A Ok level but the music is sooo soft I had to turn my speakers up but the sfx drowned out the music.0.5/2
The nile didn’t look that great so I would suggest allowing you to go into it.1/2
Weapon placment is roughly uniform.2/2
Jumping Room is nice.2/2
Secrets?What Secrets?0.5/2
the tileset izzz ok but its not something that u say: IM GONNA MAKE AN TILESET WITH THIS HUGE tilset!!
Make it bigger…..
The music izz fine. Its only fine 4 this tileset!! so not 4 “Building” or something u know.
its an hmmmm.wait 10 min.wait 30 min. wait all day
AN 6.0 ( because the music ) lol :P
I agree with the other 2 posts.
Great, this is really how you should use this tileset!
I dont feel like typing anything. hehe just look at Aiko’s Review ;)
Great tileset great levels.
The tileset is one of the best tilesets around.
The levels included are awsome too.
Cool! (Not that I use it ;P)
This pack is great it took me quite a while to beat it.
Great tileset I love it.
(This is the sort of thing you might say in a server while discussing this tileset. It doesn’t make for a proper review, however. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
This is tutorial is very useless if you want to put color in your name then use JazzED (if you’re unexperienced with Regedit that is)
Sorry but this tileset isn’t finished at all.
I agree with The Black Death.
Sorry but I don’t like this level at all.
I think the author should learn to use JCF better.
Cool level, it’s true that Diamondus is overused but I don’t really care ;P
cool level[This review has been edited by Flea DL]
Ok,Nice use of the castle tileset,Nice weapon selsection even though i think the quanity of it is a little much.The eyecandy was ok,But it just lacked…somthing.And you made alot of the stuff look alike and i get confused.This level is a bit small,I wouldn’t hurt to expand stuff ect.Ok i could go on and on,But to make a long story short…
Eyecandy:Above Average
Music:Ok…(I think you should have used another music file like Nippius.s3m just cuz it uses the castle tileset doesn’t mean it has to have the castle music)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.