Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Wild West
Level rating: 6.6

If this is your first tileset then i must say it is very well done, the tileset uses the wild west theme and some tiles from the jungle tileset.

It has enough variation and eyecandy and unfortunatly some minor masking bugs that are really annoying (the slopes and the not so flat land).

The example level however does not show the full potential the tileset has and is bad for a level that shows a tileset.

I didnt read the readme but its prolly good LOL.

The name of the level isnt original either but this is the first wild west tileset I have so I like it. A download recommendation from me (although I advise everyone to look at the tileset and not at the example level).

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

Woah, I think here we are getting a nice discussion on weather hotels are useful to post or not and I think which site will win.

But considering that this is a place to post, download and review levels I believe you two (derby and Tublear) should take it to the community forums.

If you will I shall remove this review.

Thank you for your attention.

Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

Personal attack. I’m so heartbroken. ;-P

I don’t believe you can actually be stressing our freedom to review levels posted here. We’re lenient enough not to rate your hotel in the first place (one reason being that you asked us not to, the other being that J2O needs lower ratings than just 1). It’s all or nothing, and there is no in-between; either none of us rate it (there are some requests like that occasionally, and that’s perfectly alright) or all of us rate it (with the exception of the creator(s)), so this is going to be considered overrated in every view possible. Wasting your time reading these reviews is better in every way than wasting your time making hotel levels no one likes; that’s the truth that some might take in with difficulty. As this level has already been rated, other users may do one of two things:

1.) Users may cancel their system ratings and change them to N/A.


2.) All users may rate this download.

I don’t believe it is fair for you to get higher ratings than others on this file pack just because you are only allowing positive ratings. You’re defeating the purpose of J2O’s review system, and are probably making many people (less myself, of course, as I haven’t uploaded any levels) somewhat angry.

To put it simply, either noone rates it, or everyone rates it (excluding the creator(s)). That’s all; no more, no less.

~ Derby

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Trampolinus
Level rating: 4.3

This is another example of an unfinished (well I would call it that) tileset, a nice try with a below-average level, but I still think this needs more.

More effort, more work, more tiles more eyecandy and so on…

I cannot recommend this anymore then the other reviewers do.

I will also lower my rating because of the description change. No tileset that is uploaded here could be considered ‘not for building levels’ because if that were true, why download? Also, treasure levels need weapons just as badly as other types of levels, because you blow the gems right out of your opponent and what better way to do that then by getting a whole arsenal of blasting weaponry???[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mirrows Tileset Pack
Level rating: 7.8

thats one pretty nice pack o’ tilesets!
especially the one in the city (hmm i wonder where i parked my car…)

the jungle one is good too, altough its not really a junglem its much more a wood thing, but oh well a real jungle tileset already exists, right?

the castle lvl is VERY good too…im really looking forward for some more lvls made with it :)

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Trampolinus
Level rating: 4.3

Small level
No weapons Nothing
i cant say much about it
The tileset was Below Normal
If jou add Some other Things(bassis things on it
jou may get a Higher Rating
a 5.0 cuz I`m so nice ;)
Download? Ur Choice

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Trampolinus
Level rating: 4.3

no its not complicated as the author said it maybe could be, and thats cos it has only 30 VERY basic tiles!

altough a light improvement with his/her last tileset, this still is way too small and basic. advise: make it bigger, put more variety in it, add some nice things for background stuff, as well as useable tiles like vines or small platforms.

i think its way too small and basic. not really anything nice
i can only say the ppl who love being in claustrophobic places should get this, otherwise download it to rate or let it be…

Review by Gargoyle

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Trampolinus
Level rating: 4.3

By the way, my new nick-name is Krysis(If anyone didn’t understand that from the tileset).

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

Hotels aren’t really lvls. There’s just….things. Often heared sentences are: “Let’s jump into the pool” or “Can I have a room?”. Reminds of when I was about 5 years old: Playing mummy and daddy is about the same, except in hotels u play a person who wants to rent a room. It’s the same “When I grow up concept” or they’re just short on cash and can’t find a room in real life.
As u can see I don’t like hotels so I can’t review them cos of my not-neutral opinion. I just want to say run u could run it as a server but putting it on j2o is just a waste of 128128 bytes.
[This review has been edited by $TÛNT$]

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

Hmm this is below the hotel level that Im used to.

I usually like hotels when there is nothing worth wile on or just to chat for a little while when Im bored, but this one does not provide sufficient entertainment for me (woah cool words, cant believe I came up with them :).

Anyway, read from the other downloaders why you should not really download this, besides the fact that its a hotel.

And stiletto, Normaal is Dutch LOL~!!

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Toxic Wastelands
Level rating: 7.8

“Toxic Wastelands” is a very good single player level using Haze’s awesome compilation called “Jazz1: Mayham”.
Design and eyecandy are just great and the author really makes intensely use of the variety of the tileset. Only the difficulty level is adjusted a bit too easy in my opinion. Otherwise, very good work!
If this is “a taste” of your “upcoming single player pack”, i await it eagerly.

I RECOMMEND EVERYONE to DOWNLOAD “Toxic Wastelands” because its finally something fresh and different (as STUNTS already mentioned). Wow, 7.5 points!

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

I`m neutral
But this one was Bad
Layout Design was Below Average/Normaal
Eyecandy Was poor
No Download recommedation

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zybug's Temple
Level rating: 2

Good things of this tileset:

Bad things of this tileset:

You can hardly make any levels with this useless tileset.

If I could rate any lower than a 1 I would give you a -3

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Future Apocalypse
Level rating: 7.9

Great level pack
good lvls made with this hard tileset
original things are in them like blowing up the crate in the water with tnt.
I also like your secret lvl (need’s pass you’ll find by playing the lvls)
I hope your future levels are Just as fun to play with.

keep up the good work splash :)

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

This hotel level looks ugly
like the water if you walk to the edge you can see yourself in the wall and there are more examples like this but I won’t say them or else this woeuld be a very long revieuw. BTW Hotel lvl’s are useless maybe they’re fun to chat in but if you want to chat don’t waste your time by making hotel levels go get ICQ or msn. I personally think levels like this aren’t wothy to be put on this nice website.

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

I’m kind of neutral on hotels, if theres nothing else to play, then I’ll do a hotel (If I’m not playing Zelda Classic or RM2K But thats another story) and then I’ll probably get kicked because I went into some “secret” “employees” room.

So, this doesn’t really deserve a real rating.

Review by Derby

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4

What are we supposed to do with this level, anyway? Forget battle; do we play it in single player mode and try to beat it? Do we try to capture the flag in it? Do we hunt for treasure in it? Or do we race in it? Sure, I can write another huge review/article on this, but it won’t help the fact that hotels can get a rating of one point at its very best.

“Hotels are boring. Don’t make hotels.” Use this piece of advice from J2O’s “Did you Know?” wisely.

Really, if you guys are that interested in hotels, make a separate archive for them. Approximately 74.3%* of the players in the community despise the sight of hotels. Why bring their presence back, then? ;-P

~ Derby

  • An estimate by the FDA (FooD and Drug and Administration).[This review has been edited by Derby]

Review by MattW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hotel Tublear V
Level rating: 3.4


Well, Been waiting for this for a LONG time. It looks SO good (Great tileset chosen also). Besides, I’m a fan of hotels, and this is one of my favorites.

D/L reccomendation from me.

[Grammar correction]

(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Matt's Grassy lands
Level rating: 5.9

Í didnt see much change in the new uploads but still, its good that you’re fixing bugs mattw.

Woop Woop

Review by F!re

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mirrows Tileset Pack
Level rating: 7.8

Great tilesets
looks good
easy to make a lvl with

I order U to download this ;P