Hahaha A pinball game!
Never seen any of those at j2o, even though its pretty cool to play.
and Aiko, you are getting old :-)
Hmmmmmm how should one rate a pinball level… ehmz…. I think Aiko rated a tad low…
Ill give it a 7 for now, ill see what ill change if necessary.
Indeed, “Diamondus Fight” is not a bad level. But the dull level name already gives a taste of the fact that something…i don’t know…special is missing.
The level uses the overused Diamondus tileset (if you released this three years ago, it would have been a killer level > see Jeh’s stuff). Design is very good, very fluently playable and circular. Classic platform style, perfect for a decent battle session. There also is some layer work, not outstanding though. Of course, you can have a lot of fun with this level, but as i said, i think its missing the special touch. Dunno :)
Apart from all that, “Diamondus Fight” is still worth seven points and a serious DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me. Happy roasting![This review has been edited by Aiko]
And another level (this time its a pack of two) by Mr. Gargoyle/Krysis/whatever his new name may be :-)
“Carrotus Canyon” uses, um, the Carrottus tileset (bad idea) and has a lot of empty space, that could possibly be used by rabbits flying around on airboards. I don’t know, not really a killer design. Eyecandy is nearly non existant. Plus, it has a bad next level setting.
“The Floating Castle” (uses Castle tileset, d’uh! :-) has a pretty cool, circular design (very fluently playable!), a nice layer 8, but it suffers from a lack of eyecandy and the weapon placement is horrible.
The background music in both levels doesn’t fit in my opinion.
Well, my conclusion: if you like textured 3d backgrounds and a heavy weapon rush, go download. Thank you. Goodbye. 5.5 points.
Hehe, cool. I really like the idea behind this level. Reminds me of my favourite pinball games from the old days: Pinball Fantasies (yay!), Epic Pinball (featuring music by Robert Allen), Extreme PB, Psycho PB, Pro PB and so on…well, back to the review.
As we all know, Carrottus is very overused and therefore not my favourite tileset choice. Nevertheless, the author really tried his best here…to rebuild a pinball table with all kinds of targets, rewards, traps and the like. I only miss some LCD mini games ;-)
Seriously, i don’t have a lot of experience in rating pinball levels for Jazz Jackrabbit 2 but i guess the design is pretty good…it only could need some more eyecandy in my opinion. The default race background music fits okay.
Well, i really don’t know how to rate this. Lets say 6.5, okay?
In any case, it’s DEFiNiTELY WORTH THE DOWNLOAD because the idea is really, really ORiGiNAL. Clean your Shift keys, left and right! :-)
pretty good level, but still some improvements could have been made.
the level layout is quite ok, but has some empty spots in them, as well as some places with too many things in them such as trees and flowers.
weapon placement is in my opinion horrible,not much, and all placed in strange places and numbers(2×2)
overall: check this out, but do not expect uberkewliness, just a fine battle level with hours of fun guaranteed.
to make a long story short:
the set isnt as great as the author claims it is, actually i think its dull and has mostly junk in it, like pictures and stuff. the real tiles are very basic, and we have already seen a lot of those tilesets.
the level isnt that great either, another one of those games levels, which i think is quite boring..we came to jazz to play single player, race, ctf, treasure hunt and of course battle. want to play games? go visit your local games store and get yerself a game of monopoly.
very standard, and not as big as the author claims. what can i say? wash the ego..
Oh, great: another spiffy gar*** level by our favourite level make Gargoyle, one of the most active authors on J2O! :-)
No, really, i actually like this pack. It contains two unbelievably small tilesets (each one having only 20 tiles, actually only 10 and actually its only one tileset in different colours so that i really wonder why the author didn’t make one tileset from it). Well, apart from the not-so-exciting tilesets (i have to admit that they look kinda cool, though) there is a nice, small Capture the flag level included.
It has a very interesting look, a very cool design, okay weapon and base placement and my overall impression is pro Gargoyle this time :-)
The music choice is not really perfect, i always prefer some fresh custom music for custom tilesets.
But well…to sum it up, i find this whole thing quite original and funny and therefore i give out a DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON and impossible 6.5 points. That’s about it :-)
Very nice layout. Love it. Eyecandy is quuite good but can be improved a little bit. A few background gitches, but quite minor.
Basically, the improvements can be easily summed up; there aren’t many mistakes. =)
- Fix trees in background
- More eyecandy-leaves rushing past on foreground layers maybe
- Sky a little dull-i love a moving sky. Maybe a little fade blue, green red etc, paralaxing background (star wars and make it rush past. Love that.
- Music is alright, but doesn’t quite suit. The diamondus JJ2 music would have worked just as well, along with a few others, eg: JJ3 title or 2unlimit. But maybe I’m just biased. ;)
A very good level in my opinion. What are you waiting for? Get out there, download this level!
Scream Tracker 3.2, gotta love this song! :-)
No, seriously, i don’t have much to say here because i’m not really a tracking expert. It sounds remixed somehow, but not like the author really added something super special or exciting. The actual song isn’t changed (same exact lenght and tempo), there are just four samples and five channels added (as the author stated above :-).
If you’re a fan of tracked music, you may want to download this. Everyone else, think about it (i don’t know how to rate, lets say 5?).
Sami Tammilehto r001z!!![This review has been edited by Aiko]
I like it a bit but the tubes must go and ammo placeing must be re-considered.
cough*Ummm… Krisis, didn’t you remebr my level known as ‘Ninjazz©‘ *cough
And, if you want to download it just for the sets, don’t bother there 10×2 tiles and you can just use ‘MEZ01’ or ‘cheq3’.
Downlaod? if you have alot of time on your hands: maybe..[This review has been edited by Nitro]
Ok, very fun level.
Weapon placing: 85%, could use some more ammo to spice up the action.
Eye Candy: 95%, perfect but in the background layers with the trees there are little black lines. Salution: delete all the plain tiles in layers 5,6 and 7 and replace with ‘rubber’ tile (1,1).
Level: 88%, a tad bit to large because the comunaty is smaller today so less people will play and usally it’s a 1vs1 or 1vs1vs1 fight. I lovei n Diamondus levels those trees you can shoot down (Events>Environment>Object>Small Tree).
Download? yes.
At first I think the kill.mod file isn’t suitible for a diamandus level
The eyecandy was ok
weapondeplacement wasn’t so good
gameplay ok
I don’t know why but after a while the level gets a bit boring
download reccomandation yes
This level is stupid
if you take two steps the suckertube sends you to the enemybase and reversa this is stupid
weapondeplacement is bad it is in rooms with a dead end.
download reccomandation
NO![This review has been edited by F!re]
Nice lvl
Build in the Overusted Tileset Diamondus
Design Layout above average
Weapon placement was good
Download ? Yea
Great lvl
Very good Gargoyle Krysis.
The levels look fine, a bit small but I like those.
The tilesets are also above average, even though they are very small (10 * 2 tiles).
I Recommend downloading this indeed!
I think this level is really cool!
The music is nice too!
I really like this winamp skin. (I have so many songs to liste to and this is a cool skin.) It needs to have the AVS and the MiniBrowser Skinned though.
Hmm, I wonder how many tilesets are on J2O now.
Well, Anyway, I think the everything except the letters in this tileset look good, And the example level is a hotel itself, and i’m a positive on hotels. ;) So this gets a 7 from me.
P.S. JJ, i think that (5,12) and (6,12) are water tiles.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.