Review by Zieg

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: SPLASH, adventures of a Hero 4 Hire
Level rating: 6.9

The name “Sewer Surfing” was taken from a Ninja Turtle SNES game.

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sirius
Level rating: 9.1

wow indeed, mike :) these are 3 very kewl futuristic tilesets, by the same author of the very good heaven (and boy do we love heaven, right?). Although not as big as heaven, and not as much stuff in it, i still love this one very much. actually it doesnt need as much tiles as i think al the kewl stuff is already in it! therefore, i give it a real good 9 for a real good tileset..or 3 tilesets :) download it plz..if u dont, your jazzlife has no sense..:P

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sirius
Level rating: 9.1

Wow! This tileset is great. This sure does look like jazz1, but it is completely origninal instead. Don’t worry about that though, because it is just as high quality as a jazz1 set, if not better. The tileset has all of the essencials, plus a couple of cool features such as an elevator. Almost any type of level can be created with this set, although I think it would be easier to make a multiplayer level with it. As soon as I finish my current level, I am going to try and use this tileset and see if I come up with anything good. Most of the time I don’t even consider using most tilesets, and only download them so I can play levels made with them. This is one exception though, and I congratulate the authour for making a tileset this good. Although I still think the tileset “Heaven” is a bit better, I am awarding this an 8.7, which is a pretty high score for me to give out.

Please continue making tilesets, Agama, because the quality of your work rivals all of todays current expert tileset makers.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chips For Tea
Level rating: 4

I found it quite interesting playing in a level that used a tileset that came from a game with an overhead view. There were also some interesting ideas in this level, such as the key warp thing. Despite(sp?) these qualities the level has, it also has some problems that need to be adressed. I found that the tubes were too slow and made the level boring, and the level was also too short and left wanting a larger challenge. I don’t think this level is good or bad, but simply average.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Xmas Pack
Level rating: 3.4

I completely agree with you, JelZe. From the looks of these levels, they were assembled in haiste, and are generally sloppy. In some parts while walking on the ground, you can see the sky underneath it because it is only one or two tiles thick. Also, half of the levels are catipillars which don’t do any damage and just make the level take longer to beat. I see some ideas in this level that may make a good one in the future, but please take more time while making levels.

Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Xmas Pack
Level rating: 3.4

Well, I’ve seen a few X-mas packs and believe me, this one’s a huge disappointment

First of all, the levels (3 in total):
The first two are completely the same, only the enemies change. They are too short, too liniar, hardly any eye candy, too many power-ups of the same kind (maybe it’s for Co-op, i dunno). Need i say more? O yeah, one more thing: the music is missing.

Sorry, can’t give you higher than a 4 for this.

- JelZe GoldRabbit

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MattW's 6 Level CTF pack
Level rating: 2.5

You are good at making tilesets. I think

Review by MattW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Kinky City
Level rating: 7.6

Long story short…

Eyecandy: 4.0/5.0
Mode of play: 1.0/1.0
Gameplay: 1.0/1.0
Music: 0.5/1.0
Tileset: 2.0/2.0

Add it up and it’s a 8.5.

Edit: Forgot the rating.[This review has been edited by MattW]

Review by MEGACAL

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Here at long last
Level rating: 6.8


Review by MEGACAL

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Magic Boy
Level rating: 7

I used to Play on magic boy and Magic Pokets they were both good[This review has been edited by Fquist]

Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Magic Boy
Level rating: 7

Aiko, get some glasses :) Ot at least check the sets in JCS (like i do).

I’m not familiar with the “Magic Boy” game…This set is pretty good, like Aiko said: red shaded stone and wall structures, lot of other stuff, in the meantime goodies or powerups. One downfall: it seems that the set is FULLY masked (Good morning, Aiko ;)), which i REALLY hate. Nevertheless a good set if you don’t mind reosrting to layer 5 ;)

- JelZe GoldRabbit

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Magic Boy
Level rating: 7

LOL! And i remember playing that game back in…1995 or something like that. It was not really the best platformer of the decade but Jump and Run fans like me surely had some plain fun with it (anyone remembers “Magic Pockets” by The Bitmap Brothers? :-).
Anyways, back to present: Assassin made a nice little tileset out of the game (level one of the game, rather) that has about 200 tiles, most of them red shaded stone and wall structures. There also is a lot of other stuff, in the meantime goodies or powerups from the actual game. The masking seems to be very good and i am sure talented levelmakers can do a lot with this great new “Magic Boy” tileset conversion. Definitely worth A FAT DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON!

The author even tried to rebuild Level 1 of the game and added it as an example single player level. For the background, he chose “supermarioland.mod” by reflex/movement. A perfect chiptune that fits quite good but…i have to check my old 486-‘puter which music file format “Magic Boy” used (maybe it’s convertible :-). In any case, very good work, Assassin![This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Leopard World
Level rating: 7

Cool, finally something fresh from Germany after a while :-) “Leopard World 1.0” contains 130 very colourful and good looking tiles, mainly presenting an animated head, fur and the scary teeth of a Leopard. Not to mention some nice background structures. The masking is okay (i only wondered why the author didn’t mask the teeth as real hurt events). Only the twelve palette tiles are quite redundant (as F!re already mentioned).
The tileset also comes with a very short single player example level showing the basics of the set. The next level setting is wrong (not a good idea).
To sum it up, a promising, great new tileset by a new J2O member from Germany…you should really DOWNLOAD and ADD THiS TiLESET to your collection. And make some good levels using it!

And EvilMike, you are still annoying with your TSF complaints, just get TSF if you’re a real J2 fan.

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MattW's 6 Level CTF pack
Level rating: 2.5

Instead of picking this apart bit by bit, which could scar you emotionally, I will be frank with this. Hey, I’m not in one of my nasty moods. Or maybie I just pity the poor quality of this pack.

None of these levels deserves more than a two. Matctf05 is the only level that I feel deserves more than a 1, so this pack gets 1.2. And that’s being generous.

Review by SteelTalon

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EvilCastle CTF
Level rating: 7

Here I am, doing my occasional review. Dig in, foo’!

Installation went as it should, but no readme! People! ;P


Cream of the crop in the eyecandy deal here. A couple places could’ve been fixed up, and layers could’ve be SLIGHTLY used more, but all in all a very respectable effort.


Well, the routes were solid and smooth but not too abundant and without variety. A bit too short for a real CTF. A few nice “secrets”, but nothing for the routes.
The carrot placement was virtually nonexistant. It was very unbalanced considering the powerups (if it’s not SUPPOSED to be balanced, then state it in the readme! =P).

Weapons? Unbalanced with the carrots and gasp some powerups were inaccesible with Jazz! You have to be able to get to the powerups to use them…

WEAPONS: 1.0/2

Felt great, hehe! Even made in Canada!


This one gets a d/l reccomendation. Maybe even a reccomendation into a string.


[EDIT: Had to fix a few minor mistakes.][This review has been edited by SteelTalon]

Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Leopard World
Level rating: 7

How many tiles does this have? I have a feeling it doesn’t need to be tsf.

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sunset in Town
Level rating: 7.5

Well the pallets in it again(tip: don’t do that again), but the tileset is quite good acctually and you say the background isn’t so good but I think it’s great actually
I like the transparant tiles to very nice.the colours look a bit like the colours from the *censored*tileset , good work
the example level is very bad though it’s to tiny and it hasn’t got any music (just like the example level of your other tilset) but hey this won’t affect my rating it’s about the tileset,remeber.
well this tileset makes me feel that I’m on holiday (only 2 more weeks :p)
it gives you a real hot and warm reccomanded,good job you’ll get a fat 7.2 from me keep up the good work Skulg!

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Leopard World
Level rating: 7

Whoah quite impressive for your 1st tileset I think.
But why the h*ck did you put in a paint pallette in your tileset ; you know the lil squares whitall different colors
I think the example level is bad though far too tiny. But the idea is original.I’s like you’re shrunken into litlle bugs or flea’s (Flea DL :P)
Well maybe you could update this tileset when you are a little more experienced. Good job you’ll get a 7 from me.

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: MattW's 6 Level CTF pack
Level rating: 2.5

Let’s put it this way, I hope JCSRef, with the jcs tutorials will be soon up..

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Kinky City
Level rating: 7.6

ehh Assasin it’s only 1 level so i think you didn’t even play ìt[This review has been edited by F!re]