I hope this is the level I think it is, since I havent downloaded it, because i have already played it online if it is the level i think it is… (understand everyone????)
Well if it is… then: Good, a treasure level, its good to see that on j2o, since there arent many.
Layers arent used enough, but thats not really noticable if you play with 3 or more players I think…
(I bet you havent aiko)
To make a long story short:
Eyecandy: average
Gameplay: good
Grade: 7
NB: the above reviews are in exact order of hight of rating, wonder if they planned it that way :)
Oh well, we all know that the Carrottus tileset is horribly overused and that i hate it but nevertheless someone had the cheekiness to build a relatively good level using it :-)
Generally it is a very creditable idea to make a Tresure Hunt level. There is a massive lack of good TH levels, that is true.
Well, back to my review: actually, the level is pretty average, nothing spectacular, neither relating the design nor the layer work. Sorry. I even find it boring a bit, not “tight” enough somehow.
What i do like is the readme file :-)
Overall, i really don’t know. You won’t see me hosting this one too often i guess…but maybe thats only me. Download or not? Decide for yourself. It’s A MUST DOWNLOAD for all Treasure Hunt freaks, though (a lucky 6).
Okay, in “Dope Mystics, Stage I” the author obviously tried to put some eyecandy in his level. And indeed, the level is relatively nice to look at. Stupidly the design isn’t on the same level in my opinion. There is just too much knick-knack (too many [useless?] events) in it: crates, a lot of empty secret rooms and areas, warps and the like, which makes the level not really fluently playable, if you know what i’m talking about. As F!re said, gameplay is the key.
To sum it up, i only see this level at the average (+ 0.5 lucky points for the eyecandy attempts). But don’t worry, there’s always room for improvements! :-)
I didn’t find an “old version” at J2O. Confuses me. I’d like to have a look at my old reviews…in other words i hate them being deleted by some admin-o-maniac ;-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Well, “yet another Mario tileset”, you may say. But hey, i’ll promise you this is one of the best you have seen so far!
It contains about 400 tiles that are obviously ripped from the Super Mario Brothers 3 game (no idea, i never owned a console, only emulators :-). Thats why it has all kinds of platforms, tubes, those dangerous snapping plants and some grassy hills.
I have to say that the tileset could have been a bit more optimized (many blank tiles) but thats not really a problem (j2t files are compressed anyways). Oh and the masking could have been improved, too :-)
Otherwise i really like the look of the set. Very colourful and child friendly.
Our hungarian friend also included two nice levels in his ZiP archive: one small example level and one real, long single player map.
The SP level is obviously meant to be an exact copy of a original SMB3 level. If i knew the game, i could prolly confirm that :-) I was truly impressed by the length and the detail work of the level. The music choice was good (“Dreampipes” from Jazz1) and i guess you already knew that i LOVE super 01d5k001ish 16 KB chiptunez like “Super Mario Land” by reflex/m0vement. Good work, tazar!
As you probably noticed, i really like this pack. Therefore it gets a STRONG DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me. And build some (battle!) levels with it!
No stunts.
But the first review for this level, i didn’t make it! I don’t know who, but not me!
Thats why I deleted it.
At long last my internet is back, you will prolly hear or see me say it more often and at more places, since I have been away for a week, but as for the download here.
This is indeed (as the other reviewers say) quite good looking with sufficient tiles and easy enough to use. The theme has been used a few times, but this one is different enough to be useful.
Hmm the description added here is a bit long, I dont know if its in the readme, but I recommend putting it in there, because if you add such a long description here, people might not feel like reading it (I didnt :)).
I forgot to mention that I like the music very much too.[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
The design is very okay. The eyecandy looks good but has a lot of small bugs. The author should have tested this level more.
Very good tileset. It got everything the ueser needs and is very userfriendly. However there isn’t much to put on other layers.
Almost a 9. U must have this one in yer tileset list.
Pretty strange guy this Dopey (that’s one of the seven dwarves). I guess he didn’t even take a look at one of the two files (or perhaps didn
t look at both). He’s just trying to be a j2o addict as fast as possible just like another person, I won’t his name.
Anyways the pack:
This is a typical Fire Pack, as I played many of em which aren’t posted here. They’re not the best lvls, but they sure are the most original lvls. Every author sticks to the tileset concept, F!re didn’t and that’s what I like. The psychic tileset is a funky, weirdo styled tileset. And F!re used another music file, made it somewhat darker (Dopey said he couldn’t see a thing. tip: glasses) et voila a weirdo lvl with horror mix.
Toxic Wasteland has a very original background: A city sunken in toxic waste. Very ace. this pack also uses some underused tilesets. From which soem of em are hard to use cos there aren’t many tiles in it.
The boss is the best I ever played. Instead of the standard bosses which are far to easy, the author used a very cool way to make it harder.
However like Fquist allready mentioned, there’s too much space. U can easily fly over em as Jazz (or Lori). Eyecandy isn’t perfect, but adequate.
Rating 7: F!re is a good example of: practice, improves. His first lvls (which aren’t posted here) were quite lame. But now he’s making fun and enjoyable lvls. So all the: I-make-a-lvl-in-15-minutes-and-wast-some-space-on-j2o-ediors. Take F!re as and example.
YaY Finally a Treasure lvl
Dang i realy Liked the level
The Design Layout Was Veryy Good
and it was Treasure +1 point
I order You to Download this Great Treasure lvl Now ;)
YOu cant remeber maybe because u deleted it >:(
I promise you you really did ask splash and stunts they know.
and by the way it’s quite hard to forget that ‘uge review [This review has been edited by F!re]
You Should Play This.
Some great ideas mixed with good old Jazzy gameplay makes this a truly excellent series of levels.
The Jungle set consists of a fine array of tiles.
The Castle set is my favourite. It contains everything you need for a blue castle.
Though I am a sucker for city tilesets, I think in this last tileset the author could have used a little less plagiarsim.
Pretty good levels.
I kinda like those little tests in the levels. Like the maze in the jungle.
It’s a good idea to make an single player level. All those battle and ctf levels :s
Only there is too much emptyness and some bad tiles. Thats all.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Strange….I didn’t make that review, I think! hmm…Mayby I did, but i can’t remember it?
I deleted The review, and I gonna rate it. ((again))
I’m sorry about it, but I realy dunno about that review.
If you don’t believe me, it’s your problem then. But I rEaly Didn’t make the review!
~(Tha real)JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Hey, Toxic Bunny!
It’s very good level pack!
Good design.
Good music.
Good ideas.
Good enemy combination.
Very nice!
No personal attacks please.
Imho, I find these levels have too little scenery. They have too much “space”, which makes it possible to just jump over enemies in some levels. The jcs knowledge is okay, but I am not fond of the design.
heh ipdope
why do did u say this about toxic wastelands:Cool level.
Good eyecandy
Nice layout
Good weapon placement and enemy’s
and now u suddenly say:~Bad Weapon placement
~Funny background
~some dead ends
~Eyecandy could better. But’s oke
it doesnt make any sence
I think you are just saying something
btw magma cave has 35 coins youre just a rookie and you cant find em
and the boss can be defeated easily like splash said[This review has been edited by F!re]
Quite good levels, some where better than others. But it was looking fine. But I’ve enjoyed all of the levels, great fun.
i still wonder how there can be bad weapon placement in SINGLE PLAYER..
oh well my rating then…
here are some nice levels (and way better than other single player lvls ive seen these days), containing a 15 minutes fun.
all the levels seem to be pretty good constructed (in my opinion), except for “Magma Caves” which is a bit too lineair and empty. the rest seems fine to me.
looking at the upper review, i would like to make a note that this is a completely unfair rating, as the author rates it without even looking at the pack in a real way, he just goes through it in 5 mins or something.
the music in all levels are good in my opinion, like in Alice in Horrorland, the creepy music plays, which fits perfectly in such a creepy environment.
the level that uses the jazz1 jungle tileset is a real fun level. u have to complete little tests, and flying with a bird trough an enemy camp is real good, a real change from the normal shootstuff
the boss level is finishable. u have to destroy all crates around the machine, before u can tackle the boss (which is a real pain in the ass, dont lose him out of sight!)- fortunately some carrots are at hand.
taking points off for stuff like : i cant finish it, too dark or bad weapon placement is kinda silly – i think it proves that the rater is only experienced in the many battle reviews, but cannot rate single player levels properly.
my rating: a 7. this pack is a nice fresh pack- after all those battle and ctf levels, my fav thingy has returned!
and at last a little copying from Idope’s review on Toxic Wasteland…
Cool level.
Good eyecandy
Nice layout
Good weapon placement and enemy’s
D/l recommendation
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
and now look at what he said about it in this pack, the same lvl…
this smells ppl..this smells…
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.