Review by ÍpÐøpé

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

Cool ;-)

Review by ÍpÐøpé

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mario Pack
Level rating: 6.4

hmm……..It missed some basic stuff. Like vines.
It’s a real mario level. I kinde like it.
Well done for your first one.

~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Where Warriors Fall
Level rating: 8.5

The coin Bonus is quite funny. Since everybody is always searching coins in battle server. But further? This level isn’t much fun to play.

No Mystic Legends Quality :P[This review has been edited by Newspaz]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem Formula
Level rating: 6.8

Cool! Finally a Treasure Hunt level! Very good idea, MoonShadow! But i have to agree with F!re: it kinda reminds me of the default Labrat Treasure Hunt level that comes with the game. A different tileset would have also been a great idea :-)
But well…“Gem Formula” has a neat design, some real nice layer work and…a lot of gems, of course. Nevertheless, i still miss something really special in it…some places still look a bit empty for some reason. I don’t know.
However, i RECOMMEND you to DOWNLOAD “Gem Formula” right now! It’s Treasure Hunt! :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Viridian City
Level rating: 3.1

First of all, Chi Chi DZ, you should always tell us who made the tileset that your level uses. It has large effect on my rating!

Well, “Veridian city” seems to use a nice little selfmade tileset containing about 310 tiles, mostly showing comic stuff from the japanese tv show, that seems to quite popular these days (i have to admit that i don’t really know or like it). Apart from the comic stuff, the tileset also features some nice platforms (good idea!) and a whole lot of funny animations (some people will find them funny i suppose :-).

As some other reviewers already mentioned, the level itself is neither a real battle nor anything else, which makes it a problem to give a clear opinion. Fortunately the design is kinda good and i even noticed some discreet eyecandy. The background is interesting but not really beautiful. On a side note, TSF’s “Frolick Lane” fits okay as the background music (i will always prefer custom music for custom tilesets, though).

Overall, “Veridian city” is only VERY slightly below the average (because i don’t see a clear level concept). But i’m 100% sure the author tried his best here. Keep making tilesets and levels! Well, Pokemon fans will love this anyways. Everyone else might want to have a look it at, too. Decide for yourself.

Oh and F!re, you should watch your language a bit.

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ðøpé-MyStIcS; Stage I
Level rating: 5.8

hmm a carrotus battle level
I like the two poles in the screen looks great
This level is a little to small for a battle level
eyecandy ok
gamplay terrible
weapondeplacment bad
This level has lots of irratating stuff in it like
the wind
the secret passages (i took me a few minites to find a way through)
the morph chest (i become lori no way)

well the idea was great but maybe if you make the lvl bigger you’ll have more space to walk which will get you a better gameplay.

well better luck next time

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ðøpé-MyStIcS; Stage I
Level rating: 5.8

i kinda like this level
Design Layout is below average
eyecandy is Good
Weapon placement was not very good
but ok
i think the wind is anoying
wind in Mp is Bad [This review has been edited by Stilettø]

Review by ÍpÐøpé

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem Formula
Level rating: 6.8

~good eyecandy
~nice level design
~weapon placement could be better, but it’s oke.

D/l? Yes.
Good work for your first treasure hunt level

~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

What JelZe said. Thats about it. Bye…

No, seriously, let me give a short review on this fresh, awesome space tileset by our tileset (and level!) legend Disguise. It has the unbelievable amount of 1020(!) tiles and nearly all of them are incredibly good-looking and useful. While looking at it, i actually have the feeling its a compilation of four or five different tilesets because Disguise created some seperate landscapes that wouldn’t fit together in one level. When im scrolling down in my upper left JCS window, i can see a “CyberSpaz Tileset v2“like part, then again comes a part that looks like it was MEZ05…its just a great, wild mixture. Of course, everything is still space related, somehow…:) There are also some very interesting background structures that look kinda “3d rendered” or something like that.
Well, what else to say…“Spacey Universe” includes everything important…all kinds of shapes and landscape design. A small disappointment are the around 15 tiles ripped from original Epic sets (including important stuff like signs and poles!). It would have been much cooler if you had own drawings for those events.
Some of the writings that can be found on certain tiles look a bit silly (“Blue Rocks”, “We hate RED” etc.)too…but that isn’t a real problem :-)
Apart from the tileset itself, Disguise included four nice example levels in his ZiP archive: two battles, one CTF map and a treasure hunt level with an annoying exit event :) The levels could have been a tad better, but they still would get a rating around 8 i guess. Oh, one word about the music: i don’t like it AT ALL. Over TWO MB, six and a half minutes playing time and 30 instruments for nothing, i’d say. Not my style, sorry. And for that matter (Criticism! Harhar! :)…you can take it as a nice little provocation Disguise, i still like some of DethMan’s tilesets a tad better (mainly “7th Lava Fall”). Therefore, i’m very bold and rate it 8.5 (i was undecided between 8.5 and 9). Of course, i could think about it and re-rate it anytime :-)

Anyways, there can be no doubt that “Spacey Universe” is one of the best homecooked tilesets ever. It’s a MUST DOWNLOAD for all you freaks!

You got an extra point for the best author’s description (see above) so far :-)

TSF rules.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fortune Carrots!
Level rating: 7.4

Nice lvl
Cool Design Layout
only maybe a bit too small

Review by tazar

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubelectric Remix (DJ Insectdroid)
Level rating: 6.1

Good music, but not better than original version!

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mario Pack
Level rating: 6.4

Well well
another mariotileset
tileset is ok
but it could have been much bigger (loadsa empty spaces)
Everything’s ripped from the game smb3
The example levels are well not so good
the tileset is ok though
I also like the musicfile :)
dowload this, well I did didn’t I ;)

Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

O my…If Aiko sees this set, he’s likely to eat it! :)

And Shadow, you’re not the only one with that idea ;P

Ladies and gerbils (no wait, that’s not right) Disguise made the PERFECT tileset. This tileset is just TOO good. It has lots of variety in landscape tiles:
- a rocky surface
- The moon
- a green I-don’t-know-how-to-call-it.
- A space ship
Further more: tubes, mountain background, groovy skies. The only bad thing is: NO animating tiles, the set is 1020 tiles (!) big. Now if you had TSF…and why am i telling all this? I order you to download this right away! Then check it out for yourself. :)

- JelZe GoldRabbit

P.S. I wanted to be like Aiko with this review. Didn’t work. Now i have to copy it to TSF in case Aiko will host it :P

Review by Zieg

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mountain Trip
Level rating: 7.4

An above average set…

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

WHOAH you’ve done a censored good job.
Great tileset
the colors fit perfectly in the jazz2 game
The example levels are good to
Man I’m definitly gonna make a lvl for my upcoming single-player lvl pack with this tileset.
keep up the good job J2LC-er![This review has been edited by F!re]

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Christmas Presents Patch
Level rating: 6.1

I really don’t see what the patch was used for. I did read the readme, I usually always read the readmes. Well I downloaded the patch then the level I guess why do say why this patch was needed.

I rated the level Tazar.[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]

Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Christmas
Level rating: 7.7

Great level Tazar, it was really fun. A little too easy though here are the stats.

-I couldn’t find the bug
-Too many carrots
-Secrets too easy to find
-Eye Candy could’ve improved (I looked at the tileset and used it before there is more background tiles).

-Used the rarely used Mad Monster Robotnik boss. (I forgot the Boss’ name)
-Yummy food chosen
-Worth the download![This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]

Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

Man, I like this tileset a lot..

Lotso to do, lots to create with..
I love it.. This will be included with the Future Evolution Final Release =)

Review by MattW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zybug's Temple
Level rating: 2

Ok, I (odviously) have different likes and dislikes on tilesets than you all do.
The tileset looks cool, The level is… well… Funky! ;)
That’s all i have to say.
Download? : You Choose.

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

WoW Very Cool tileset
i luv it
BTw Happy Birthday ;)