Cool levels.
Not too hard and not too easy.
Download them
I was wondering, could you all state which level is your favourite? Then I can make another level in it’s style.
I’d say this is a good tileset. Especially since this is your first one.(I didn’t even expect first tilesets to look THiS good)It’s set in the right thene and doesn’t go off of it(If you know what i mean). I also like the example level.
I give this an 8.5 and a download recommendation.
It’s too easy :P I didn’t even die once.
Well, I think anything less than blindingly difficult to be too easy. So no points lost there :P
I think that you really need to adress the layout problems… I find using warps to move around tacky, and sucker tubes would have worked way better. I would also like to see some more routes going throughout the level, instead of one set path.
Otherwise, this level had a good variety of challenges, and enimies were used properly.
And the music IS unfitting. I also think that the kind of music used in this level should DIY! That’s more of a personal thing though.
It’s not so great at all
most of it is ripped
and the tiles are made with bad colors
I don’t think you could make a good level with this
sorry but no download reccomandation :(
Well I like the idea but the level isnt so great i think
man i like pinball :P
d/l well yes ( if you like pinball)
Although the most of this is ripped from the game I really like this tileset. It’s got a great background too.
d/l YEP
btw put more stuff of Yamcha in it :P
I wish I could make levels like this, well I think that thatr explains why I ain’t in j2LC and you are.
perfect a straight 9 you’ll get from me.
(Filter bypass edit. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
It hasn’t got many enemies whaT?
it’s hard enough allready without the enemies. and the bolly boss isn’t waiting at all it immediatly attacks ya
WOW! what a great tileset (altough I don’t think it’s the best one ever)
The lay-out is perfect
a download reccomandation indeed!
Well, i certainly enjoyed it :)
This is a very good SP level by F!re, which uses the 7th Lava Fall set and custom music (naranja.xm, i don’t think Aiko will say this tune fits here ;)).
First, the eye candy:
The level has a pretty good background (the red fog and the buildings), altough i wish there was no Textured Background (i play in 8-bit you know). In the level the eye candy is pretty changy.
Level in general:
The level has some nice features, like looking for trigger crates. And the level is pretty long. There aren’t many enemies, so put some more in your next levels, F!re. The Bolly (Medivo boss) is waiting for you at the end, but F!re appearantly forgot the Limit X-scroll event.
A download recommendation from me. I enjoyed playing this level and i know you will too :)
- JelZe GoldRabbit
“Woodlands”, the brand-new tileset/level/pack addition by finnish master Blade, consists of 410 very good looking, brown shaded tiles. It has all the useful structures you need for a good level (platforms, walls, diagonals, vines, poles, signs, spikes, scenery blocks and so on…) and it really looks awesome. Not to forget background structures (dunes and some textured stuff for layer 8). The masking is very good, too. Everything is just great, what else can i say?
Blade also included four fresh levels to expand his already large, breathtaking Battle Pack. The levels look a bit too similar to each other, but otherwise there is nothing to complain. Design and eyecandy are just cool. The background music simply rocks (Demo style, extremely oldskool, tracked by a french scene guy called Zaac of Zalem). The atmosphere is Blade’s levels is always incredible…the mixture of tileset and music makes it very special and enjoyable.
Personally, i find all of Blade’s creations extremely impressing (i’m really a fan of him). They definitely have their place in the all-time-Top 10 of Jazz Jackrabbit 2. This update makes Blade’s Battle Pack even better! MUST DOWNLOAD FOR EVERYONE (8.5 may sound a bit overrated but i just love Blade’s style and as i said, he’s one of my favourite creators around)!
Sorry FoD MERC, this level is not too good! Too short, but I’m love the Temeple tileset by EvilMike!
The background eyecandy is not OK! There were 3 suns!!
It’s a stupid error!
You must spend many time to level creating if you want better rate!
Pezrock is a very good planet!
Like this tileset!
The background’s eyecandy is 8.5!
The masking masking is perfect! 10!
The graphic of tiles is created by Epic!
Is not better than original JJ2 tilesets! It’s 8.7!
The avarege rating is 9!
The background is not a too big problem! The tileset is very good! I’m love the christmas like tilesets!
What is your problem with the masking?
I’ll make a long story short.
Eyecandy: 4.0/5.0
Music: 1.0/1.0
Mode of play: 0.5/1.0
Gameplay: 1.0/1.0
Tileset: 2.0/2.0
It’s an 8.5 here.
Everything in the zip file is of high quality, and I highly reccomend downloading this even though the size may be a bit too big for slow modem people. My only complaints are that the Woodlands tileset could use a bit more variation in tiles that can be stood on, and that one or two of the levels had a few flaws where there were dead ends in the corners.
These tilesets remind me a lot of LeSmash. He’s not around anymore though.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.