Good use of this difficult tileset.
~good eyecandy
~nice layout
~some bad tiles
~weapon placement could be better…..
Download recommend.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
P.S.: Fear, mayby you have to re-upload this level with another name, ‘cuz MB is death.
LMAO!!! (better Aiko?)[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
Nice lvl
The design Layout was Good
Weapon Placement Could be better but it was ok
Eyecandy was Good
Lvl was a bit too smal
Download ? Yes
Ps jojo its only a lvl name
no Need to reupload cuz MB is death [This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Now you still did not say what its for, it seems to me that it should be in the description no matter what everyone knows or doesnt know and Aiko, you seem to be pretty set on deleting things from here… HAH
Okiedokie, Basicly most of the ground tiles are the same but just in another color. It also has some quite nice oportunities like letting meteors fall out of the sky, you can do about everything.. Even the background fits good to most situations.
Fine job done a long time ago. Thumbs up
WoW Nice tileset Disguise
The level is Cool
I always liked jou`r Styl of level making
Great lvl and Tileset
Can we expect More Great lvl`s and tilesets from jou ?
Download ? Yes
BtW can jou give me some Tileset Making Tips ?[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
thnx (I think)[This review has been edited by ÍpÐøpé]
Good tileset. It’s not a difficult tileset, but a good one.
~There are nive tiles too make a background or somethin’
~Bad name.
~good eyecandy
It’s a nice tileset too use.
hmm……….7.5 points I think…..Yup, here you have 7.5 points from me.
Everybody: Download this tileset ;)
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Hmm. Reply comments time..
It’s missing stuff? Okay, I’ll add the stuff and reupload it.
Boring Battle – The level name was a joke. You just have to take this as a joke, not a serious project.
Pasta was a test level. I liked the beginning look of it, and some people (me, for example) like editing levels, so I thought I would release it to the Jazzers so they can fool with it.
What kind of background tiles could go in a pasta set? But then, I can’t think up decent background scenery to save my life :/
I may redo Fasta Pasta in the future.
The reason it looks unprofessional is because it’s not supposed to look professional :P Dang, I thought I made this clear in the readme >_<
THank you! Finally! I admit I was rather expecting a more welcoming download committee (Wait… Is there such a thing? :P), since this level and set had gotten pretty darn good remarks when I hosted it in Jazz2.
Sorry about the wrong level settings. Just about all Battle levels I have a linked in a chain of levels for my server, and I keep forgetting to change the Next Level when I go to upload something.
Questions: What kind of eye candy can go into a pasta set? Also, what design should destruct scenery blocks be in? The normal stony ones wouldn’t look good in this cartoony set.
I’ll spare you the long review, but this is an excellent tileset. It even has (new) destructable blocks that look like Epic made them (hmm, maybe they did… TSF?)! It takes a little bit of the marble tileset, and sticks it in a whole new one… very nice. It only lacks a few minor things, and the “Epic” look (it’s a bit too “sharp”, and the outline lines are too thin in some places and sometimes in places where they shouldn’t be).[This review has been edited by SteelTalon]
I think i have seen this tileset, or parts of it before, and I like it, apart from the name which sucks…
Besides all that its pretty good and I found it easy enough to use.
Keep it up Disguise!
EDIT: 10-20-2006:
Ohaa…how long time is it ago, that I creat this …bad xD…level???
I must be 14/15 years old, when I creat it. I want to say sorry to all of you, who have played the battle level :P
Have fun playing Jazz
greets from Germany
All you newbies should (generally) calm down a bit and just click on the “all levels by this author” button above. It will enlighten you. (A closer look at the readme would have also helped, btw)
The other newbie, tazar, also didn’t read my “Some basic advice for J2O Newcomers”, which can be found in the articles section:
If you have a patch or update for your upload, simply use the re-upload function (click on “edit info/re-upload” in the upper right corner).
Thank you so much. J2O rocks.
Admins, if you read this: delete this upload.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Tileset looks a little simple (sorry splash how should I know ;) ) But you can make great lvl’s with it and I espesially like the sucker tubes ;)
‘fraid i dont have all tilesets on this one, so i cannot rate this.
Wow, i’m impressed! “Future Apocalypse” is a spiffy new single player level pack using Haze’s large, awesome “Jazz1: NeW’s Mayham” mixture tileset. The idea to choose this tileset is already worth one extra point!
The design is just great, maybe it’s a tad too easy sometimes (crates are easy to find, enemies easy to kill). The layer work is very eye-catching. Great work!
As the background music for the second level, Splash included Skaven/FC’s breathtaking “Ice Frontier”, which is a legendary demo tune of the early nineties (sigh). It fits perfect, as Flash mentioned correctly :-)
However, i’m in the mood to reward Splash with eight(!) points (sunstroke probably, i’m not used to these temperatures ;-). The “Future Apocalypse” is a MUST DOWNLOAD!
The passworded battle level seems to be a nice idea, but somehow i didn’t find the secret word yet :-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]
What is this for???
Some good levels, a bit short and some minor bugs.
It is worth a download.
I must say I disagree with everyone here.
The levels are pretty well designed, a bit of emptyness, less eyecandy and wrong next level settings, but still.
I would recommend downloading this…
Maybe its just me :)
I had upload problems, let Cell contact bobby, he can fix it
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.