This tileset was aufully hard to use but i like the 3D looks,I cannot really say anymore…
The first level is cool. Good looking, nicely designed, great music, etc…
The water in the second level was so weird that it was hard to see the level. That made the level a bit less fun. Besides that, though, the level was pretty good.
What was wrong with his level ChristmAs stiletto? and WHY should I download something if Im not sure what it is or if i need it??
So this is how stiletto got more reviews than me LOL :-).
Now I have checked the level and it is very good. It uses the Heaven tileset and music by agama (could have guessed by the name) and has good eyecandy. The tileset is well used and weapon placement is good.
Bad thing is that there’s a little too much emptyness on the right top side of the level.
This gets a d/l recommendation from me and an 8.5 as grade, which should say enough :).
Stunts, i don’t think so. I just think: “Why don’t choose your own rating?”.
And Stunts, why are almost all of your review so negative?[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
Am I a newbie, Aiko?
Not too big, but I love the very-hard-to-use-Inferno tileset. The level is not so special and after sometime a bit boring. Also maybe too musch weapons, and lack of eyecandy. But as Aiko said, Battle fans will like this. 6.7 and a d/l recommendation from me, BD. Use it. Oh yeah, Jojo, the level is not associated with Mb at all.
Hehe, this is really the “Disguide style”. The tileset has everything what a tileset needs, and some other stuff.
The color is great, and the tileset has some cool animations.
Soem tiles are maybe not detailed enogh, but that doesn’t really matter. I like the tileset.
Downlaod recommendation, 7.5.
Everything is a bit standard and VERY overweaponed. The eyecandy isn’t very good, especially the ground.
However an underused tileset is often worth a go, so try it.
A very nice pack.
Nice boss combinations, good level design and nice use of tilesets.
Ultimate sounds a bit 2 good. It’s standard and it lacks of detailed stuff (A coloured bar for a suckertube for example)
Not much possibilities for layer use, but a tileset which is easy to use and provides enuf to make an adequate lvl.
U could download this, but it’s not a must-have.
Sorry, you’re right. I should shut up and let people do their own rating…
Its a patch for his lvl Cristmis
Read the Readme and u Know what it is
“Chil wars” is a very nice level using my beloved and not-so-easy-to-use “Inferno” tileset.
The design is good, circular and therefore the best basis for great battle fun! Unfortunately there is a major lack of eyecandy and the whole level just misses something special. Sorry. Hardcore battle fans like me will like it anyways, so WHY NOT DOWNLOAD :-)
P.S.: Oh and BD, no “Rofl!” reviews, please. THANK YOU.
“Super Jackrabbit Wars” is cool single player pack including six brand new levels using four (well actually only two) different custom tilesets (MEZ01 [three levels], Moebius [three levels], lasttest3 [not really] and marine? [ditto]). Not to forget four great custom music files: “ALLIANCE” by DRAX, song11.s3m from Jazz1, Deadlock by Elwood and the (not-so) funky “Titus the fox” theme (LOL! I remember that game! :-).
The levels themselves really rock, i esspecially like the MEZ01 maps and the “Doomsday” level. The design is very good in all six levels, and it’s big fun to play and blast the enemies. Eyecandy is also okay (nothing super special though). The difficulty level is just right i think. Music fits good in most levels. Otherwise, what Splash said :-)
Definitely WORTH THE DOWNLOAD and about 15 minutes of pure single player fun!
J20 is dieing ??
IpDope Flash BlackDeath Cant u just Revieuw Instead of N/A
Haha Good Idea Tnx …..
I``m Realy getting Sick of jou Guys
wow, this are very cool levels, i am impresed, just the soundpick and the way of playin, very cool!
and level2 , normally i dont like waterlevels that much, only this one i did like, I just enjoyed to play this pack, i hope you upload more levels soon.
I remember this tileset from J2C i think. Anyways, “Ultimate World” offers 290 good looking tiles: platforms, walls, vines, flowers, signs, clouds, bones, fire (the tileset includes elements of both, heaven and h-e-l-l) and a background to name some examples.
The overall look is a bit “self-drawn” in my opinion but hey, it was his first public release :-)
Disguise also included a small example battle map. South african style, do i have to say more? (it’s a tad bit small though ;-)
By the way, you can find another nice level using this tileset in “Distruct’s Pack” by Distruct, here at J2O.
To sum it up, i really RECOMMEND “Ultimate World” as a MUST DOWNLOAD for all tileset fans (and not only them). It’s easy to use and i’m convinced all you talented artists can make great levels of out it! Disguise for president!!! (let’s say King since he seems to be in goody ole England now :-).
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.