Good level and good tileset.
Got to download this one.
I give it a 7,5.
Great tilesets.
And I like the test levels too.
I give it a 8,2
Ya, I like these tilesets.
~easy to use
~they have the basic things
~Good eyecandy
d/l recommendation from me.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Cool level.
Good eyecandy
Nice layout
Good weapon placement and enemy’s
D/l recommendation
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Nice tileset
it has the Basic things what a good tileset Need
i didnt like the car
i didnt liked this tilesetz as much as aiko Did
il rate the levels latar Someday ;)
Well this getz a Download Recommedation
[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
A little note to Aiko:
I based my prevous rating on the tilesets mirrow had built and how easy they were in usage.
In the level I made for smallcastle, with me out of the gun boxes came lizards (1 per box) as a little surprise for the unwary, but that seems to be not-working on other systems. Perhaps its because i use an edited INI file with my jcs.
Wow! This german-dutch co-production really kicks ass! By the way, let me mention this right at the beginning…“Mirrows Tileset Pack” is a very good example of how a tileset and a level designer can work together.
However, back to the topic: the pack consists of three brand new tileset by mirrow: “Jungle-Danger” (240 tiles), “new city” (about 480 tiles, there seem to be two versions included for some reason) and “smallcastle” (480 tiles). All three look very good but of course, i do have a favourite: the blue-brown look and oil-painting like background graphics of “smallcastle” impressed me, somehow. Basic structures like walls, spikes, vines, signs and the like can be found in all three tilesets. Not to forget all the animations, background objects etc.. Its just too much to describe it here.
Furthermore, each tileset has an example level made by our dutch friend BlackDeath aka Fear. It’s single player levels and they are jampacked with trigger crates, little puzzles, good looking eyecandy. Of course, it’s still “example levels” instead of real, long single player maps. The MCE’s in the “Small Castle” level were quite annoying for example.
The two background music tunes chosen by BlackDeath, “The Digital Dawn” by Sorath and “Dead lock” by Elwood are of outstanding tracked quality and fit good for those levels.
All in all, i can’t say much except THiS iS A MUST HAVE for every J2 fan. I really hope to see some nice levels using one of those tilesets in the future :-)
I admit, i am already biased ‘cause i kinda know my fellow german jazzer mirrow for some time but BlackDeath, i don’t know if it’s idea if you rate this pack, too :-)
Stunts is a critical person isnt he or it :)?
And pre, promises are only promises, this level does look like a battle 1 clone or an edited version of it.
Hmm I guess I dont have much to add to the other reviewers exept for the fact that some people take this place to seriously.
Some people are good at making levels and some arent and they will all not know until they have posted their levels here and found out the rating.
Think about that everyone…[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
Stiletto you posted the of the same ratings, delete one!
Very Nice lvl
The design layout is Average
Eyecandy is ok
The Background was very cool extra 1 p
Download? yes [This review has been edited by Fquist]
Fire allready knew my rating. But here it is for other people, who didn’t know:
The lvl used the Jazz 1: NeW’s Mayhem tileset made by Haze Hackrabbit and is a very underused tileset. The tileset is a combination of Jazz 1: Decksta, Jazz 1: Industrial and Jazz 1: Muckamo. The Jazz 1 tileset lack of good backgrounds and the author did a great job by making a very new background: A city sunken in toxic waste.
The gameplay itself could use a little tweak but overall it’s ok.
The music fits the lvl not so well (the version I played used a musicfile from Jazz3D).
If u’re a real 1P fanatic who’s sick of all those standard lvls like castle and diamondus: Download this and have fun.
AAAAAAWWW Everyone else always gets to do the testing rofl…
Woah, very censored nice level, I will be waiting for the pack!
Good eyecandy, good usage of the tileset, good secrets, weapon placement and enemies…
Download recommendation from me!
Allright since I made the example levels I will base my rating solely on the tilesets and the readme file included.
The tilesets look good, easy to use, good eyecandy, good masking…
Mirrow outdid himself once again.
A Download recommendation from me…
Please somebody rate this level!!
Hey, I write long reviews. Just I haven’t bothered to make a rubric yet for Tilesets. ;P
YEAH!!!this is really great!?
Nice level, blaster.
~Good eyecandy.
~Nice layout.
~the hurt is “Bad”.
come and download this level.
~ÍpÐøpé aka RêM [HêâÐêR]
Cool tileset what else can I say.
I never can make so big reviews as Derby man you spend an hour on it :)
(Well, at least spend five minutes! :( ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
>The “very original” sequel to Mountain is called Mountain Trip (I guess it’s a sequel), anyways here’s the review:
The is tileset is slightly better than Mountain. It has the things to build a fresh lvl, except, still, it hasn
t got the layer use. Some plain air and stripes as rain isn’t enuf.
But if u’re not very confident with JCS I advise u to use this one, cos it lacks of all the possibilties JCS offers and is there for (too) simple.
For the advanced builder: Look for something more challenging than is, but if u really wanna build with it u can download it, who’ll stop u?[This review has been edited by $TÛNT$]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.