Hello megacal cool level i’s a not very much of a challange. i like the music streetwise. :]
From :]Catz [This review has been edited by Catz][This review has been edited by Catz]“The Sonic Castle” (actual level name: “To Many Suckers”…) uses the very good looking Moebius tileset by who-was-that-again (i really can’t remember, sorry).
The design isn’t too great (the author mainly used square blocks), same with the eyecandy (there is hardly any). Enemy and goody placement is so-so, too. The level is a bit too easy, if you ask me. There are some trigger crate puzzles but just placing ten enemies in a row doesn’t make the whole thing a challenge.
The J2 “Castle” music doesn’t fit very good (i would have used some custom music for this custom tileset) and the next level setting is also wrong.
My conclusion: nice idea to use this tileset and make a small story around it (has to do with Sonic, Knuckles and whatever else, as far a i understood it) but there are just too many aspects that should be improved. Sorry, no download recommendation from me.
Dear Creators of Putrid
i love the tilesets there brilliant i love the car level its great the way you make the cars move.anyways how did you make the episode file.
Great work it was brilliant i liked the tileset and music. here is my review
1st level:
good music lots of fatchicks
the levels are dead good and deserve a 8
Only a seven but it’s better than my levels a bit. well done. thanx for changing it
(Do not rate your relatives’ levels. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
“Outside” is a nice little self-drawn tileset by Zieg that contains about 50 tiles showing stuff like platforms, a cloud shaped like an UFO, a carrot, other plants and some signs.
The author definitely tried his best here and it was a good idea to try it the handmade way…but after all, the whole set seems to be a tad too simple and a bit like a drawing by a 4-year-old (no offense, Zieg!).
The included treasure hunt example level isn’t bad but not really exciting either (design and eyecandy are far below the average). And in my opinion, there is no need for big music files (“dragonsfunk” by moby) in such a small example level (it’s not really playable, is it?).
No download recommendation from me here, sorry. Still, i have to say that Zieg obviously put some effort into this and i am sure his tileset/level skills will slowly improve by the time.
This is very linear. HAH! You can’t poke my eyes because I have glasses! Nyah :P
Seriously though, I’m not sure how to rate this. The levels can be played in any mode you want, although they would probably work best as battle. They are all layed out OK, but I can’t actually say they have a good layout. Because of the fact that they are compatible with so many modes (especially singe player) makes the layout suffer. The small rooms with the signs and the large amount of warps is probably the biggest problem. As I said, this is very hard for me to rate. I give it a 6.2/10 for providing an interesting experience.
Good not Bad[This review has been edited by MegaCal]
I have put the Tileset on so please download
Also i’m in the making of episode 1
Devans First Attempt
big isnt the right word…its HUGE :P
anyway onto the review…
quite nice battle level, with the mez2 tileset. easy to use, but still lovable. level contains some good stuff like coins to spend in 2 different bonus warps, a small pinball area and so on. just to make sure you wont get bored :). however, sometimes there is just too much stuff available in an area, making it a big mess, some ways are large but lineair, and then the background which i think is rather irritating – same tiles as layer 4 and going way fast..
this is a lvl the battlefans must have -that doesnt mean others dont have to download it – its great fun. what are u waiting for? it wont come flying into yer jazz folder get it!
ahum..here goes..prepare yourself and fasten yor seatbelts…
level 1: sorry man, very bad lvl, way too lineair, unfinished walls, not wotking events (events at the bottom never work), too much enemies, some puzzle, not good
level 2: small lvl with the robot boss thats all. and even that lvl isnt good, the lvl hasnt even been finished properly.
level 3: another bad level. way too lineair, a useless powerup (where do i need 2 blaster powerups for?), no enemies, bad looking.
level 4: same as level 1, but this time you have to swim back, instead of run forth…geddit? still the same bad level.
plus: u didnt hide the 3 next lvls, thankgod u numbred the lvls..
u didnt add ending after the last lvl, causing jazz to quit cos of an error.
u didnt include the tileset (thankgod i had it).
music..is quite ok..jazz1 music always good
this is an extremely bad and extremely short single player “pack” (can i call it that?). stay away from it – it might hurt your eyes
Luckily I do have the tileset ;).
Well let’s see.
It’s pretty good, especcialy level 1.
The others are a litlle small and levels 4 is just level 1 but backwards and with water.
It’s kinda small with not great eyecandy but it’s kinda fun.
I like it.
I will give this a 7,7.
But like the others said: re-upload it with the tileset.
It says that I need the tileset JJ1Mayhem.j2t
So now please re upload the level pack with the Tilesets needed.
Decent tilesets.
But it’s long and there’s no way the defending team can win. I’m trying to resolve this though.
The only problem is that there’s a bug in Jazz2.exe, where a team member can be respawn on the wrong side. I wish there wasn’t such bug at all.[This review has been edited by Cesar]
I don’t have the tileset(s), so i can’t play this. Please include the tileset(s) next time.
I found the tileset in my cache after going to a server, so now i can rate this.
When i first hear of the level, i thought it would look good. But, it really doesn’t.
I’ll make the rest of the story short.
Eyecandy: 1.0/5.0
Music: 1.0/1.0
Tileset: 2.0/2.0
Mode of play: 1.0/1.0
Gameplay: 0.2/1.0
Download?: Your Choice.
[This review has been edited by MattW]
I have a JJ2 Site, Not just JJ2, But JJ1 and 2 also.
ONly the JJ2 part is up now.
I am going to upadte it.
Here it is: http://www.jazz3jackrabbithome.cjb.net
Mint it’s mint. Just like you yeh
(Mint it’s rating removal. Just like rating removal yeh. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I know there are already losts of reviews about this extremely good tileset but I just want to rate this kinda “piece of perfect” :-) I think this is a very wild, Cool tileset that will make u fight. Thats why I think this tileset is great for battles. Very nice funky colours and things…yes, this is how a tileset should be. :)
Overall this is really my style and I think almost everybody should like it..yes if I check the other reviews ;)
Keep up the GREAT tileset making agama.
I really liked the style of this level, kinda rock ‘n roll :-) weapons enough thats for sure, and I especially liked the music, its fits very well in this lvl. Yeah I really like to battle in this level! Real fightin’ fun ;)
nice sinlge player, made with the nice laboratory tileset (which is..kinda rare, except in CTF :P). This level is good 10 mins fun, so if you are bored (or not) go get it now. There were some small things that I have to mention: some part were feeling way lineair, like long horizontal paths and areas, and some stuff like hooks and spikes…it didnt feel like one big thing, more like many small areas. but of course this doesnt take away the fun, download it now!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.