Has a nice cartoony feel to it that fits well for Jazz. Too lazy to say much more. Definitely worth a download; from one of the best custom tileset makers around. :)
Another little thing I want:
Could all the beta testers PLEASE download this tileset again. I’ve made changes since you’ve tested, and not one of you have the latest version. That includes you Bobby, I added something else since you tested the ‘latest’ version. The last thing I want is more than one version of this tileset out there. It was a pain with Blue World having to download it every time there is a different level.
I’m also glad to annouce that I uploaded this level on my 17th Birthday (30 May 2001). This will be the celebration :)
Rock on Jazzers FOREVER!!
Oh, almost forgot, thank you VERY much Frankenquist for finishing the downloads section today :D[This review has been edited by Disguise]
And B/C I am making a Big level pack & this will damage my average rating
B/C its not mine & my brother (the rightful owner) has a updated one
Well this is the first treasure hunt level on j20
to bad this was also made with a labrat tileset I was hoping for something new.
I personally love treasure hunt but there are not many levels
level has some good eyecandy
a major bad point is that there arent many directions to go to.
the level could be bigger though
well done for a 1st treasure hunt lvl
you’ll get a 6.7 from me
btw no pass
dowload Certainly
[This review has been edited by F!re]
i am a huge pokemon fan, but i am really dissapointed in the pokemon stuff that is made here on jazz…
as F!re mentioned it is Viridian City :)
u cant really call this a battle lvl, its more a little lvl that the author made in which was tried to put some fun stuff in it, not decent battle stuff.
u walk around a small viridian forest, then enter the gym thats about all. not a very good lvl, might want to download…might…
what? have my eyes gone mad?
a treasure hunt lvl – finally!
runs off and rates it asap
Very Nice
But i liked to see More Things like Tubes Vines
Very Nice CTF lvl
I liked THe design Layout eyecandy was good
Weapon Placement Was Good
Download This Now
VEry Bad
Add more Things
I can`t Make a lvl with this
Future Evolution is sure to be an ace CTF pack, not perfect but ace. A must be for CTF fans I guess.
The eyecandy looks perfect: The author used max. out of the tilesets and the layers are used very efficient. However in some the lvls it’s 2 confusing and slowsdown gameplay.
The gameplay itself isn’t perfect, rather normal/good. Some springs are placed awful (and if the’re is one thing I hate it is that). The springs are very important ingredients for gamespeed. Some lvls have these “bad-springs”. Bumping yer head against walls or being stuck behind debris cos of a spring, that’s real annoying when u have the flag and a bandit on yer six (especially one with RF missiles).
The music choice is perfect, my personal favourite is wessyT2k.mod the file used for Waste House. This file is actually a remix of the music file this same Author used in Toxic Waste.
To sum it all up this one definetely deserves a 9. It could be higher if the the “badsprings” and other “slow-down-gameplay-things” are removed/enhanced. But hey, it’s a beta perhaps he’ll change to make em even more perfect… I certainly hope so.
I liked this level More as The Other revieuwers
Weapon Place ment Was Bad
Level Design Layout Was Below Average
THe Background isnt Good
But With this Tileset u cant Make a Good Background
Lvl was too Small
Tip Make The level Bigger
and Make More Weapons
And Eyecandy
Download? For the Pokemon Fans U May want to Download This[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Very Nice level
The Layout Design Was Good Above Average i Gues
Eyecandy was ok
Weapon PlaceMent was Good
The lvl was a Bit too Easy
Download? Yes
[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
aiai….very BAD
~Bad use of tileset
~the music was NOT included the zipfile :S
~bad weapon placement
~you have to make some new layers.
~bad background
Everybody thinks it’s very easy to make levels. But it isn’t! It’s not 1 minute work.
Use another tileset and make a real level.
I don’t recommend to downloading this.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
In the first place u spelled viridian city wrong
you call this a battle lvl
you can only go in 2 directions
very tiny
bad event placement : exmpl the spring under the pidgey
btw theres no pass on the level
sorry but this level is real crap
This level uses a (presumably) seldmade tileset which hasnt got much to use, the level uses whatever there is to use in the tileset, but still is a bad one.
There is like 1 minute needed to complete the level.
I do not recommend downloading this, its a pure waste of space.
Next time chi chi, I advise you to get a tileset you can work with. There are many pokemon tilesets (5 i know of) and most of them are far more easy then this one.
Good luck.
This level isn’t all that bad. The water didn’t bother me. The secrets were good, even though items and enemies weren’t always placed all that well. Some places of the level are quite empty, fortunately not too often. The eyecandy is average. Maybe the level was a bit too easy, but then again, life doesn’t always have to be difficult.
I like the idea, but i think that you could of put in a bit more effort into the tileset. I think most of it is mainly desert. The tiles were well choson, but the way you made them didn’t make a very good impression on me. Ill give this a 6 just becuase its a pretty good idea and the tiles were well choson.
Please, f!re, dont tease me with that.
Being a super villian is hard enough as it is. :-)
A comment to the comment of you Talec:
The eyecandy that could go in here, perhaps sauce (you could easily make destruct tiles with that too) and A big head that eats stuff or something.
Second: Lately its getting a bit better, but usually Jazz 2 is filled with newbies (no offence though) who have not seen many levels and are not at all good at designing them themselves so they go around and are impressed by every level they see.
Its just like the fact that some people base their reviews solely on the reviews of others or even if they like it still rate low if others rate low.
(that is no personal offence, usually if a lot of people say a level is good then its good and same with bad, but still).
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.