seriously wrong with it, and it is pretty fun to play in.
Weird…im kinda stuck in the begining or something and cant get out or see myself…., sorry but hard to explaine.
first of all, YAY i’m first!
The music is good, the level looks good, good tileset! 1 li’ll thing, it’s harder to play with jazz in this levels(no highjump with springs). eccelent level flea!
very short: the music’s cool, the tileset sux and the level sux too
next time, make a good level!
ya know,
Ahh… something different then all those battles and tilesets
the level looks great, just one little bug(a computerwhere you can get stuck and jump back into the level!). It’s too easy i think, even I could play it! ;) Add more enemy’s and it’s in the bag!
hey gamecreator,
The level is ghood, but not for battle. The rooms are to small to battle and the tileset is ‘overused’. This is good for a first or second level(and i know this is :p) so i’ll rate it a 6,7
Sorry gamecreator!
Really cool music and tilesets, but the tilesets are a little small. Keep up the GOOD work hae!
The level well made with mez02 tileset.
It got also well choosen weaponplaces.
It is not too large or too small.
And it is good to play also with many people.
A d/l recommendation from me…
aww fart! this could be an original epic tileset! The best tileset i’ve ever seen!
(But WHY is it the best tileset you’ve ever seen?! Please tell us! Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
hey, here’s MY review,
The levels are GREAT, good work with such a difficult tileset, i’ve only got one downpoint,
Why the heck would you place a bonus in a battle!? it’s the purpose of a attle to fight with weapons as hard as possile without doing any troule for it
else if someone has the eapon noone else could get it ecouse you will protect it. And the battle will be much hunting on coins!
i think this level is worth at least a 9
li’ll review :p
The outlook and music are perfect and there are no dead ends! The weapon placement is very good and the banana’s will even make the monkey’s play this game ;)Keep up the good work
Now get ready for the less good parts:I think there are too many obstacles like pieces from trees. The level is too big for a real duel(so battle1 is still usefull) wich makes the battle very difficult.
After a long desicion i gave it an 8[This review has been edited by blaster]
JelZe, Carrotus2 is secret level.
Don’t we all love Agama, because of his sets? :)
Agama surpassed himself this time with this set. Lemme start with the basics… The set has very nice Egyptian things, like wall painting, vases, pillars, pyramids in the background, you name it. But what the sets make so special (there are two versions, day and night) are a number of things. I’ll start with the use of colors. It’s superb! Even with Ambient Lighting off, you sometimes get the idea it’s on. Some tiles are very dark, and be used instead of Ambient Lighting (i happen to play with Lighting off). The edited palette colors are also worth mentioning. The palette colors have nice tones, which fit excellent with the themes.
Conclusion: you have to see this set to believe it!
- JelZe GoldRabbit
huh, is that legal?
wait a sec… 8.2 > 7.5… eh… oh… :)… well it must be legal then ;)
I just have to review this…i dunno why :)
OK, this level is almost like Carrotus (by Mariek), only with better eye candy. But the eye candy still needs improving, like enigma said, background tiles are used in the sprite layer (i bet she took that after her sister ;))
Conclusion: I was gonna give it a 5.5, but it’s narrowed down to 5.
-JelZe GoldRabbit
Ok, if noone wants to review this i will do it…
The first level isnt that bad. The lay-out is very linear, eye candy is OK and it has some nice challenges… The things i didn’t like was that tiles that were meant for the background were used in layer 4, and the water part (toasters don’t work under water, but appearantly the author didn’t know). Also, on the lowest part of the level you see “floating background”, which is very bad. I couldn’t review the second level, because the author either forgot to uncheck the “Hide in Home Cooked Levels list” box, or forgot to set the next level setting to Carrotus 2.
Conclusion: I’m taking it mildly with one: a 5. Mariek, test your levels every once in a while. Also, i took .5 points away since you made it in TSF. (Levels are prefered made with version 1.23, if possible)[This review has been edited by JelZe]
Some people put tiles that belong in the sprite layer in the background, and sometimes that looks very good. Unfortunately this level proves that one should never put background tiles in the sprite layer. Most of this level is not so bad, but the eyecandy is so bad that it’s not pleasant anymore to play this level. Work a bit on eyecandy and the level will be much better.
wow Great tileset
very cool background
did u make that yourself
this is the best tileset (which aint of the game itself) I’ve ever seen.
are u shure u are not an alien =P
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.