Good, interesting & fun!
I’m love diamondus tileset!
Classic shooting, jumping, collecting levels with the original tilesets and good music selection!
There were not too many original ideas, but this pack is exelent fun!
One of the best downloads of j2o!!!
But too short & I’m don’t like the too story based levels with few actions!
Very good!
I’m love Jazz 1 tilesets!
This is the BEST tileset I had ever seen! The exemple level is very good! I’m think it’s 10!
(I am think it is removed! ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I am going to rate the level and not the tileset here, because the level information states that it is a CTF level, and not a tileset.
This makes for a good 1VS1 or 2VS2 CTF level, but I wouldn’t reccomend any more. I think the layout has an interesting concept, but the tubes going into each others bases RUINS it. UT’s level CTF-HallOfGiants has a similar idea, however it has two major differences that make the tubes not so much of a problem.
1. The tubes go to the middle, and not each other’s bases.
2. The level is HUGE!!
This level is tiny, and those tubes really ruin the level. If you got rid of them or made them do something else this level would get a 7.
You used the tileset well, but I found the layout to be a bit annoying at times. Invisible sucker tubes are not my kind of thing. I believe that in a battle level, you should be able to get to where you are trying to go. I found that in this level it is sometimes hard to do that.
This level is not bad, but nothing outstanding.
What is these? Single player levels with no enimies or exits? In any case, I don’t like them.
First levels are first levels, I guess. Some great level makers start out way worse than this, so don’t feel too discouraged.
You used my tileset properly pretty much throughout the level, so I’ll make the score a bit higher.
The layout of this level needs work. Types of ammo are cluttered in one area in parts, and the fact that there are dead ends really doesn’t help. Graphically the level is fine though, although I don’t like the cloudy background. (I really should take that out of the tileset ;P). No points lost for that though, because it is my fault.
I don’t know why, but there is something about this level that I don’t like. I think it is because I found it a bit too hard to move around in for a battle level. I would consider this to be an average level, but I gave it a slightly above average score because the level IS playable, and was still fun.
Awright, I think I updated it so it has the right next level setting.
And when I said I could’ve made it without JCS, I was in a humorous mood.
To tell the truth, I had a diferent music file, but then I changed it for no reason.
And really, Aiko, You should get jazz2 version 1.23 (-: j/k[This review has been edited by MoonShadow]
I’m making another long story short. :)
Eyecandy: 5.0/5.0
Tileset: 2.0/2.0
Music: 0.5/1.0
Gameplay: 0.7/1.0
Mode of Play: 0.5/1.0
It’s a 8.7 here.
The tileset is wierd, and it has no basic tiles! Most of it is just a bunch of stuff that you DIDN’T draw! And the level is wierd too! If this is your “GOOD” tileset, than im afraid to see the others!
And something big this is!
The download was faster than I though when looking at the description, but thats prolly because I chose the right time…
There are many level and / or tilesets in the zip file which is good.
As Blade said most of them use the overused diamondus and carrotus tileset and the levels dont seem to be finished on some parts. However a cool background on most levels and some interesting stuff makes the levels interesting to play. The Blue world level for instance has great variation and background, like the weirldlyness (or something level) which also has messed up :) pallettes and colors.
The levels are IMO meant for 2 – 4 player battle in most stuff and the next level settings of all levels is wrong (no sequence just level by level).
All in all I wouldnt say it deserves the 8.7 given by blade, but more of a…. 7.7
Yeah, I like this pack! This is very good, mostly. Evilmike has made a big count of cool levels and putted it in a single pack. He has used mostly Carrottus and Diamondus tilesets, but there’s too his own ones and other people’s. The levels are race, battle, treasure and ctf levels. The levels have lots of pure ideas, and the level design is so accurate. I like it. The weapon placement is in good condition. And the musics are cool tracks from JJ2. But I think the biggest goof is that the levels are not connected to each other. If you have to change the level, you gotta go to the menu and search the next level from the list. And the level names are miscellaneous. It can be hard to search Evilmike’s all the levels from the list. My opinion is that Evilmike should categorize his levels like this EvilmikesBattle1.j2l, EvilmikesRace1.j2l, etc… And I couldn’t run the level called “Desert Of Death”, because the game couldn’t find the level Evilmike5.j2l. Don’t ask me how that happened. There’s one more thing to whine. In some levels there are not start points for Jazz and Spaz, only MP starts, but that’s kinda little problem.
Anyway, this pack rocks. These levels are so great that I should host a server with one of these levels. Great job, Evilmike!
And Evilmike wishes all of us tell our favourite level. My favourite was definitely that JJ1 Diamondus level “Shine-O-Rific Land”.[This review has been edited by Blade]
I felt like returning to the jazz2 community with something big :)
hmm, what’s that of one sugar rush every level? personally, i had at least three of ‘em every level. in “Backstreet rabbits”, i even initiated a new rush before the old one finished. that’s the only thing on this episode that bothered me a bit: it’s so easy (an episode where i end up with 86 lives is easy in my opinion). still, this episode is some great work. the eyecandy is almost perfect. for some reason, the game crashed every time i found a secret level, i found three of ‘em and i couldn’t enter one (but that’s probably because of my evil and twisted computer). just cut down a bit on pickups next time, and it will be perfect. Great job! :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.