these levels have bad gameplay
far tomany pickups and bad deployment
bad layer use eyecandy bad
d/l no sowwy =(
OH! come one! now this is realy pointless…
Th annoying two dot are called a ‘colon’ if I’m not mistaken. You cannot enter as many “|” as you want befor or in your name, your name (in registry code) canconsist of a maximum of 14 chars; e.g §||||Ni|tr|||o is the maximum you can do, of course §||N|itro is fine aswell though.
If your naem is Snake and you want to use the charicter “§” instead of “S” then it won’t work.
It’s bottom line: “*This isn’t really finished, so if you find anything else please e-mail me:” I don’t think that people are interested in the beta or the unfinished, please update it becuasse I personally would be imbarished to post this on J2O or anywhere public.
But I did learn about §§ which mutes you but I havn’t tryed it out, your explenations aer detailed but hard to understand (not that I could do better :P)
For a slightly better rating fix all the mistakes and put a link to where you can download JazzED :p[This review has been edited by Nitro]
He’s my friend so he gets a round seven instead of 6.7 ;)
I like both of these levels much but Carrotus Canyon should be without AirBoards or with an ‘Area fly off’ event and not airboards all over the place.
I liked it pretty much, it was pretty long compared to other homemade singles though.[This review has been edited by Gargoyle]
w00t! A Treasure Hunt level!
This level is pretty good, but IMO it did have it’s faults, among them being it seems to “lack”… it seems pretty empty and linear at times. Going beyond this, the gem placement could have been improved in a few spots. You did a nice job with the overall layout but it seems to be lacking in the other categories.
IMO it’s great to see a Treasure Hunt level for a change, but this one isn’t my favorite. sorry. Nonetheless you are recommended to download this, hey, it’s TH!
Ugh, I didn’t like this level too much.
To start off, you could have credited the author, whoever he/she may be, of the tileset (as Aiko already mentioned). As for the level itself, well, the bg was annoying (and only looked “right” on 16 bit!) and the design was pretty linear, way too linear for a multiplayer level. The eye could also use some improvement, but overall it was one of the better things in the level (as dull as it looked)
Overall I can’t recommend a download, sorry.
Wow. This CTF pack is simply amazing.
All of the levels have great design, very nice eye candy, excellent event placement and more. The tilesets were used pretty good (nothing to complain about, really) and the CTF bases were placed in nice strategical positions. The music choices… now these are good. They all fit well and add to the level’s overall feel. My only real complaint is that it can get a tad confusing, but that’s majorly to blaim on the level’s size, which is not a problem at all, so I will not really take away from the rating because of it.
Overall this is a must for everyone.
Wow. Single Player levels are a rarity, and this is a good one by SP standards. The tileset was well used, even though the level lacked eye candy in a few spots. The enemies were well placed, allowing for a balanced time. (even though putting lots of enemies in one place can get a bit annoying at times) there was some little creative bits (such as backtracking if you fall), and plenty of other interesting aspects.
Overall this is pretty good and should be downloaded to all SP fans. Heck, all fans of JJ2 levels.
Very nice tileset and level. There are plenty of interesting things to do with the nice selection of tiles in the set, and the example single player level shows this off. IMO, however, the masks in this tileset really weren’t very good and could have been better had the author spent more time on them. There are also a few ripped tiles here and there, as Aiko mentioned, but it’s really not a huge deal.
Oh well, this should definitely be downloaded by tileset fans. 7 points from me.
Pretty simple level/tileset. The “level” using the JJ1 Industrius music (could have been better chosen, IMO) is pretty small and simple, and overall had a hugely empty feel. I suppose this had to do with the tileset, which is also small.
Overall this is slightly below the average. The idea of a trampoline was good, but shouldn’t have been presented in such a small form. Oh well.
I like the idea
nice graphics around the screen i especially like the credits
the levels are not so great though
far to many enemies
and lots of irritating spikes
the level should contain more carrots or savepoints
d/l =) yes
It is easy to see that this pack is a first-class release. Only master called Disguise can make packs like this.
The possibilies of the tileset are uncountable. You can see it easily by trying the four example levels. The warp-background is made with time, and it fits well. The tileset’s so large that you could use it for dozens of levels.
The music is brilliant, and not too big in MBs. It’s irritating to download a 5 meg pack what includes a huge music file and only few levels. I think that people should learn to use mod2j2b.exe. It could save lots of space.[This review has been edited by Blade]
“The Noodle” is a very small tileset (about 70 tiles) featuring some yellow tube structures, an animated, bubbling sauce pot and a red (tomato sauce) background (as some other reviewers already found out :-). Thats about it, sorry. I’m not sure, but i think the possibilites of a level author are quite limited when using this tileset. Maybe this is the the proof (in short):
The battle level’s name fits perfectly and has a wrong next level setting. The example level (“Pasta Playground”) is even more dull. The “Fasta Pasta” race level can be fun, though. There even is some design and discreet eyecandy. Nevertheless, it is way too short (not even one minute per lap). The music file used in all three levels sounds a bit too much like the average Amiga Protracker MOD (don’t like it too much :-).
Anyways, i’m willing to give this a relatively high rating because i like the idea (kinda funny) and the decision to make a race(!) level. Maybe you can work on it a bit more (create a GOOD battle level for example!). To download or not to download, that is the question (i can not answer).
Indeed, “Wild West” is a pretty good new tileset. It contains 200 tiles showing scenes and scenery from the “Wild West” (18th/19th century USA, somewhere in the desert, for those of you who didnt know, not to forget 20th century b-movies :-).
There are some basic platform structures, poles, lots of signs (saloon, store, bank and the like), a cactus, clouds for the background layers and some (supposedly ripped) hotel structures. Plus some more ripped tiles from the Jungle and Inferno tileset (not a problem!). Maybe the masking could have been a bit improved, as some others said, but honestly, i have seen worse tileset masks!
The author also included a small example SP level, thats gives a good overview whats possible with his tileset. Very nice!
To conclude my boring little review, i’d like to give A DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON for this tileset. It’s quite cool and all you talented level authors will have a lot of fun with it! Seven points because i’m in my one-day-holiday mood (post your levels on holidays! :-).
I hope this is the level I think it is, since I havent downloaded it, because i have already played it online if it is the level i think it is… (understand everyone????)
Well if it is… then: Good, a treasure level, its good to see that on j2o, since there arent many.
Layers arent used enough, but thats not really noticable if you play with 3 or more players I think…
(I bet you havent aiko)
To make a long story short:
Eyecandy: average
Gameplay: good
Grade: 7
NB: the above reviews are in exact order of hight of rating, wonder if they planned it that way :)
Oh well, we all know that the Carrottus tileset is horribly overused and that i hate it but nevertheless someone had the cheekiness to build a relatively good level using it :-)
Generally it is a very creditable idea to make a Tresure Hunt level. There is a massive lack of good TH levels, that is true.
Well, back to my review: actually, the level is pretty average, nothing spectacular, neither relating the design nor the layer work. Sorry. I even find it boring a bit, not “tight” enough somehow.
What i do like is the readme file :-)
Overall, i really don’t know. You won’t see me hosting this one too often i guess…but maybe thats only me. Download or not? Decide for yourself. It’s A MUST DOWNLOAD for all Treasure Hunt freaks, though (a lucky 6).
Okay, in “Dope Mystics, Stage I” the author obviously tried to put some eyecandy in his level. And indeed, the level is relatively nice to look at. Stupidly the design isn’t on the same level in my opinion. There is just too much knick-knack (too many [useless?] events) in it: crates, a lot of empty secret rooms and areas, warps and the like, which makes the level not really fluently playable, if you know what i’m talking about. As F!re said, gameplay is the key.
To sum it up, i only see this level at the average (+ 0.5 lucky points for the eyecandy attempts). But don’t worry, there’s always room for improvements! :-)
I didn’t find an “old version” at J2O. Confuses me. I’d like to have a look at my old reviews…in other words i hate them being deleted by some admin-o-maniac ;-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Well, “yet another Mario tileset”, you may say. But hey, i’ll promise you this is one of the best you have seen so far!
It contains about 400 tiles that are obviously ripped from the Super Mario Brothers 3 game (no idea, i never owned a console, only emulators :-). Thats why it has all kinds of platforms, tubes, those dangerous snapping plants and some grassy hills.
I have to say that the tileset could have been a bit more optimized (many blank tiles) but thats not really a problem (j2t files are compressed anyways). Oh and the masking could have been improved, too :-)
Otherwise i really like the look of the set. Very colourful and child friendly.
Our hungarian friend also included two nice levels in his ZiP archive: one small example level and one real, long single player map.
The SP level is obviously meant to be an exact copy of a original SMB3 level. If i knew the game, i could prolly confirm that :-) I was truly impressed by the length and the detail work of the level. The music choice was good (“Dreampipes” from Jazz1) and i guess you already knew that i LOVE super 01d5k001ish 16 KB chiptunez like “Super Mario Land” by reflex/m0vement. Good work, tazar!
As you probably noticed, i really like this pack. Therefore it gets a STRONG DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me. And build some (battle!) levels with it!
No stunts.
But the first review for this level, i didn’t make it! I don’t know who, but not me!
Thats why I deleted it.
At long last my internet is back, you will prolly hear or see me say it more often and at more places, since I have been away for a week, but as for the download here.
This is indeed (as the other reviewers say) quite good looking with sufficient tiles and easy enough to use. The theme has been used a few times, but this one is different enough to be useful.
Hmm the description added here is a bit long, I dont know if its in the readme, but I recommend putting it in there, because if you add such a long description here, people might not feel like reading it (I didnt :)).
I forgot to mention that I like the music very much too.[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.